The Olympic flame for the Beijing Olympic Games w as lit in Olympia,Greece o n 24M arch ,2008.With the theme of “Jo urney of Harmony (和谐)”and the slogan of “L ight the Passion,Share the Dream (点燃激情,传递梦想)”,the Oly mpic flame w ill travel along the historic Silk Road,and pass across 5conti-nents.Af ter travelling throug ho ut the mainland of China and reaching the top of the w orld —M t.Qomolang ma (Everest)—the Oly mpic f lame will finally arrive at the Opening Ceremony o f the Beijing 2008Oly mpic Games and lig ht the main cauldron o n 8August,2008.
The Beijing2008Olympic To rch Relay (圣火传递),with the participatio n (参与)o f more than 20,000to rchbearers,lasting 130days,and ov er a distance of 137,000km ,will be remem-bered as a relay ov er the longestdistance and the w idest geo graphical ex panse,and involv ing (涉及)the larg est number ofparticipants (参与者)in the historyofthe mo dernOlympic Mo vement.
点亮世界One of the highlights (亮点)of the To rch Relay is the attempt to bring the Olympic flame to the highest peak (顶峰)in the wo rld ,M t.Qo-mo langma (Ev erest).The Chinese torchbearer team,consisiting of one ethnic T u (土家族人),
13Tibetan (藏族人),and fiv e ethnic Han (汉族人)mountaineers,to ok the Olympic flame to the top of the 8,844.43-meter (29,035-foo t)M t.Qomolang ma (Everest)for the first time in histo ry on the morning of M ay 8,after o ver-coming a string of (一连串的)diff iculties.T hey climbed from an 8,300-meter-high camp (帐篷)on M t.Qomolangma early in the morning w ith the Oly mpic flame in a special canister (罐子).Then they passed the Second Step betw een 8,600meters and 8,700me
ters,the biggest challenge in the climb as they had to inch forward(慢慢地,一点一点地前进)on slippery 40-deg ree slopes (40度倾角的滑坡).At abo ut ,fiv e bearers lit their to rch-es,desig ned by ro cket scientists,one after an-o ther to pass the flame alo ng the final icy in-cline (结冰的斜坡)to the peak.At 9:17,the final to rch bearer,Tsering Wang mo,held her to rch o ver her head o n the summit (峰顶),as o ther team members unfurled (铺开,展开)the Olympic and Chinese flags,cheering “Beijing w elcomes y ou ”,even tho ugh they can be heard strug gling fo r breath (为呼吸挣扎,意思是呼吸急促)thro ug h the live broa dcast (实况转播)because of lack o f oxy gen (氧气)and of a temperature below minus 30deg rees Celsius (零下30摄氏度).
T he successful Qomo langma To rch Relay not only carries forward the Oly mpic
spirit (奥运精神),but also sho ws the w orld part o f the high technolo -gies (高科技)to be applied to (将被应用于)the 2008Beijing Olympic Games.M eanwhile,it is also a go od demo nstra tion (展现)of national unity (民族团结).
Olympic Flame Reached the Top of the World