. 百变句法
If students do part-time jobs, they can earn some money.会玩儿
When students do part-time jobs, they can earn some
Students who do part-time jobs can earn some money.
If students do part-time jobs after school, they can earn
some money.
If students do part-time jobs in their spare time, they can earn some money.
Doing part-time jobs enables students to earn some money.
By doing part-time jobs, students can earn some money.
To earn some money, some students choose to do part-time jobs in their spare time.
If students do part-time jobs in their spare time, they can earn some money to cover their living cost.
time is moneyDoing part-time jobs enables students to earn some money, which can be used to cover their living cost.
Doing part-time jobs enables students to earn some money, which is particularly important for those who come from poor families.
Doing part-time jobs enables students to earn some money, even though sometimes this would affect their study.
Even though doing part-time jobs may affect students’study, it would enable them to earn
some money and therefore, this phenomenon is very common in the university.
翟小宁The money students earn from doing part-time jobs, no matter how small it is, can be used to cover their tuition and living cost. The money students earn from doing part-time jobs, if spent properly, can relieve the financial burden of their families.
因果关系:As a result of, due to, because of 对比关系:Like, unlike, instead of 转折关系:Despite, in spite of 递进关系:Besides, in addition to 表伴随:With, without
表方式:By 表地点:In 表时间:Before, after 表目的:For
表方面:In, in terms of
Many sports professionals live extravagant lifestyle.
Many sports professionals live extravagant lifestyle with huge houses and cars.
Just like movie stars, many sports professionals live extravagant lifestyle with huge houses and cars.
Traffic and pollution from vehicles have become huge problems, both in cities and on motorways. ——剑8-3 考官范文
The mobile phone seems to have become an indispensable part of students’lives, both in school and at home.
To solve the problem of traffic congestion, the government should improve public transport in cities. 为了减少青少年犯罪,学校应该更加重视学生的行为问题。
To reduce youth crimes, schools should pay more attention to students’behavior.
我们需要推广电动汽车,那么城市空气质量就能得到改善。(剑8-3) We should promote electric cars and then air quality in cities could be improved.
Promoting electric cars can effectively improve air quality in cities. Persuading people to buy electric cars would be an effective strategy for improving air quality in cities.
It is difficult for new graduates to adapt to the environment of workplaces.
New graduates may find it difficult to adapt to the environment of workplaces.
The lack of experience would make it difficult for new graduates to adapt to the environment of workplaces.
1. v.+sb.to do sth.
Motivate, enable, encourage, invite, educate, require, force, allow, advise,
Urge, prompt, persuade, anticipate, empower, tempt, expect, inspire, permit
2. v. + sb. from doing sth.
Prevent, ban, distract, stop
Discourage, deter
People cannot stop the world around them from changing. (剑6-4)
If policemen carry guns on the street, it would deter people from committing crimes.
3. v. + that.
Suggest, believe, agree, argue, show, feel, mean, predict, complain, hope, ensure, worry, indicate, insist, claim, emphasize 4. v. + to do
Refuse, fail, decide, intend, tend, choose, agree, afford
They have less respect for their teachers and refuse to obey school rules
5.v. + doing
Enjoy, finish, hate, keep, imagine, consider, regret, practice, experience People should consider changing a job if they dislike it.
6.v.+sb.sth. = v. sth. tosb.
Show, give, send, offer, teach鱼汤的做法大全
It is important for the university to teach students some practical skills.
白手起家的千万富翁It is important for the university to teach some practical skills to students.
Explain sth. to sb.,inform sb. of sth. Provide sth. for sb.,provide sb. with sth. Devote sth. to sth.
Spend time/money doing sth.
Invest money in doing sth.