歌词可可西 带你心飞
点仔胶黏着脚 叫阿爸买猪脚
猪脚箍滚烂烂 饫鬼囝仔流嘴澜
Goodbye to you my trusted friend / 再见,我的挚友   We've known each other since we were nine or ten / 自九或十岁我们便相识   Together we've climbed hills and trees / 我们一起爬过了多少山丘与树木   Learned of love and ABC's / 学习爱与知识(ABC在英语中泛指基础知识)   Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees / 刻画著我们的心与膝   Goodbye my friend it's hard to die / 再见了,我的朋友,要离开这世界很困难   When all the birds are singing in the sky / 那些鸟儿正在空中吟唱   Now that spring is in the air / 而春天也已渗入空中   Pretty girls are everywhere / 到处都是漂亮的女孩   Think of me and I'll be there / 当你想起我,我便在你身边   We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但我们曾爬过的山丘却不再有季节   Goodbye Papa, please pray for me / 再见了,爸爸,请为我祈祷   I was the black sheep of the family / 我曾是家中最叛逆的(black sheep 意为“害之马”) You tried to teach me right from wrong / 你却教导我正确的事物   Too much wine and too much song / 太多的酒与歌曲   Wonder how I got along / 我怀疑我是如何走过   Goodbye papa, it's hard to die / 再见了,爸爸,要离开这世界很困难   When all the birds are singing in the sky / 当鸟儿正在空中吟唱   Now that the spring is in the air / 而春天漫布在空气中   Little children everywhere /
四处都是小孩   When you see them I'll be there / 当你看见他们,那就是我   We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但是酒与歌曲却同季节般流逝   We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the wine a
nd the song like the seasons have all gone / 但是酒与歌曲却同季节般流逝   Goodbye Michelle my little one / 再见了,我亲爱的米雪儿   You gave me love and helped me find the sun / 你给了我爱,并带领我到阳光   And every time that I was down / 每当我沮丧   You would always come around / 你总在我身边   And get my feet back on the ground / 让我再度脚踏实地   Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die / 再见了,米雪儿,如此离去实在困难   When all the birds are singing in the sky / 当鸟儿在空中鸣唱   Now that the spring is in the air / 而春天弥漫空中   With the flowers everywhere / 那充满花朵的地方   I wish that we could both be there / 希望我们俩可以在那儿   We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但我们曾爬过的山丘却不再有季节 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但是酒与歌曲却同季节般流逝   We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但是酒与歌曲
却同季节般流逝   We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有欢笑与阳光季节   But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone/ 但是酒与歌曲却同季节般流逝
 <The Magic Key ------ Edited By 乔鱼>   听我说 Listen up!   为生活我试着不断改变 To my days change my ways   这生命的终点突如其来 This sudden end to my days   我真想早就改变了自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways   多点时间和伙伴们打闹 Spent more time with the posse   凡雨,憨豆,辉哥还有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me   ****(注:"One-t,nine-t,bull-t"泛指'我'的伙伴们,没有实义,所以用乔鱼几个哥们名字代替了)****   俯瞰人生生命多么渺小 From up here, life seems so small   生命的意义到底是什么 what's the meaning of it all?   怀念生命它惯有的样子 Miss the way it used to be   凡雨,憨豆,辉哥还有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me   这个世界我能立足何地 Where in the world could I be?   家人看来真酷,我是酷t Homies looking so cool, cool, I'm cool-t!   那用白雪做成的燕尾服 Tuxedos made of snow   它身上有什么我该知道 Is there something I should know?   我的妈妈爸爸还有小弟 Mom and Pop and little bro   他们全都死去很久远了 Dead and gone so long ago   是否终于这里就是天堂 Could this be paradise at last?   我闯过我人生的第一关 The first test I've ever passed   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey   它萦绕这里为你
也为我 It's here for you, for me   听吧寻觅那奇妙的调子 Just listen find the magic key   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey   为你也为我而萦绕这里 It's here for you, for me   聆听吧让生
活自由自在 Just listen let your life be free   这幸福时光你想做什么 Blissful days, what you gonna do?   我啊还是怀念老伙记们 Still I miss my old t-crew   就是死也不能没有他们 Can't afterlive without them   我多么希望他们能知晓 I just wish they only knew!   或许他们曾经无家可归 May they have lived without a home   但我家人都爱我温暖我 But my homies love me kept me warm   教我忘却那些生存游戏 Taught me to forget about the game   金钱仇恨饥饿还有痛苦 Money, hatred, hunger, pain   这生命的终点突如其来 This sudden end to my days   我真想早就改变了自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways   多点时间和伙伴们打闹 Spent more time with the posse   凡雨,憨豆,辉哥还有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey   它萦绕这里为你也为我 It's here for you, for me   听吧寻觅那奇妙的调子 Just listen find the magic key (yours truly)   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey (yeah)   它为你为我而萦绕这里 It's here for you, for me (magic key)   聆听吧让生活自由自在 Just listen let your life be free   真想念你们呀! 真想念你们! Missing you, missing you   真想念你们,我奇妙的伙伴们 Missing you, magic crew   真想念你们呀! 真想念你们! Missing you, missing you   真想念你们,我奇妙的伙伴们 Missing you, magic crew   我遇见我人生的营造者 Had a meeting with my maker   制造高级人类的面包师 The superhuman baker   烤着我在那叫人生的炉 He popped me in the oven   然后他将那标度调到爱 And set the dial to loving   现在我看管我的孩子们 Now I watch over my boys   帮助他们一起玩闹叫嚣 Help'em keep on making noise   没想到我已是天使模样 Never pictured me with wings   上面的故事似乎已陌生 Guess I've heard of stranger things
  听我说 Listen up!   <;听我说>   为生活我试着不断改变 To my days change my ways   <;我还活着的时候,也和其他人一样试着不断改变自己>   这生命的终点突如其来 This sudden end to my days   <;然而,这生命的终点突如其来,我死了,只剩下灵魂>   我真想早就改变了自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways   <;我真想在我还活着的时候早就改变了自己,不至于到现在才明白原来生活应该是这个样子的:>   多点时间和伙伴们打闹 Spent more time with the posse   <;应该多花点时间和我的伙伴们打闹相爱,因为那样才是生活最自
然最应该有的模样>   凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me   <;凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我(注:"One-t, nine-t, bull-t"泛指‘我’的伙伴们,没有实义)>   <;没错,当年凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我就是那么干的!>   俯瞰人生生命多么渺小 From up here, life seems so small   <;回头看看这世界,俯瞰人们的种种人生,才发觉生命是这么的渺小>   生命的意义到底是什么 what's the meaning of it all?   <;生命还有这所有的一切的意义到底是什么?>   怀念生命它惯有的样子 Miss the way it used to be   <;我只是怀念生命它惯有的样子,我们有家来依靠,有长辈们的疼爱,还有和我一起远行的同伴>   凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me   <;没错,当年凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我就是那么干的!>   这个世界我能立足何地 Where in the world could I be?   <;在这个世界我能立足何地?>   家人看来真酷,我是酷t Homies looking so cool, cool, I'm cool-t!   <;只有和家人们在一起时,我们才看起来是这样的酷>   除了用雪做成的燕尾服 Tuxedos made of snow   <;让我
