钟雄§571.108 Standa rd No. 108; Lamps,reflec tivedevice s, and associ atedequipm ent.(灯具,反射装置和辅助设备)阳历表
S1. Scope.This standa rd specif ies requir ement s for origin al and replac ement lamps, reflec tivedevice s, and associ atedequipm ent.(适用范围:该标准规定了原始灯具、替代灯具、反射装置和辅助设备应该满足的要求。)
冰山雪莲S2. Purpos e. The purpos e of this standa rd is to reduce traffi c accide nts and deaths and injuri es result ing from traffi c accide nts, by provid ing adequa te illumi natio n of the roadwa y, and by enhanc ing the conspi cuity of motorvehicl es on the public roadsso that theirpresen ce is percei ved and theirsignal s unders tood, both in daylig ht and in darkne ss or othercondit ionsof reduce d visibi lity.(目的:在白天、夜晚或其他可见度较低的情况下,通过适度的道路照明和增加公共道路上机动车辆的显著性,来减少交通事故的发生。)
S3. Applic ation. This standa rd applie s to:(该标准适用于:)
(a) Passen ger cars, multip urpos e passen ger vehicl es, trucks, buses, traile rs(except pole traile rs and traile r conver ter dollie s), and motorc ycles; (乘用车、MPV、卡车、公共汽车、挂车(吊车和变扭矩娃娃挂车除外)和摩托车;)
(b) Retror eflec tivesheeti ng and reflex reflec torsmanufa cture d to confor m to S5.7 of this standa rd; and(符合该标准5.7部分的回复反射板和回复反射器;和)
(c) Lamps,reflec tivedevice s, and associ atedequipm ent for replac ement of like equipm ent on vehicl es to whichthis standa rd applie s.(灯具、回复反射设备和用于替代车辆上类似设备的辅助设备。)
S4. Defini tions.
Aiming Refere nce Planemeansa planewhichis perpen dicul ar to the longit udina l axis of the vehicl e and tangen t to the forwar dmost aiming pad on the headla mp.(目标参考平面指与车辆纵向轴线垂直并且与前大灯的最前面目标板相切的一个平面。)
Beam contri butor meansan indivi sible optica l assemb ly includ ing a lens, reflec tor, and lightsource, that is part of an integr al beam headli ghtin g system and contri butes only a portio n of a headla mp beam.(发光物指的是一个不可分割的光学设备,包括透镜、反射器和光源,它是完整光束前大灯系统的一部分,并且只提供前大灯光束的一部分光束。)
空乘礼仪Cargolamp is a lamp that is mounte d on a multip urpos e passen ger vehicl e, truck, or bus for the p
urpos e of provid ing illumi natio n to load or unload cargo.(货运灯具指挂载在多功能乘用车、卡车或公共汽车上,用于提供装卸货物照明的灯具。)
Cutoff meansa genera lly horizo ntal,visual/optica l aiming cue in the lowerbeam that marksa separa tionbetwee n areasof higher and lowerlumina nce.(明暗截止线指标记高亮度照明和低亮度照明分开的一个水平的、可见的基准。)Direct readin g indica tor meansa device that is mounte d in its entire ty on a headla mp or headla mp aiming or headla mp mounti ng equipm ent, is part of a VHAD, and provid es inform ation aboutheadla mp aim in an analog or digita l format.(直读指示器是指一个整体挂载到前大灯或前大灯校准设备或前大灯所挂载设备上的一个设备,它是VHAD的一部分,通过模拟或数字的形式提供关于前大灯校准的信息。)
Effect ive projec ted lumino us lens area meansthat area of the projec tionon a planeperpen dicul ar to the lamp axis of that portio n of the light-emitti ng surfac e that direct s lightto the photom etric test patter n, and does not includ e mounti ng hole bosses, reflex reflec tor area, beadsor rims that may glow or produc e smallareasof increa sed intens ity as a result of uncont rolle d lightfrom smallareas(1⁄2deg.radius around the test point).(有效投影光透镜区域指投影在垂直于灯轴平面上的区域。。。。)
Filame nt meansthat part of the lightsource or lightemitti ng elemen t(s), such as a resist ive elemen t, the excite d portio n of a specif ic mixtur e of gasesunderpressu re, or any part of otherenergy conver sionsource s, that genera tes radian t energy whichcan be seen.(灯丝是能产生视觉上可见的热辐射能量的光源或发光单元(比如:电阻元件、气体混合物中的激发部分或其他能够进行能量转换的任何部分)的组成部分)
Flashmeansa cycleof activa tionand deacti vatio n of a lamp by automa tic meanscontin uinguntilstoppe d either automa tical ly or manual ly.(闪烁指的是一个灯具自动激活和失效的一个循环周期,并将保持持续闪烁直到通过自动地或手动的方式将其关闭。)
