英文邀请函及回复范文英文邀请函及回复范文邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式(forma l
cor respo ndenc e;一种是非正式格式 (inf ormal corr espon dence)。邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。
例如:“I’dlikeyou a nd Bo b toe toLunch eon n ext F riday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like youand B ob to e to lunc heonnextFrida y, Ma y the fift h.”
1.邀请朋友共进午餐I nviti ng afrien d toinfor mal l unche on De ar [Z hangYing]: Wil l you e to lunc heonon [F riday, May thefifth], at [twe lve o’cloc k]? M y nie ce [M ary]is
vi sitin g usand I thin k you will enjo y mee tingher.She i s a c harmi ng, v ery p retty girl … an d ver y goo d pan y! [J ohn a nd Ja ne] w ill b e her e, an d per hapswe ca n [gi ve adance]
aft er lu ncheo n. Do sayyou’l l e!Affec tiona telyyours, LiMing亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗?我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴
的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀! 2.邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐I nviti ng fr iends to s upper with thestran gersDear[Susa n]: I know youare i ntere stedin [o il pa intin g], s o I’m sure you’ll be inte reste d in[Mr.and M rs. L in du n]! T hey a re in g her e tosuppe r [ne xt Su ndaynight, Oct ober
the t welft h], a nd we’d li ke yo u and [Wal ter]to e, too. [Mr. andMrs.Lin D un] a re th at
ve ry ch armin g cou ple w e met in [Londo n] la st su mmer. They have a wo nderf ul
co llect ion o f [oi l pai nting s ofvario us st ages]; and I un derst and t hat M r. Li n Dun is q uitean au thori ty on [oil pain ting]. I’m sure youand W alter will thor oughl y enj oy an d eve ningin th eir p any.We’re plan ningsuppe r atsix;thatwillgiveus anicelongeveni ng to talk. IfI don’t he ar fr om yo u bef ore t hen,I’llbe ex pecti ng yo u onthe [twelf th]!Affec tiona telyyours, LiMing亲爱的[苏珊]: 我知道您对[油画]是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在[10月12日(下星期日)]来吃饭,我们很希望您和也能同来。
3. 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会An in vitat ion f or ahouse andweeke nd pa rtyDe ar [J ane]: I ho pe [y ou an d Fre d] ha v
en’t anyplanfor t he we ekend of [Julytwent y-fou rth]as we’d li ke yo u tospend it w ith u s at[FarAcres]. It’s si mplybeaut ifulherenow,withevery thing in b loom! I th ink w e can prom ise [Fred] some good fish ing t his y ear.
The f ish a re bi tingbette r tha n eve r! So brin g you r fis hingcloth es; a nd be s ur e tobring your tenn is th ings, too, beca use [the O wens] areing a nd I’m sur e you’ll w ant t o get outon th e cou rts w ith t hem.There’s averygoodtrain [Fri day n ight]; I’v e mar ked i t inred o n the time table. Itgetsyou h ere a bout[seve n-thi rty]which is j ust i n tim e for dinn er. Y ou
ca n get a la te tr ain b ack [Sunda y nig ht],or th ere’s an e arlyexpre ss th at [B ob] u suall y
tak es on [Mon day m ornin g].We hope noth ing w ill p reven t you from ing, as w e’r e
looki ng fo rward to y our v isit… and I kn ow [t he Ow ens]are l ookin g for wardto se eingyou a gain, too. Be s ure t o let us k now w hat t rainyou a re ta kingso th at [B ob] c an me et
yo u atthe s tatio n. Af fecti onate ly yo urs,亲爱的[简]: 如果您[7月24日]没有什么活动安排,我希望[您和弗雷德]能同我们一起在[远庄园]共度周末,那里已经鲜花遍地,现正在最美丽的时节。
4. 邀请参加招待会 Aninvit ation fora rec eptio n Dea r [Mr. Smi th]:It
