一、 特殊的疑问词。
特殊疑问句要由疑问代词或疑问副词开头,询问的内容不同, 使用的疑问词也不同。如:
—What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪一类型的电影?
—I like action movies. 我喜欢动作片。
特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是疑问词 + 一般疑问句。如:
What time is it 现在几点钟?
Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?
特殊疑问句不能用yes, no来回答,而应根据它所询问的内容直接做出回答才行。如:
— What time is it, please? 请问几点了?
— It's 7:30. 七点半了。

单词        意思         用法
When      什么时间    问时间
Who                问人(主格)
Whom                问人(宾格)
Whose      谁的       问主人
Where      在哪里     问地点
Which      哪一个    问选择
Why        为什么    问原因
What        什么      问东西
what time  什么时间    问时间点(尤其是几点钟)
what colour    英语网络用语什么颜  问颜
what about  ...怎么样    问意见
what day    星期几        问星期
单词        意思            用法what date   什么日期  问具体日期
what kind of 什么种类      问种类
what for    秋季保健小常识为何目的      问目的
how       ...怎么样      问情况
how old        多大        问年龄
how many      多少        问数量
how much    多少          问价钱
how about    ...怎么样    问意见
how far      多远          问路程
how soon    多快          问未来时间
how long    多久          对时间段提问
how ofen  多久一次        对频率提问

  1A: _______ is the boy in blue?        B: He’s Mike.
  2A: _______ wallet is it?            B: It’s mine.
  3A: _______ is the diary?            B: It‘s under the chair.
  4A: _______ is the Christmas Day?    B: It’s on the 25th of December.
  5A: _______ are the earphones?        B: They are 25 Yuan.
  6A: _______ is the hairdryer?          B: It‘s blue.
  7A: _______ is it today?              B: It’s Sunday.
  8A: _______ was it yesterday?        B: It was the 13th of October.
  9A: _______ this red one?            B: It‘s beautiful.
生日诗歌  10A: _______ is it from here?        B: It’s about two kilometers away.
11A: Can I have some paper and some crayons? B: _____________________? 
A: I want to make a kite.
  12A:_______ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one?  B: The blue one.
  13A:_______ is your cousin?    B: He‘s 15 years old.
  14A:_______ do you have dinner?  B: At 6 o’clock.
二、    对划线部分提问。
1.I can see eight rubbers in the box.  _______  can _______  see in the box?
2.My father is fine today.  _______    your father today?
3.Liu Tao is playing football in the playground.  _______  Liu Tao    _______ in the playground?
4.The films were on the ground.          _______    the films?
5.The girl with big eyes is my sister’s friend.  _______ _______  sister’s friend?
6.My birthday is on the 9th of September.    ______________ your birthday?
7.I’d like a nice cake for breakfast? _______ like for breakfast?
8.That’s Nancy’s skirt._______ is that?
9I will arrive in the park in five minutes? ______________ arrive in the park?
10. I like blue. _______do you like?
11.My mother said I should clean my room twice a week.  My mother said ______________ clean my room.
12.It takes me one hour to finish my homework. ___________it take you to finish your homework?
心跳过快怎么办13.My grandmother is 90 years old.  ____________your grandmother?
(宾语是接在动词和介词后面的名词,人称代词的宾格I  ,he    ,she    ,them    ,it      ,其他的名词则无变化,如:I decided to pass my flowers to my best friend.
Please wait for __(me) for a while.
I said that my mother would give my toy to __(he)----my little brother.
The old man is so poor, so Lily will help __(he) to make __(he)life better.
They play football in the playground after school, but the school keeper always drives away__(they).
  1)连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有: whowhatwhich等。如:
  Could you tell me who knows the answerplease?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗?
  The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西?
  2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whosewhatwhichhow manyhow much等。如:
  He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。
  The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.老师问我们房间里有多少人。
  3)连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。常见的连接词有:whom),whatwhichhow manyhow much whenwhyhowwherewhether是什么意思if whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如:
  He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。
  Could you tell me what I should do with the money ?你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗?
  4)连接词+名词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。常见的连接词有:whatwhichhow manyhow muchhow等。如: