蚂蚁有什么本领不幸的是,在过去的50年间,对Virchow观点的狭义解释(比如近代精神病学家Thomas Szasz)占据了“疾病”讨论的主流。这也使一种观点出现(在我看来是种误解):只有特定的,可识别的病理生理学或解剖学异常“称为”疾病。
What Is "Disease"? Implications of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
What do physicians intend by the term "disease"? This may strike many clinicians as a philosophical question more suited to medieval scholastics than to practicing physicians. But the recent 235-page report on "systemic exertion intolerance disease" (SEID) from the Institute of Medicine1 (IOM) casts this question in a new light and has many practical implications for patients, physicians, and third-party payers.
The definition of "disease" has been a matter of contention since the dawn of clinical medicine. For example, the ancient Greek academies of Knidos and Kos had differing views of disease.2 Knidos, the school of Aesculapius, recognized the discrete morbid enti
ty-such as an abscess or tumor-as the defining feature of disease, subservient to the general rules of pathology. The more empirical school of Kos, associated with Hippocrates, emphasized the sick individual with his particular kind of misery. In effect, these two schools saw disease either as a specific pathological process or as a particular human experience whose character was determined by the patient's manner of presentation.
In the 19th century, medical science was revolutionized by the German pathologist Rudolf Virchow and his famous pronouncement: Es gibt keine Allgemein krankheiten, es gibt nur Local krankheiten-"There is no general, only local, disease." But Ludwig Aschoff, Virchow's colleague, argued that Virchow wished merely to localize lesions, not diseases.3 There are indeed reasons to believe that Virchow conceptualized disease as a generalized condition of the living organism, which, unlike lesions, disappears when the organism dies.
To this day, the definition of disease remains controversial. Recently, in its deliberations o
n obesity, the AMA requested an advisory opinion from its Council on Science and Public Health. The question before the Council was, "Is obesity a disease?" The Council's considered response was a lesson in both the limits of language and the merits of humility: "Without a single, clear, authoritative, and widely accepted definition of disease, it is difficult to determine conclusively whether or not obesity is a medical disease state."4
Unfortunately, in the past 50 years, narrow interpretations of Virchow, such as those of the late psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, have dominated discussions of what constitutes "disease."5 This has led to the claim-mistaken, in my view-that only those conditions with specific and identifiable pathophysiology or anatomical abnormalities "count" as disease.
Yet these criteria fly in the face of medical diagnosis throughout the ages and are not consistent with several modern-day diagnoses in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, and pain medicine. Physicians in these fields recognize that many states of severe suffering and incapacity cannot yet be causally linked with specific biochemical or anatomical findings.5 For example, migraine headache, trigeminal neuralgia, and even epilepsy rema
in clinical diagnoses-made primarily on the basis of the patient's history and subjective reports. (Physical examination and imaging studies, of course, are important in ruling out certain lesions, such as a brain tumor.)