想想,除了那次和大家一起用雪做成燕尾服>   还有什么我应该知道的 Is there something I should know?   <;还有什么快乐的事或者其它所谓真理的东西是我应该知道的?>   我的妈妈爸爸还有小弟 Mom and Pop and little bro   <;还记得,我的妈妈爸爸还有小弟>   他们全都死去很久远了 Dead and gone so long ago   <;他们全都死去很久远了>   是否终于这里就是天堂 Could this be paradise at last?   <;现在,我也来到天堂门口,哦,难道这就是天堂,我们最终的归宿?>   我闯过我人生的第一关 The first test I've ever passed   <;你知道吗?现在我才发觉,死竟是我人生的第一关,之前我的一生意如此平庸不值一谈>   <;我还没得及跨过人生该有的种种挫折,就这么遗憾地死了>   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey   <;听我说,我现在算是明白了,人生跌宕起伏就像音乐>   它萦绕这里为你也为我 It's here for you, for me   <;它萦绕这里为你也为我>   听吧寻觅那奇妙的调子 Just listen find the magic key   <;听吧寻觅那奇妙的调子------人生的真谛!>   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey   <;哦,人生跌宕起伏就像音乐>   为你也为我而萦绕这里 It's here for you, for me   <;为你也为我而萦绕这里>   聆听吧让生活自由自在 Just listen let your life be free   <;聆听吧让生活自由自在,所谓真谛就是去和大家靠在一起,从容地生活,打闹与相爱>   <;让短暂的人生载满人性的光辉,不虚此行>   这幸福时光你想做什么 Blissful days, what
you gonna do?   <;看啊,你还活着,这幸福时光你打算做些什么呢?>   我啊还是怀念老伙记们
Still I miss my old t-crew   <;如果要我说啊,我还是怀念和我那老伙记们在一起的日子>   就是死也不能没有他们 Can't afterlive without'em   <;就是死也不能没有他们,因为只有同他们在一起,我才感觉到自己还活着,还在快乐地活着>   我多么希望他们能知晓 I just wish they only knew!   <;我多么希望我的老伙记们也能知晓我此刻的心情>   或许他们曾经无家可归 May they have lived without a home   <;或许有些人曾经无家可归>   但我家人都爱我温暖我 But my homies love me kept me warm   <;然而,我有家人,他们都爱我,让我的生命充满温暖>   教我忘却那些生存游戏 Taught me to forget 'bout the game   <;是他们教我忘却那些残酷的生存游戏>   金钱仇恨饥饿还有痛苦 Money, hatred, hunger, pain   <;金钱,仇恨,饥饿还有痛苦>   这生命的终点突如其来 This sudden end to my days   <;哦,这生命的终点突如其来>   我真想早就改变了自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways   <;我真想在我活着的时候就已经改变了自己>   多点时间和伙伴们打闹 Spent more time with the posse   <;就已懂得了要去多花点时间和我的伙伴们打闹和相爱,那些快乐才是生命中最美好的东西呀!>   凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me   <;记得当年,凡雨, 憨豆, 辉哥还有我,那是就是那么干的>   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐 Music's the odyssey   <;哦,人生跌宕起伏就像音乐>   它萦绕这里为你也为我 It's here for you, for me   <;它萦绕这里为你也为我>   听吧寻觅那奇妙的调子 (真诚地)Just listen find the magic key (yours truly)   <;真诚地听吧,真诚地感受那奇妙的调子,那生命的真谛>   人生跌宕起伏就像音乐(耶) Music's the odyssey (yeah)   <;哦,人生跌宕起伏就像音乐>   它为你为我而萦绕这里(奇妙的调子) It's here fo
r you, for me (magic key)   <;它为你也为我,萦绕在这里>   聆听吧让生活自由自在 Just listen let your life be free   <;聆听吧让生活自由自在>   真想念你们,真想念你们 Missing you, missing you   <;啊,此刻的我,想念你们,真想念你们>   真想念你们,我奇妙的伙伴们 Missing you, magic crew   <;真想念你们,我奇妙的伙伴们>   真想念你们,真想念你们 Missing you, missing you   <;真想念你们,真想念你们>   真想念你们,我奇妙的伙伴们 Missing you, magic crew   <;真想念你们,我奇妙的伙伴们>   我遇见我人生的营造者 Had a meeting with my maker   <;上次,我遇见了掌控我命运的神>   制造高级人类
的面包师 The superhuman baker   <;他是制造高级人类的面包师,而我曾经只是他手上的一条面包>   烤着我在那叫人生的炉 He popped me in the oven   <;他烤着我,在那被叫作人生的烤炉里>   然后他将那标度调到爱 And set the dial to loving   <;然后他将那标度调到“爱”,我现在也明白只有爱才能让我的生命成熟>   现在我看管我的孩子们 Now I watch over my boys   <;现在,我在天堂保佑着我那些还在世的孩子们>   帮助他们一起玩闹叫嚣 Help'em keep on making noise   <;帮助他们一起玩闹叫嚣,快乐地生活>   没想到我已是天使模样 Never pictured me with wings   <;突然发觉我现在已身在天堂,顶着光环,舞着翅膀>   上面的故事似乎已陌生 Guess I've heard of stranger things   <;而我上面所讲的故事对此刻的我来说,似乎已经很陌生>   <;就好像是从陌生人那里听来的似的,只因为我已经不能再次享受这美妙的人生>