wo uld g ive [me/us ] gr eat p leasu re to have your pres enceat arecep tionin ho nor o f the Chin ese d elega tion. Therecep tionwillbe he ld in the[theCityHall], on[Tues day,
Octob er th e fou rth]. Cock tails will be s erved prom ptlyat [s ix] t o befollo wed b dinn er at [eig ht].[I/We] sin cerel y hop e you canatten d. Le t [me/us]know. Sinc erely your s 亲爱的[史密斯先生]: 如您能够出席为[中国代表团]而举行的招待会,[我(们)]将感到十分荣幸。
5. 邀请演讲 Inv iting some one t o add ressa mee tingDear[Dr.Rodge r]: [The E nglis h Dep artme nt of Nank ai Un ivers ity]would like to e xtend to y ou an invi tatio n tobe ou r
gue st sp eaker at t he [a nnual conf erenc e] to be h eld a t the [mee tingroom] at [eight]
o’c lock, [Sat urday morn ing,Decem ber t he th irtie th, 1993]. As y ou kn ow, t he
de partm ent i s int erest ed in [the 20th cent ury E nglis h lit eratu re] S inceyou a re fa milia r
wit h the fiel d, we know your view s wil l beextre melyinter estin g tous. Y ou wi ll re ceive furt her d etail s lat er, b ut we woul d app recia te ha vingyouraccep tance soon so w e may
plet e our agen da. C ordia lly,亲爱的[罗杰博士]: [南开大学外文系]特邀请您出席[1993年12月30日(星期六)早八点在(系会议室)]召开的[学术年会]并作演讲。
6. 邀请参加新厂开工典礼 In vitat ion t o ope ningcerem ony o f new
fact ory D ear [Mr. H arris on]:Our n ew fa ctory will be m encin g pro ducti on on [Apr il 10] and we s hould like to i nvite [you andyourwife] to b e pre sentat aceleb ratio n tomarkthe o ccasi on. A s you will appr eciat e thi s isan im porta nt mi lesto ne fo r thi s org aniza tion, andis th e res ult o f con tinue d dem and f or ou r pro ducts, bot h athomeand o verse as. W e are invi tingall t hoseindiv idual s and trus t tha t you will payus th e pli ments of a ccept ing.Pleas e con firmthatyou w ill b e abl e toatten d byadvis ing u s ofyourtime—— we can
arran ge fo r you to b e met. All arra ngeme nts f or yo ur st ay [o verni ght o n Apr il 10] wil l, of cour se, b e mad e byus at ourexpen se. Y oursfaith fully, 亲爱的[哈里森先生]: 本公司新厂将于[4月10日]开始投产,希望能邀请[贤伉俪]来参加新厂开工典礼。如您所知,新厂的设立是本公司的一个里程碑,而这正是海内外对本公司产品不断需求的结果。我们邀请了所有对本公司的成功贡献一切力量的个人,我们相信,您一定会赏光。
1.接受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如“I’ll b e del ighte d toatten d you r lun cheon next Frid ay, M ay th e
fif th, a t twe lve o’cloc k”。
2.邀请信的复信中应明确表明接受邀请还是不接受邀请,不能含乎其词,如不能写“I’ll e if I’m in town”。这类的话,以使得对方无法作出安排。在接受邀请的复信中,应对受到邀请表示高兴。谢却的复信中应阐明不能应邀的原由。
1. 对迟复邀请表示歉意 Ap ologi zingfor b eingunabl e togivean
ea rly r eplyD ear [Mr. J ackso n]: P lease acce pt my apol ogies forthe d elayin
ac knowl edgin g you r inv itati on fo r [lu nch/diner/ coc ktail s] on [Sep tembe r the
four th, t his y ear]. I ha ve be en aw ay fr om th e off ice a nd on ly ju st re turne d. Lu ckily,
I h ave n o oth er pl ans f or th e dat e you ment ion,and s hallbe ha ppy t o see youat [6] atthe B lackSwanResta urant. Cor diall y, 亲爱的[杰克逊先生]:未能对您发来的出席今年[9月4日]举行的[午宴/晚宴/鸡尾酒会]的邀请给予及时答复深表歉意。我因近期一直在外,刚刚返回。
2. 对不能参加而迟复邀请回信表示歉意A polog izing forbeing unab le to acce pt th e inv itati on an d giv e anearly repl y
Dea r [Mr. Hov ell]: Plea se ac ceptmy ap ologi es fo r the dela y inackno wledg ing y our i nvita tionfor [lunch/ din ner/cockt ails] on [Septe mber
the f ourth, thi s yea r]. I have been away form theoffic e and only just retu rned.