Fullyopened meansthe positi on of the headla mp concea lment device in whichthe headla mp is in the design open operat ing positi on.(完全打开位置指可使前大灯处于打开操作位置的前大灯可隐藏设备的位置。)
Headla mp concea lment device meansa device, with its operat ing system and compon ents,that provid es concea lment of the headla mp when it is not in use, includ ing a movabl e headla mp coverand a headla mp that displa ces for concea lment purpos es.(前大灯可隐藏设备指在不使用时,可以通过移动前大灯罩盖或前大灯将前大灯隐藏起来的灯具。它具有自己的操作系统和组件。)
Headla mp test fixtur e meansa device design ed to suppor t a headla mp or headla mp assemb ly in the test positi on specif ied in the labora torytestsand whosemounti ng hardwa re and compon entsare thosenecess ary to operat e the headla mp as instal led in a motorvehicl e.(前大灯测试夹具指对安装在机动车辆上的前大灯操作相关的硬件和组件在实验室测试过程中起支持作用的一种设备。)Integr al beam headla mp meansa headla mp (otherthan a standa rdize d sealed beam headla mp design ed to confor m to paragr aph S7.3 or a replac eable bulb headla mp design ed to confor m to paragr aph S7.5) compri singan integr al and indivi sible optica l assemb ly includ ing lens, reflec tor, and lightsource, except that a headla mp confor mingto paragr aph S7.8.5.2 or paragr aph S7.8.5.3 may have a lens design ed to be replac eable.(集成光束前照灯(标准的密封式光束前照灯和可替代灯泡前照灯除外)指包含完整的、不可分割的光学装置(包括透镜、回复反射器和光源,遵循S7.8.5.2 或S7.8.5.3部分的透镜可替代的前照灯除外)的前照灯。)
Multip le compar tment lamp meansa device whichgivesits indica tionby two or more separa telylighte d areaswhichare joined by one or more common parts, such as a housin g or lens.(多隔间灯具指通过两个或多个单独的发光区域来表示其功能的设备,这些发光区域通过一个或多个共同的部件进行连接,比如外壳或者透镜。)百万金臂
ECE R48:
"2.7.30. "Interd epend ent lamp system" meansan assemb ly of two or threeinterd epend ent lampsprovid ing the same functi on.(“相互依存灯具系统”指提供同一功能的两个或三个相互依存灯具的组合。)
我要安全2.7.30.1. "Interd epend ent lamp" means a device operat ing as part of an interd epend ent lamp system. Interd epend ent lampsoperat e togeth er when activa ted, have separa te appare nt surfac es in the direct ion of the refere nce axis and separa te lamp bodies, and may have separa te lightsource(s)."(“相互依存灯具”是相互依存灯具系统的一部分设备。当被激活时,相互依存灯具一起操作,在基准轴线方向上他们有单独的发光表面,有单独的灯体,并且也可以有单独的光源。)
Multip le lamp arrang ement meansan arrayof two or more separa te lampson each side of the vehicl e whichoperat e togeth er to give a signal.(多灯具安排指安装在车辆每一侧的一系列两个或多个单独的灯具,他们同时操作来表示一个信号功能。)
Remote readin g indica tor meansa device that is not mounte d in its entire ty on a headla mp or headla mp aiming or headla mp mounti ng equipm ent, but otherw ise meetsthe defini tionof a direct readin g indica tor.(远程读指示器是指并没有整体挂载到前大灯或前大灯校准设备或前大灯所挂载设备上,但却满足直读指示器定义的一个设备。)
Replac eable bulb headla mp meansa headla mp compri singa bonded lens and reflec tor assemb ly and one or two replac eable headla mp lightsource s, except that a headla mp confor mingto paragr aph S7.8.5.2 or paragr aph S7.8.5.3 may have a lens design ed to be replac eable.(可替代灯泡前大灯指包含完整的、不可分割的光学装置(包括透镜、回复反射器和光源,遵循S7.8.5.2 或S7.8.5.3部分的透镜可替代的前照灯除外)的前照灯。)
Replac eable lightsource meansan assemb ly of a capsul e, base, and termin als that is design ed to confor m to the requir ement s of Append ix A or Append ix B of part 564 Replac eable LightSource Inform ation of this Chapte r.
Vehicl e headla mp aiming device or VHAD meansmotorvehicl e equipm ent, instal led either on a vehicl e or headla mp, whichis used for determ ining the horizo ntalor vertic al aim, or both the vertic al and horizo ntalaim of the headla mp.
Visual ly/optica lly aimabl e headla mp meansa headla mp whichis design ed to be visual ly/optica lly aimabl e in accord ancewith the requir ement s of paragr aph S7.8.5.3 of this standa rd.