The influence of information technology on education
1. 信息技术日益发展,给教育带来的影响有利有弊
2. 陈述信息技术对教育产生的正负面影响
3. 陈述你的观点
Nowadays, information technology has been developing very fast with computers and the Internet getting into the lives of millions of people worldwide. As an essential part of people's daily life, education has also been profoundly influenced by information technology, both in advantageous and disadvantageous ways.
One of the keywords for education in the information age is efficiency. Most people hope to spend the least time finishing the most work. When the Internet and computers are brought to education, students can get easy access to all sorts of educational resources.
Efficient learning can be achieved if students have developed the ability to find and filter information.
Besides, education with the help of modern technology can be easily adjusted to the need of each individual learner. He can follow his own learning objective, set his own learning plan and choose his favorite learning method.
However, students in a modern learning environment may no longer have the fun of studying together and having face-to-face discussions with each other. Individual learning may be lonely and friendless. What's more, people may become more indifferent to others because of less face-to-face contact with other people, which can be awfully harmful to their mental health. No matter how advanced the machines become, the cold monitor and keyboard can never replace human beings. Last but not least, people may gradually lose handwriting abilities if they depend too much on electronic support.
In my opinion, education in the information age can be both a curse and a blessing. But as long as we make the best out of technological development and control the usage to a
moderate degree, education will prosper and more students will benefit from education supported by information technology.
Different views on stick parenting on children
1. “狼爸”称棍棒教育有效,让他的三个孩子都进入了名校
2. 对“狼爸”的教育方式人们有着不同的观点,并陈述原因
3. 陈述你对“狼爸”的棍棒式教育的看法
情侣之间的情话Recently, the "wolf father" phenomenon has caused hot debate in the society. The "wolf father" claims that it was his "sticks make a great man" philosophy that landed his three children at a prestigious university. Is stick parenting a good method to educate children? Different people hold diverse views on it.
People who are in favor of such a parenting method believe that since children cannot distinguish right from wrong, it is essential that parents rule with absolute authority at home and control nearly every aspect of their children's lives.
However, there are some strong objections to stick parenting. Firstly, although there is a fine line between physical punishment and domestic violence, in many cases, beatings and scolding can lead to psychological problems in children. Secondly, strict parenting might restrict character development in children, making them gradually lose their own personalities. Thirdly, their lives would become extremely dull for almost all of their recreations are controlled by their parents.
As far as I am concerned, I definitely object to stick parenting. It not only makes childhood much less colorful, but also shapes children into "robots", only capable of getting high marks in examinations. Parents should be aware of the fact that children can achieve more when there is less pressure on their shoulders.消防简笔画
2. 明明的老板选定他去厦门和一个重要的生意伙伴进行会谈,明明不想错过这个展现和锻炼自己能力的机会
3. 明明再次抱歉不能为莎莎送行,为莎莎寄去礼物并祝一切顺利
Dear Shasha,
Please kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport next Saturday as I have promised.
A major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in Xiamen next weekend, and my boss finally chose me to negotiate about a new deal with him there. I have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decision – this is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so I am afraid I cannot be present at the airport.
Pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the accomplishment of your dream. How I wish I could have the chance to share with you my personal feelings and suggestions before you are away. I hereby send you a gift to wish you good luck. Please forgive me.
2. 对产生这些变化的可能原因进行分析
3. 针对图表给出你的结论
From the table, we can clearly see that great changes have taken place in people's living expenditure in city X over the period from 1988 to 2008. Food and clothes took first place in people's living expenditure from 1988 to 1992 but lost out to transportation and commu
nication in 1996. Apart from the two categories mentioned above, people spent more and more on medical care which grew from 10 percent of the whole expenditure in 1988 to 13.3 percent in 2008, and cosmetics, which increased from 3.2 percent in 1988 to 8.8% in 2008.