Unfo rtuna tely, I ha ve ot her p lansfor t he da te yo u men tion, butshall be h appyto ma ke adatefor s ome o therconve nient time. Cor diall y, 亲爱的[霍维尔先生]:未能对您发来的出席[今年9月4日]举行的[午宴/晚宴/鸡尾酒会]的邀请予以及时答复深表歉意。我因一直外出,刚刚返回。
3. 接受与不相识的人共进午餐 Acce pting an i nvita tionto lu ncheo n wit h
str anger sDear [Wan g Hua]: I’ll be deli ghted to e to y our l unche on on [Tue sday, Apri l the sixt h], a t [on] o’c lock. [Bob] has ofte n spo ken m e of[Wang Hui], and hastoldme ho w ver y muc h heenjoy s hav ing h im fo r a [roomm ate /teamm ate]. Alth oughI hav e nev er me t [Wa ng Hu i], I know himfromheari ng so much abou t him. I a ssure youit wi ll be a ve ry gr eat p leasu re in deedto me et [W ang H ui’smothe r]! T hankyou s o muc h for aski ng me. Tru ly Yo urs亲爱的[王华]: 我将愉快地参加您于[4月6日(星期二)下午1时]举行的午宴。
4. 谢绝不相识的人的邀请A polog izing forbeing unab le to acce pt an invi tatio nDear [Mrs. Bro wn]:I hav e hea rd so much abou t [La mbert] fro m [Ja ne] t hat I almo st fe el as thou gh Iknewhim.I wou ld ce rtain ly en joy m eetin g his moth er! B ut un fortu natel y
I e xpect gues ts my selfon [F riday, the seve nth o f May]; an d the refor e can not a ccept your invi tatio n for lunc heonon th at da y. It wasthoug htful of y ou to invi te me, and I am
extr emely sorr y I c annot acce pt, I do h ope y ou wi ll as k meagain some time! Sin cerel y you rs, 亲爱的[布朗]: 我已经从[简]那里知道了许多关于[兰伯特]的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸!但是很不凑巧:在[5月7日(星期五)]我自己要招待客人,因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。
邀请函英文范文邀请函英文范文d ear x xx: i am w ritin g toinvit e you to j oin m e inxxxx(cityname) andto st ay wi th me here forthree year s unt il my curr ent c ourse fini shesin de cembe r 2017. iam al so se nding youa set of d ocume nts,liste d bel ow, f or yo ur us e inconne ction with your appl icati on fo r ent ry cl earan ce to ente r the uk a s mydepen
dant. i
co nfirm that i wi ll be resp onsib le fo r fin ancin g our stay in t he uk andthatof ou r
chi ld, x xx. i will prov ide f or ou r dai ly ex pense s and thecostof ou r acm odati on. a copy
of m y ten ancyaGREe mentare e nclos ed as evid enceof th e arr angem ent t hat i have
alre ady m ade f or ou r hou sing. thedocum entsthati amsendi ng yo u wit h thi s let ter p rise: (a)photo copyof re levan t pag es fr om my pass port.(b) a n off icial univ ersit y ofnotti ngham lett er co nfirm ing t he de tails of m y mph il/ph d cou rse.(c) alette r fro m myunive rsity
spon sor g iving deta ils o f the scho larsh ip iam re ceivi ng fo r mycurre nt co urseof st udy (d) my most rece nt th ree m onths bank stat ement s fro m myuk ba nk ac count. (e) a co py of my t enanc y agr eemen t. fo r fur therinfor matio n, ican b e con tacte d atthe a bove
addre ss. t ake c are.loveyou y our h usban d 公司晚会邀请函范文(中英文) (称谓) 今天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆
我们期待您的到来!(结尾敬辞) (Sa lutat ion)Today we t ake a s a s pecia l ple asure
to h ave y our p any a t our cele brati on fo r the open ing o f ____ (pl ace)branc h sho p. We hope that we c ouldshare this cele brati on wi th yo u a n d inv ite y ou to visi t our shop
to t astesomedelic iouswine. Youare w armly wele d tovisit us o n ____ (da te),from____(time A) t o ____ (ti me B). Ifyourfrien ds and ac quain tance s als o tak e int erest in o ur
pr oduct s, al l ofthemare w ele.Looki ng fo rward to y our v isit. (Com plime ntary Clos e)
De ar Si r orMadam: Weare v ery p lease d toinvit e Mr. e to ourfacto ry fo r vis iting andbusin ess n egoti ation. The busi nesstripwillstart from 18th Apri l 2017 . A nd be cause thelongbusin ess c o-ope ratio n infutur e bet ween**对方公司名 an d us, they will e to
Chin a for many time s. Pl easenote, howe ver,thatwe do n’t a ssume anylegal
or f inanc ial r espon sibil ity w hatev er re gardi ng th e pre sence of i n Chi na. A ll ex pense s ofSjour ney t o/fro m Chi na, t heirstayin Ch ina a s wel l ashealt h ins uranc e wil l beborne
by t heiremplo yers. We s end y ou ou r kin destregar ds an d bes t wis hes f or apleas ant t rip.Yours sinc erely, Gen eralManag er si gnatu r Jul y 29, 2017 Dear Siror Ma dam:We ar e
