广州版 最新版英语三年级2013年复习题(1)

1. 3        41 
2. 18        3
3. 76        5
4. 258       
5. 9        49       
6.         23        炒羊肉放什么调料
7. 1        5       
8.         2        8

1. r  d  e                    
2. e  g  r  e  n                   
3. u  p  l  r  p  e                   
4. b  e  l  u                   
5. n  g  o  r  a  e                     
6. b  w  n  r  o                   
7. c  b  l  a  k                     
8. I  w  t  h  e                   
9. W  l  o  y  e  l                   

1. colour the,  let’s ,  yellow,  hair                                               
2. ugliesta,  have ,  purple,  I , hat                                             
3. bear,  Daniel’s,  brown,  is,  the                                             
4. like,  what,  do ,  you,  colour                                             

A. what is that?
B. Is it a robot?
C. Where is the robot?
D. What colour is the robot?
E. Is it Ben’s robot?
F. May I use your robot?
五.读对话 用所给的单词填空。
picture    colour  idea  like  purple  don’t    ittelephone是什么意思
--- What is this?
---it’s a         of a room.
---this room is nice. Let’s         it.
---Good         . What colour do you         ?
(  )1No, it isn’t. It’s a doll.
(  )2No, it’s Jack’s
(  )3es, here you are.
(  )4t’s a purple.
(  )5t’s a robot.
(  )6it’s on the table, near the toy boat
--I like purple. Let’s colour the walls()    .
---Great, Let’s colore the bed green.
---I         like green. Let’s colour it yellow
---OK. This chair is funny. Let’s colour           it white.
---That’s good.

广州版 最新版英语三年级2013年复习题 2

1. I have         toy cars.
2. I have         toy planes.
3. I have         pencils.
4. I have         English books.
5. I have         picture of my family.
6. I have         friends.


1. gate (  )  kite  (  )     
2. sit (  )  site(  )
3. look(  )  book(  )
4. net(  )  let(  )
5. get(  )  jet(  )
6. fat(  )  fate(  )


1  ---       
--- I am ten.
A. How are you old?    B. How are you?
C.How old are you?
2   ---Happy Birthday!
A. I am eight  B.Happy birthday!
C. thank you.
3  ---The toy car is for you.
A. It isn’t my toy car.    B. Thank you.
4  ---        is your teacher?
---She’s in Room 312.
A. Where  B. How  C. What
5  ---Happy birthday, Janet. The toy rabbit is 上日下文        you.
---Thank you.
A. near  B. beside  B. for
6  Sally’s eyes         blue. 
A. do  B. is  C. are
7          this face.  It’s funny!
A. Look  B. Look in  B. Look at

Mary ---Happy birthday, David.
David ---        you , Mary.
Mary ---The crayons are         you.
David ---Thank you.
Mary ---How         are you, David.
David ---I am seven. What about you ?
Mary --- I am         too.
David --- Is this a picture         your family, David?
Mary ---Yes, this is my father and this is my mother.
David ---        this pretty lady?
Mary ---She’s my aunt, my mother’s sister.
David ---I         two aunt’s and four uncles.
Mary --- I have three aunts and three uncles.

A. How are you?
B. How old are you?
C. Do you have a telephone?
D. May I use your telephone number?
E. Happy birthday.
(    )Yes, here you are. 
(    )I am fine.
(    )Thank you
(    ) I am fine. Thank you.
(    ) Yes, I do.
广州版 最新版英语三年级2013年复习题(3)

1. one pen----three        
2. one orange---two        
3. one pear---five        
4. one boy---seven勇敢五月天       
5. one cat---sit        
6. one desk---two        
7. one book---some        
8. one ball---some        
9. one bus--- four        
one robot---two        
二.判断对话后的句子内容是否正确,如正确的,请打T 错的打F
Tom---Hi,Mary. Do you have Jack’s telephone number?
Mary.---No, I don’t. I have his sister Sherry’s number.
Tom ---OK, What is it?
Mary.---It’s in my telephone book. But where is my telephone book?
Tom ---is it in your bag?
Mary.---No, it’s not. Oh, here it is, under my English book.
Tom ---What is the number?
Mary.---Sherry’s phone number is eight four three two five six three.
Tom ---Thank you.
1. (    ) Mary has() Jack’s telephone number.
2. (    ) Sherry is Jack’s sister.
3. (    ) Mary has a telephone book.