How do you study for a test?
[教学目标]1.谈论如何学习英语。(talk about how to study English)
2.学习用―动词+ by + doing‖表示―方式、方法。‖(by doing)
3.复习现在完成时。(have/has + done)
4.复习提建议的方法。(What about…? Why don't you…?)
5.学习一些重点词组。(key phrases)
[单元内容概述] 一.单词。
类:pronunciation,voice,skill,grammar,comma,challenge,sentence,learner,speaker,solution ,secret,
term, service, status, symbol, expert, tune,
2.动词类:memorize, frustrate, add, pronounce, complete, ring, impress,
类:specific,frustrating,excited,spoken,native,mobile,ashamed,old-fashioned,outdated, fashionable, latest, embarrassed, main
e.g. excitedget excited adout对…感到很兴奋
4.副词类:aloud, differently, quickly, slowly, fast, actually, easily,
[重点词组](Key Phrases)二.词组
1.not at all 一点也不
2.end up(doing) sth 结束做某事
3.make mistakes 犯错
www./doc/69c64e89d0d233d4b14e6956.html ter on 后来
5.be afraid to do 害怕做某事
www./doc/69c64e89d0d233d4b14e6956.html ugh at 嘲笑(某人)
7.take notes 作笔记8.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事
9.make up 组成10.mobile phone移动电话,手机
11.on one's way to在某人去某地的路上12. be shamed of因…感到惭愧
13.behind the times过时的,老式的14. turn off 关掉(电视、收音机、电灯等)
15.worst of all最糟糕的是16.fit in with sb 与某人相处融洽
17.native speaker 说本族语的人18.begin with 以…开头
19.the best way to do…做某事最好的办法20.write down 写下,记下
21.once more又一次,再一次22. first of all 首先
23.give up 放弃24.think about 考虑
25.at the time 当时26.make sb do sth 使某人做某事
27.send fast / short messages 发快/短信28.status symbol 身份的象征
29.spend … on sth在…花费(时间,金钱) 30.if… or not 是否
31. be with sb 与某人在一起32.get excited about 对…感到激动
1.How do you study for tests? Well, I study (by working) with my classmates.
2.(Have) you ever (studied) with a group? Yes, I have. I'(ve learned) a lot that way.
3.I don't have a partner to practice English with. May be you (should join) an English club.
4.(What about) reading aloud to practice pronunciation?
5.(Why don't) you join an English language club?
1.voice n.说话声;声音(the sound that are made when people speak or sing)
e.g. He spoke in a quite (loud / angry / kind) voice. 他悄声/大声/生气/友好地讲话。
The little girl has a very sweet voice.那个小女孩声音甜美。
We could hear the children's voice in the garden.我们能够听见花园里孩子们的说话声。He's got a good voice; he sings well.他嗓音好,歌唱得好。
◆注意:voice ;sound 与noise 的区别:
(1)sound―声音; 响声‖指各种各样的声响。(可数名词)例如:
While I worked in my room, I heard a strange sound in my house.
When she woke, her ear caught the sound of knocking.她醒来时听到了敲门声。
There was a sound on footsteps on the staircase outside.外面楼道上有脚步声。
(2) noise 声音(可数,不可数)Don't make so much noise! 别吵!
The noise of traffic kept him awake.车辆的嘈杂声使我怎么也睡不着。
We could not hear them because of the noise from the factory.
voice人说话声;声音sound声音; 响声,各种各样的声响。(可数名词)
2.frustrate v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦
母爱的名言名句e.g. He hoped to set a new record, but(was frustrated)by bad weather.
The bad weather (frustrated) all our hopes of going out.
Marry (was frustrated by) the failure of the English examination.
●frustrating adj 令人沮丧的;令人失望的(通常修饰事物)
All this is rather(frustrating).所有的这一切都很令人失望。
拐枣I found it(frustrating)that I can't speak other language.我不会说别的语言,感到惘然若失。
●frustrated a.感到灰心的,感到沮丧的(通常修饰人)
e.g. I felt frustrated at that time. 那时我觉得很沮丧。
interesting令人感兴趣的interested 感兴趣的
disappointing令人失望的disappointed 感到失望的
boring 无聊的bored 感到无聊的
exciting令人兴奋的excited 感到兴奋的
worrying 令人担心的worried担心的;着急的
surprising 令人吃惊的surprised惊奇的;惊讶的;诧异的
mbarrassing 令人困窘的embarrassed窘的;尴尬的;局促不安的
3.impress v.使感动;给…深刻印象;使印象深刻
study的过去分词e.g. The visit to Shanghai(impressed)me a lot.上海之行给我留下了深刻印象。
My father impressed on me the(importance)of hard work.我父亲使我铭记勤勉的重要。4.by 的用法◆by是介词,表示通过…方法或途径的意思,译成―靠,通过‖,后面可加名词或名词短语。
e.g.The house was destroyed(by fire).房屋被火烧毁了。
travel(by air /land/sea).航空(陆路,航海)旅行
go(by train /boat/ bus)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去
shake sb.(by the hand)和某人握手
I study English(by watching English movies).我通过看英文电影学英语。
by后面加名词如:by fire、by air、by sea、by train、by bus或名词短语by the hand或动名词by watching