我可以请您帮个忙吗? Do you mind if I ask you a favor?
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? (我可以请您帮个忙吗?)
No, not at all. (没问题,完全可以。)
= Can I ask a favor?
= May I ask you a favor? 这两个例句和上面例句不同,用Yes回答“可以”。
能帮把手吗? Would you give me a hand?
= Would you please help me?
= Would you mind giving me a hand?
= Could you help me out?
对不起…… I'm sorry to bother you,...
I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? (对不起,能帮我一下吗?)
It's no bother. (没问题。)
乐意为您效劳。 I'll be glad to.
= I'd be happy to.
= With pleasure.
= Love to.
我可不可以……/可不可以让我…… Could ?
Could I possibly use your bathroom? (我能用一下您的洗手间吗?)
Of course. (当然。)
如果可以的话,…… If you'd like,...
you'd是you would的缩写形式。
= If you want to,...
请您把糖拿过来行吗? Could you pass the sugar, please?
Could you pass the sugar, please? (请您把糖拿过来行吗?)
Sure. Here you are. (好的。给你。)
= Could I have the sugar, please?
= Could you hand me the sugar, please?
= Could you give me the sugar, please?
= Sugar, please. 比较随便的说法。
给! Here you are.
= Here you go.
= Here it is.
请做这个。 Please do this.
What do you want me to do? (你想让我做什么?)
Please do this. (请做这个。)
= Please take care of this.
= Would you please do this (for me)? (您能为我做这个吗?)
您能开车送我到那家店吗? Would you drive me to the store?
= Would you take me to the store?
= Would you drop me off at the store? (能让我在那家店下车吗?)
您能帮我到ABC饭店的电话号码吗? Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel?
Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel? (您能帮我到ABC饭店的电话号码吗?)
My pleasure. (可以啊!)
我不知道怎么填这张表。 I don't know how to fill out this form.
fill out是固定搭配,表示“在空白处填写”。form是“表格用纸”。
= How do I fill out this form?
电子表格怎么做= Can you help me with this form? (您能帮我填一下这张表吗?)
告诉我为什么? Tell me why.
= What's the reason? (理由是什么呢?)
= Why do you think that? (你为什么那么想?)
能借用一下你的钢笔吗? May I borrow your pen?
= May I use your pen?
= Is it okay if I use your pen?
有笔吗? Do you have a pen?
= Do you have a pen that I can borrow?
蓝月亮中秋之夜能借给我10美元吗? Can you lend me ten dollars?
你能给我打个电话吗? Would you give me a call?
= Could you call me?
= Can you ring me up?
你今天晚上如果能给我打个电话的话,我将非常感激。 I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight. (你今天晚上如果能给我打个电话的话,我将非常感激。
I'd be glad to. (我非常愿意。)
请关小点儿声。 Please turn it down.
turn down 是“关小”电视、收音机等的声音。另外关于turn还有以下几种用法。
turn up (开大〈电视、收音机等〉的声音。)
turn off (关上〈电视、收音机等〉)
云南风花雪月turn on (打开〈电视、收音机等〉)
= Would you please turn it down? 比较有礼貌的说法。
Would you please turn it down? (能把声音关小点吗?)
All right. (好吧!)
Not so loud, please.
= Please lower the volume.
= It's too loud. Turn it down. (太吵了,关小点声。) 带有命令的语感。
等我回来。 Wait here until I get back.
= Please wait here for me.
劳驾。 Excuse me.
Excuse me. (劳驾。)
Can I help you? (有事吗?)
Pardon me.
喂,你! Hello, there!
= Hi, there!
喂! Hey!
表示呼吁、喜悦、吃惊等。口气有些傲慢无礼,所以对不认识的人最好用Excuse me.
= Yo!
= Hey, you!
= Say! 比较旧的说法。
你有空吗? Do you have time?
“你有时间吗?”,如果是Do you have the time?的话,意思是“你知道几点了吗?”。
Do you have time? (你有空儿吗?)
Sure. (有空。)
= Do you have a minute?
我想求你件事行吗? Can I ask you a favor?
Can I ask you a favor? (我想求你件事行吗?)
Sure. What is it? (当然。什么事?)
Can I ask you a favor? (我想求你件事。)
Sorry, I'm busy. (对不起,我很忙。)
May I ask a favor of you? 更礼貌的说法。
= Could you do me a favor?
= Could you help me?
= Can you help me?
我想打听点儿事。 May I ask you something?
May I ask you something? (我想打听点儿事。)