1、术前访视(preoperative interview)
①你好,我是手术室护士。Hello,I am a nurse of operation room.
②手术前一天晚上10点钟后禁食、禁水。You should drink nothing after 10Pm last night.
③手术前请换上病员服,摘掉手表和首饰,不要将贵重物品带进手术室。Please put on hospital dress and remove watch and jewelry,Do not take valuable things to operation room.
④请将您的x片和CT片带到手术室,以供手术时医生做为参考。Please take X ray and CT to operation room for doctor's reference during operating.
2、接待病人(take inpatient)佛山一天游哪里最好玩
①你生了什么病?What's wrong with you ?
②你知道自己要做什么手术吗?Do you know the type of your operation?
③你知道自己手术部位吗?Do you know which of part of you would be operated?
④你是做阑尾切除术吗?Would your appendix be cut?
⑤请把衣服脱下来。Put off your clothes,please.
⑥请睡平,麻醉马上要开始了。Please lie down,anaesthesia will start now.
⑦伸出你的手,我要给您注射了,当扎的时候可能会有些痛,请配合我。Spread out your hand,I'll give your injection.There would be some pain when I puncture.
⑧If you want to sleep,please lose your eyes and relax,that's anesthesia,which help you go through the operation safely.如果你想睡觉,请闭上眼睛放轻松,那是麻醉,它会帮助你安全地度过手术。
3、手术配合(cooperate the operation)
①Professor Li,please put on the operating gown and gloves,let me help you.李教授,请让我帮助您穿上手术衣和戴上手套。
②What size of gloves would you need?您需要什么型号的手套?
③Do you need scalpel blade?您需要手术刀片吗?
④What size of silk thread would you need?您需要什么型号的丝线?
⑤Please pass me blood vessel forceps.请递给我血管钳。
⑥Doctor XU,please bind up the child's bleeding wound with gauze.许医生,请用纱布包扎这个孩子正在流血的伤口。
⑦Do we need to give her urethral catheter
⑧What size of catheter do you need,what about 16#?你需要什么型号的尿管,16号吗?
⑨Please take care of the electric burn,don't touch the skin around wound.不要触到切口以外的皮肤,以防电烧伤。
⑩The operation name is surgical removal of part of the prostate.手术名称是前列腺部分切除术。
4、无菌技术(sterile technique)
①Cleaning operation room should be completely sterile.洁净手术间应该是完全无菌的。
②The doctor performs operation with sterilized surgical instruments.医生用无菌手术器械做手术。
③Doctor XU,please keep your hands above your waist and keep sterile equipment on the top of the table.许医生,请保持你的手在腰以上,无菌物品在桌面上。
④Don't turn your back on any sterile area,so as not to contaminate the sterile area.不要让你的背朝向任何无菌区域,避免污染它。
⑤If you want to pass him with sterile attire ,face to face,or back to back.如果你想穿着无菌手术衣穿过他,面对面或背对背。
⑥If your attire becomes wet,please change it.如果你的手术衣打湿了,请换掉它。
⑦Doctor XU,please save way to me,I need to go there.许医生,请让一下路,我要到那去。
5、手术结束(operation end)
太阳能热水器排行①Please open your eyes,the operation is finished.睁开眼睛,手术结束了。
②Are you OK?The operation is over,it is successful.还好吧,手术结束了,很顺利。
③Let me help you put on your clothes.让我帮你穿上衣服。
④We put your X ray in this placket.我们放你的X片在这个口袋里。
⑤Doctor XU,please deliver this tissue to the specimen room.许医生,请放这个组织到标本间。
Anesthesia 麻醉
Operation Room 手术室 
Triangular bandage 三角巾
金时光Masks 口罩
Caps 帽子
Disposable gloves 一次性手套
Operating coat 手术衣
Sterile towel 巾
Drapes 洞巾
Operating gauze 手术纱布
Dressing bowl 换药碗
Scalp needle 头皮针
operating bed脾虚会导致肥胖吗 手术床
operating board 工作台
operating cap 手术帽
operating chair 手术椅
operating coat 手术衣建国手抄报
operating double binocular microscope 双人双目手术显微镜
operating gauze 手术纱布
operating instruction 操作说明书
operating key 控制键
operating knife 手术刀
operating knife blade 手术刀片
operating lamp 手术照明灯
operating magnifying glass 手术放大镜
operating manual 操作说明书
operating microscope 手术显微镜
operating room 手术室
operating scalpel 手术刀
operating scissors 手术剪
operating towel 手术巾
operating table 手术台
operating telescope 手术用窥镜
operating theatre 手术室
operation 手术,操作,运转
operation illuminating lamp 手术照明灯
operation monitor 手术监护仪
operation office 业务处
operative 手术的,有效的,操作的
operator 手术者,操作人员
oxidant 氧化剂
oxidation-reduction potential 氧化还原电位
oxidation-reduction system 氧化还原系
oxidation tube 氧化管
oxidizing agent 氧化剂
oxyhemogram 血氧饱和图,血氧谱
oximeter 血氧计,血氧测定器
oxygen(abbr. O) 氧
oxygenation 氧合,充氧作用
oxygenator ①氧合器 ②氧气供给器
oxygenator arterial reservoir 氧合器储动脉血液器
oxygen belt 氧气带
oxygen bomb 氧气瓶
oxygen catheter 输氧管
oxygen cell 氧气电池
oxygen consumption 耗氧量
oxygen consumption computer 耗氧量计算机
oxygen cylinder 氧气筒,氧气瓶
oxygen cylinder car 氧气瓶车
oxygen cylinder truck 氧气筒推车
oxygen debt 氧债
oxygen electrode 氧电极
oxygen face mask 氧气面罩
oxygen flow meter 氧气流量表
oxygen humidifier 氧湿度计
oxygen inhalation apparatus 氧吸入器
oxygen inhalator 氧吸入器
oxygen inspector 氧气测定器
oxygen mask 氧气面罩
oxygen meter 含氧度测定仪