土豆南瓜 英语手抄报大全:扩大自己的朋友圈
英语手抄报大全:扩大自己的朋友圈英语手抄报大全:扩大自己的朋友圈 Consider who we are spending time with
The people who we spend the most time with might be a major contributing factor to feeling discouragement. This can be a very hard one, especially if those people are family and loved ones. We have a tendency to become who we most frequently associate with, and if we spend all our time with people who are constantly negative, and feeling sorry for themselves, we can be influenced to see life through a similar lens.
So what can we do? We can t simply cut loved ones out of our lives. So what we should do
is simply expand our social network. Join a peer group that is positive. Start to surround ourselves with positive people as a balance. Over time we will start to take on their mindset and this will help with any feelings of discouragement we may have.
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