Unit 1    My school
1.library [ 'laibrəri ] n.  图书馆        _________ __________
2.playground ['pleiɡraund] n.  操场    _________ __________
3.homework [ həʊmwɜ:k]n. 作业    _________ __________
4.class [ klɑ:s] n.   班;班级        _________ __________
5.forty ['fɔ:tɪ] n.  四十            _________ __________
6.way [wei] n.  方向              _________ __________
7.welcome [ˈwelkəm]v. 欢迎        _________ __________ 
1.first floor        __________________
2.second floor     __________________
3.teacher’s office  __________________
    4.computer room  __________________
    5.art room        __________________
6.music room    __________________
7.next to         __________________
8.read a book      __________________
9.play football    __________________
10.water the flowers  __________________
1、Where’s the teachers’ office?    ____________________.               
2、It’s on the second floor.    艺术生出国留学    ____________________.
3、Is this the teachers’ office?      ____________________.跳高规则
4No, it isnt. The teachers’ office is next to the library.__________.
5、Is that the computer room?  ____________________.
----Yes, it is.    ___________.   
----  No , it  isn`t  _________.     
6、Do you have a library?    ____________________.         
----Yes, we do. ____________.
---- No,we don`t. ________
7、Here`s my homework. ____________________.
8、Welcome to our school!____________________.
9 —How many students are there in your class?_______________?
—Forty-five students. ____________________.                 
10、This way, please.  ____________________.
Unit 2    What time is it?
1.breakfast    [ 'brekfəst ]n.  早餐;早饭 _________ __________
2.English class  [ˈɪŋglɪʃ klæs ]n. 英语课  _________ __________
3.lunch    [lʌntʃ].n.    午餐;午饭  _________ __________
4.music class [ˈmju:zik klɑ:s]n.  音乐课 _________ __________
5.PE class   [pi'I klæs]  n.  体育课    _________ __________
6.dinner  [ 'dinə ]  n. (中午或晚上吃的)正餐  _________
7.over    [ 'əuvə ] adv.  结束环境公益诉讼        _________ __________
8.now    [ nau ]adv.  现在;目前  _________ __________
9.o’clock  [ə’klɔk] n. (表示整点)……点钟 _________ ____
10.kid  [ kid ]n.  小孩                _________ __________
    11.thirty[ˈθɜːtɪ] n.      三十        _________ __________
    12.sleep[sli:p]v.        睡觉       _________ __________
    1.hurry up              __________________
2.come on              __________________
3.just a minute          __________________
4.get up                _________________
5.go to school          __________________
6.go home              __________________
7.go to bed            __________________
    9.jump and run            __________________
    10.read and write          __________________
11.sing and dance    __________________
12.wake up          __________________
13.April Fool      __________________     
    1、----What time is it?        __________________?
    2、------ It’s 6 o’clock.        _________________.
    3、It’s time to   get up.           _________________
                  go to school.    __________________             
4、It’s time for  dinner.        _________________         
              English class.  _________________
5、Time to go home, kids.        _________________
6、Hurry up.                   _________________
7、I’ m ready.                   _________________ 
8、Breakfast is ready.           _________________ 
9、I’m late for school.           _________________
10、Let`s go to the playground.   _________________ 
Unit 3      Weather
1.cold [ kəuld ]adj.  寒冷的;冷的  _________ __________
2.cool [ ku:l ] adj.  凉的;凉爽的  _________ __________
3.warm [ wɔ:m ] adj.  温暖的;暖和的  _________ __________
4.hot  [ hɔt ] adj.  热的;烫的        _________ __________
5.sunny [ 'sʌni ] adj.  阳光充足的      _________ __________
6.windy [ 'windi ] adj. 多风的;风大的    _________ __________
7.cloudy [ 'klaudi ] adj.  阴天的;多云的  _________ __________
8.snowy [ 'snəui ] adj.  下雪(多)的    _________ __________
9.rainy [ 'reini ] adj.  阴雨的;多雨的  _________ __________
10.outside  [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd] adv.  在户外    _________ __________
12.weather [ 'weðə ]  n.  天气        _________ __________
13.New York [ˈnju: ˈjɔ:k] n.  纽约    _________ __________