少儿英语童话故事带翻译:魔鬼和它的祖母从前,有三个逃兵藏在一片麦地里,他们两天两夜没有水喝,没有东西吃,眼看就要饿死了,可是他们又不情愿走出麦地去,由于四周有驻扎的军队。    At this time, a fiery dragon flying over fell down in front of them and asked whether they wanted to live. 3 soldiers said that they wanted to live. So the dragon said that it would save them if they were willing to sell their souls to it.生命的起源与进化
The 3 soldiers had no other option and agreed to its demand. The dragon grabbed them with claws, flew to the sky and sent them to a far away place.
Actually, the fiery dragon was a devil and it gave the 3 soldiers a little whip and then said:“As long as you make efforts to whip it a lot of money will fall down in front of you. Once you have got the money, you can raise a horse and take a vehicle and live the大学英语四级词汇
life as these exceptional figures do. However after 7 years, your soul will belong to me.“ Saying this, th
e devil took out a book and let the 3 sign their names, then said:“Now, I say a riddle to you. You can think about this riddle for 7 years. If can give me the right answer you can win your freedom。“ Having said this, the devil disappeared.
With the whip, the 3 soldiers lived a life as the great people did. They had wine to drink, had meat to eat, rode horses and took vehicles. Their life was so happy. However, that time passed quickly. They hadn”t guessed the riddle yet. Two of the soldiers began to worry about it. The 3rd soldier said carelessly:“Brothers, do not fear that! I can guess that riddle right.“ By chance, his words were heard by a witch. The witch asked what difficulty they had met;they told her. “You go to the forest!“ The witch thought for
a while and said,“The forest has a stone house. As long as you find it, you can be saved.“ Those two
soldiers who were worried did not believe the words of the witch. The third soldier was the person who was informed. He walked into the forest and found that stone house. The old witch lived there. She was the grandmother of the devil. Seeing the soldier walking into the house, the old witch said:“I know what you came here for. You are a brave person and i like you. I am also willing to help you.“ The witch raised a big stone to a cellar and let the soldier hide there quietly. At night, when the fiery dragon flew back at twelve o”clock. The witch made it tell the answer to the riddle. The soldier in the cellar heard the riddle clearly.
Afterwards, the devil found the 3 soldiers and asked whether they had guessed the answer to the riddle. That brave soldier said:“I have the answer. The dead monkey with a long tail in the North Sea is soy sauce meat; the rib of a whale is a silver spoon; the horse limb is a wineglass.“ The devil cried and disappeared. The 3 soldiers were free again because they had that little whip. Their life was rich and happy.