ver y ple asedto in viteMr. *** eto ou r fac toryfor v isiti ng an d bus iness
nego tiati on. T he bu sines s tri p wil l sta rt fr om 18th Ap ril 2017 . Andbecau se th e lon g
bus iness co-o perat ion i n fut ure b etwee n **对方公司名and u s, th ey wi ll eto Ch ina f or ma ny ti mes.Pleas e not e, ho wever, tha t wedon’t assu me an y leg al or fina ncial
resp onsib ility what everregar dingthe p resen ce of ****** in Chin a. Al l exp enses of *****’Sjour ney t o/fro m Chi na, t heirstayin Ch ina a s wel l ashealt h ins uranc e wil l beborne by t heiremplo yers. We s end y ou ou r kin destregar ds an d bes t wis hes f or a
pleas ant t rip.Yours sinc erely, Gen eralManag er si gnatu r Jul y 29, 2017 XXX, CEOXXX,VP Sa les X XXXXX XX Co rpora tion(Addr ess)It’sour g reathonor to i nvite youto
vi sit X XX Co mpany loca ted a t (ad dress) inAugus t, 2017. T his v isitwillprovi de an
oppo rtuni ty fo r you to m ake a bett er un derst andin g ofour m arket ing i ssues, and
to m unica te ou r fut ure b usine ss co opera tionin de tail. XXXCompa ny, a s one
of y our d istri butor s inChina, has been grea t pro gress ing i n pro motin g and
sell ing y our p roduc ts. W e bel ievethisvisit will be o f gre at be nefit to o ur fu ture
busin ess c ooper ation. Ple ase u se th is in vitat ion l etter to a pplyfor y our V ISA t o
Chi na. W e are alllooki ng fo rward to s eeing yousoon, andshoul d you have anyquest ions, plea se fe el fr ee to info rm me. You rs tr uly,E-wor ks si ncere ly in viteyou t o joi n my
colle agues andthe C hongq ing M unici pal S cienc e and Tech nolog y Com missi on, t he
gu ide,e-wor ks by Chin ese m anufa cturi ng in forma tionporta l net work
and C hongq ing M anufa cturi ng In forma tionProdu ctivi ty Ce nteron ju ly 5on
(T hursd ay) i n Cho ngqin g, Ch ina世纪金源Hot el, o rgani zed j ointl y org anize d the them e ERP appl icati ons,the m anufa cturi ng se ctormanag ement refo rm Ch ina o f the Four th
Ch ina i n the manu factu ringsecto r ERP appl icati ons w ill b e. A t pre sent, theChine se
ma nufac turin g ent erpri ses i n the fier ce pe titio n, fa cingan en ormou s cha lleng e:
Av ailab ility cycl e sho rtene d, re ducin g pro fitsspace, pro mpted ente rpris es mu st
st rengt hen t heirprodu ction cost s and deli verytimefor p recis ion c ontro l; Th e
glo baliz ation of m arket peti tion, cust omerdeman d for pers onali zed u rge e nterp rises
to u se in forma tiontechn ology to i mprov e the mana gemen t lev el; C ustom ers o n pro ductquali ty an d the cont inuou s imp rovem ent o f tra ceabi lityrequi remen ts, t he ne ed fo r pre ciserequi remen ts of ente rpris e man ageme nt; T he ra pid c hange s inthe m arket
so t hat e nterp rises need to a chiev e rap id re actio n and real ize t he vi suali zatio n of
busin ess o perat ions; Thelevel of i nform ation, esp ecial ly ER P app licat ion l eveland b ee aworld-clas s man ufact uring ente rpris es en ter t he en terpr ise s upply chai n pre requi site.
Diss emina tionof th e man ageme nt mo del a nd ad vance d man ageme nt me thods
to h elp e nterp rises trul y und ersta nd th e thi nking of E RP an d rel atedconce pts,promo te
ef fecti ve ma nagem ent i nform ation syst ems s uch a s ERP andpopul arity of d eepen ing t he ap plica tion, sele ction andimple menta tionto re duceriskthrou gh th e app licat ion o f ERP Cons truct ion o f a p latfo rm fo r ent erpri se ma nagem ent i nnova tionto ac hieve thefinan cial, logi stics, man ufact uring andbusin ess p roces s int egrat ion a nd re finem ent o f
man ageme nt, a nd ma nagem ent o f inf ormat ion t echno logyin so lving theprobl ems a nd
di fficu lties, imp rovethe a pplic ation leve l ofinfor matio n and appl icati on of resu lts,e-
wor ks in vited Mana gemen t Inf ormat ion a reasof em inent expe rts,acade mics, cons ultan ts an d ind ustry vete ran C IO, a nd ot her m anufa cturi ng en terpr isesin th e are a ofinfor matio n