Unit 1  Whats your name?
Hello! Im Ted. Whats your name?
Im Jeff.
How old are you?
Come! Lets play.
Im=I am    Youre =You are  Hes……=He is  Shes=She is
Its=It is    Were=We are    Theyre=They are
Come in please and close the door. Go to school and dont be late.
Unit 2  Whats this?
Whats this?
Its letter A.
Hello, Ted. Which is the letter B?
This is the letter B.
Yes, youre right.
Hello, Meg, is this a bag?
Yes, it is.
Is that a bag, too?
颓唐的反义词No, it isnt. Its a handbag.
Unit 3  What colour do you like?
What colour do you like?
种瓜得瓜不卖瓜I like yellow. What about you?
What colours are they?  What colour is it?
Unit 4  How many ducks are there?
How many ducks are there?
There are two.
Hello, Tom!
Hello, Pat!
Look! There are lots of chicks here.
How many?
I dont know.
Lets count them. One, two, three,eight.
Yes, there are eight.
Unit 5  Have you got any fish?
Have you got any fish?
Yes, I have. / No,I haven’t.
Unit 6  Has he got a teddy bear?
Has he got a teddy bear?
No, he hasnt. But hes got a ball.
I have got a dog, but my sister has got a cat.
We have got English books, but we havent got maths books.
I /You /They /We have got          He /She has got
    = I /You /They /We ve got           =He /She s got
Unit 7  Our family
Hello, Im Teddy. This is my grandmother. She I’s 25 years old.
Theyre my father and grandfather.
Hi! Im Tim. Theyre my brothers.
Have you got a hat?
No, I havent. Is it for me?
I like that hat.
Peters father      Peters mother      Peters brother        Peters sister    Peters little monkey  Peters little cat
This is a book and that is a ruler.
These are pens and those are pencils.
The book is red and the ruler is blue.
老子就是癞蛤蟆The pens are brown and the pencils are white.
This is a boy and that is a girl.
These are dogs and those are cars.
Unit 9  Whats your favourite fruit?
Whats your favourite fruit?
I like fish.
I dont like fish.
Whats your favourite drink?
I like apple juice.
There is a fish on the table.
There is a chair in the picture.
There are two children in the picture.
Unit 10  Do you want an orange or a pear?
Do you want an apple or a banana?
I want an apple. I love apples.
Whats that?
Thats a fruit.
Is it a lemon?
No, its a mango.
Do you like mangoes?
Yes, I do. Do you like mangoes?
No, I dont. I like oranges.
Is it a /Is it an
Unit 11  Look at this tall man.
This is his hair.
These are his hands.
His eyes are big.
Unit 12  Whose bike is it?
Look! Thats a new bike. Whose bike is it?
Thats Anns bike.
Have you got a bike?
Yes, I have.
What colour is your bike?
Its red and black.
Its my pen. =It’s mine.    It羚羊木雕s your book. =Its yours.    Its her ruler. =Its hers.
Its our dog. =Its ours.    Its their cat. =Its theirs.      Its his rabbit. =Its his.
I      you    he    she  we  they    it
Me    you    him  her  us  them    it
My    your  his    her  our  their    its
Mine  yours  his    hers  ours  theirs    its
Unit 13  Whats for breakfast?
Mum, Whats for breakfast?
Weve got hot dogs, burgers, eggs, milk and sausages.
Thats great!
Hello, Mum! Whats for breakfast?
Weve got bread.
Can I have some hotdogs?
Sorry, we havent got any. But we have some sandwiches.
Ok, I can have some sandwiches.
Hello, Dad! Whats for lunch?
There are some burgers, French fries and chicken.
Oh, I like chicken.
Would you like some pizza?
No, thank you.
Unit 14    By bus or by bike?
Hi, Tom. Do you go to school by bus or by bike?
I go to school by bike.
Hello! How do you come here?
I walk here.
I fly here.
Unit 15  We love animals.
Look, there are lots of animals in the zoo. Lets go and see them.
I like sheep.  I like goats.  I like cows.  I like horses.
a monkey        a mouse    a bird        a snake
two monkeys    two mice    three birds    four snakes
Unit 16    What do you do every day?
What do you do every day?
I learn English, read books and play games.
--have breakfast, drink milk, eat cakes, ride a bike, sit on a chair, throw a ball,