Starts from me, speak civilization behavior from now on
Civility, orderly
Respect others is to respect yourself, convenience, with people with convenient
We are extremely despise all litter disorderly spit and other uncivilized behavior
Throw your, devoid of civilization, waste into the box, or regulations
I for the society, the society, for me to run our society
Is my home, civilization depends on everybody
合作商Little more than a piece of junk, a pure land
Pay attention to health, everybody is responsible for; Improve the environment, all benefits
Speak civilization, love health, do a health professional
You I him more consciously, office environment more clean
Universal civilization terminology, advocate to be polite
A dialect words hurt, good a warm the heart
Speak good mandarin, communication you I him
Be self-respect, pay attention to the instrument
You are not beautiful to civilization, but civilization is beautiful
Friends talk about civilization terminology, not less
Good things to share, together create a better environment
Low-level language vulgar human ear, civilized language elegant and warm the heart
Instrument refers to a person's appearance, it is the embodiment of the appearance of one's mental outlook. A person's health and habits. Clothing, image and keep the dignified, generous appearance have a close relationship.
1, personal health, health is the key appearance beauty, is the basic requirement of etiquette. No matter how beautiful appearance, how elegant dress, if unkempt, smelled, the inevitable damage a person's external image. Therefore, everyone should develop good health habits, do sleep wake up face and feet, early, logistics supper brushing your t
eeth, often wash bath again, pay attention to comb and wash their hands frequently change clothes and other personal hygiene. Don't clean the personal hygiene in front of people. Such as stuck between the teeth, nose, digging earwax, manicure, rub dirt, etc., these behaviors should be to avoid others, otherwise, is not only indecent, also don't respect others. When talking with people should keep a certain distance, had better not too loud, spray 4 splash of a population.
2, wearing apparel, clothing reflects a culture of quality, composed of aesthetic temperament and interest. In particular, it should not only natural, coordination and easy, and to adhere to the principle of some conventional specification or. Clothes not only to be adapted to their specific conditions, also must always pay attention to the objective environment and situation to the person's dress code, namely the dress up to give priority to the time, place and purpose of the three elements, and efforts in all aspects of dress.
Speech as an art, also is an important component of personal etiquette.
1, polite, sincere and friendly attitude; Voice to suitable size, tone of voice to calm composed; Respect for others.
2. Language: honorific, respect and polite words. Such as daily use "please", "thank you" and "sorry", the second person in the word "you" and so on. First meeting as "I"; For a long time not see as a "stranger"; Please people criticize to "teach"; Trouble others say "bother"; Give a convenient for "excuse me"; Client business as "please" and so on. Try to get into the habit of using honorific. Nowadays, our country advocates of courtesy is ten words: "hello", "please" and "thank you", "excuse me" and "goodbye". The ten words reflects the civilization form of basic language to speak.
Executive deportment
1, talking pose: the posture of conversation often reflect a person's personality, culture and civilization quality. So, talk to, first of all, the two sides should confront each other, listen to each other, can't look in all directions, reading a newspaper, noodles with tired, sleepy, otherwise, can give a person distracted, arrogant and impolite.
2, standing, standing is the most basic posture, is a kind of static beauty. Stand up, the body should be vertical to the ground, focused on the two front foot palm, hold out a bosom, belly in, jaws, head, shoulders relaxed. Arms natural prolapse or cross before body, eyes straight forward, smiling. Don't crooked neck while standing, oblique waist, legs, etc., should not be in some formal occasions will hand in pocket or cross in the chest, more don't subconsciously do little action, that not only is stiff, give a person the feeling of a lack of confidence, but also lose the presence of grave.
3, sitting position: sit down, is also a kind of static model. Sit down, dignified and beautiful can give a person with elegant, calm and steady, generous beauty of nature. Correct posture should be: lumbar back straight and shoulders relaxed. Women should merge two knees together or knee tilt; Male knee can be separated from some, but not too much, is generally not more than shoulder width. Natural on his lap or arm of your chair with your hands. On formal occasions, be gentle when you sit down gently. Up to dignified and steady, not fierce fierce to sit, tables and chairs mess ring, causing embarrassing atmosphere. Whatever the posture, the body should keep regular, such as
the ancients says "sit as the clock". If you stick to it, no matter how to transform the posture of the body, will be beautiful and natural.