【 导语】转眼间一学期结束了,迎来了难忘的暑假。以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
It's summer vacation! My summer vacation began.
My family has a beautiful large orchard. The peaches in the orchard are ripe. I took the initiative to ask to sell peaches with my mother. First, I usually go to school and help my family share some during the holidays. The second is to take advantage of my eloquence and improve my living ability.
In the early morning, the birds are singing on the branches, and the grass is stretching its soft body. I am happy to go to the orchard with my mother to pick peaches.
Just arrived at the orchard, there was a breeze blowing in the face. The strong peach fragrance came to my nose. The shaking peaches seemed to smile at me. The peaches on the tree are hanging all over the branches one by one. I'm dazzled. I'm very happy to see t
he harvest orchard. My mother and I have prepared several small baskets and made a division of labor in advance. My mother is responsible for picking peaches, and I am responsible for transporting the picked peaches to the tricycle and gently placing them in order. Basket after basket, sweat soaked our clothes, and the car is full. It's time to sell peaches.
We were driving on the country road. My mother turned on the horn recorded in advance and shouted to sell peaches. I was walking when I heard someone shouting from behind: "wait a minute, I want to buy peaches." Mother quickly stopped and turned around. Auntie, I want to buy peaches! My peaches are delicious. Try them first and then buy them. If you don't like them, you don't have to pay. Otherwise, you can try them first, I said warmly. Auntie took a peach in her hand and peeled it three or two times. The tender white flesh immediately leaked out. She just took a bite and saw that the peach juice flowed like an open tap. "How sweet!" How much is a jin? Give me a bag! OK, I weighed the peaches that my aunt chose just 20, and I sent two more to my aunt. After the aunt gave the money, she went back happily.
Not long after the aunt left, a large group of people came. I hurriedly said to them: "buy peaches. They are not delicious and do not cost money. They are big and sweet. Taste them first and then buy them!" I said and took out peaches for them to taste. They peeled off the skin, and after eating, they all said that it was good. Now my mother and I were busy. We were busy weighing peaches for this guest and picking peaches for that guest. We were sweaty and flushed. After the busy work, my mother and I took a peach and ate it. Then we sorted out the few remaining peaches and prepared to go home.
Sitting on the tricycle, humming a tune, I could not help thinking about selling peaches. I suddenly found myself so capable. I think of the teacher who often teaches us to help our parents do what we can. I hope I can continue to help my parents in the summer vacation, exercise myself and grow up!
Time is like water. In a blink of an eye, the summer vacation is fading away. I have entered the sixth grade. Looking back on this summer vacation, it really makes me reluctant to part
with it. Because many impressive things happened during the holiday, one of the most unforgettable things was that I went to the stadium to learn swimming. I still have mixed feelings when I think about it now.
I remember that day, being timid by nature, I was reluctantly "abducted" by my father to the stadium to learn swimming.
When I entered the swimming pool, I saw the coach shouting to other children: "what have you learned? I still can't!" Looking at the serious coach, I was scared to step back. Later, with my father's encouragement, I went underground with anxiety. The coach pointed at me: "come here." My heart rose to my throat. I came to the coach trembling. Unexpectedly, the coach was very gentle to me: "you hold your breath and kick." Now I felt much more relaxed. I was practicing holding my breath by the pool. Suddenly, a big hand held my body and pressed my head down slowly: "if my head is lowered, my body can surface." Under the "control" of the coach, I slowly put my head down. After a while, the coach said to me, "you're doing well. Now follow me." The coach took my hand and slowly retreated, and I gradually followed him to swim.
I was swimming. Suddenly, the teacher's hand was loosened. I felt like I had lost my life-saving straw. I was at a loss. I was splashing in the water. Just when I wanted to call for help, my body had sunk into the water and choked a few mouthfuls. I was afraid of drowning. The coach said to me patiently, "don't panic, just take your hand." I summoned up the courage to swim forward again, but my legs seemed to be filled with lead, and I could not lift them. It was in this hesitation that I choked a few more saliva. Suddenly, the fear in my heart became fear, and the little confidence I had just had vanished. At this time, the coach said: "don't be afraid, believe in yourself and have the courage to swim forward." But I still dare not start. However, the coach didn't allow me to linger. He pulled my leg and asked me to swim forward. It seems that it's impossible not to swim. Instead of being trained passively, it's better to learn actively. So I forced myself to swim hard. After a while, I looked back. Eh, what about the coach? I looked up and saw the coach giving me a thumbs up.