1. __________ man in blue is a teacher of __________ university in America.
A.A ; the    B.A ; a
C.The ; a    D.The ; an
2.________ New Year’s Day, there are lots of people ________ smile on their faces walking on the street.
A.In; have    B.On; have    C.On; with    D.In; with
3.In ________ century, ________ wonderful inventions have made our life much easier and more convenient.
A.twenty-one; thousands of    B.the twenty-first; thousands of
C.the twenty-one; thousand of    D.twenty-first; thousand of
4.The lady is so worried about her son in the waiting room that a bottle of water went from one of her hands to ________.
A.other    B.the other    C.others    D.the others
5.—________ I take some photos in the museum?
— No, you ________. No one is allowed to do it here.
A.Can; needn’t    B.Must; mustn’t    C.Could; won’t    D.May; mustn’t
6.— Spring is one of the best ________ to go to the ________ part of China.
— I am really looking forward to enjoying the beauty of nature.
A.season; west    B.season; western    C.capitals; west    D.capital; western
7.As a ninth-grader, ________ you are, the better high school you will ________.
A.the more hard; go    B.the harder; get to    C.the more hard-working; enter    D.the harder; enter into
8.Not only ________ bring happiness to us, but they ________ also bring traditional art back to life.
A.do the art forms bring; must    B.does the art form; shall    C.do the art forms; can    D.do the art forms bring; have to
9.The air is ________ polluted so each of us should ________ in the environmental protection.
A.badly; take a part    B.badly; play a part    C.deeply; play part    D.seriously; take part
10.He failed ________ school on time. I wondered ________ arrive earlier next time.
A.to get; whether he could    B.getting; if he can    C.getting; that he could    D.to arrive at; if he could
11.— What problems do you think ________ when he was in Grade 7?
— He found ________ difficult to pronounce the words and read texts.
A.he was; it was    B.did he have; it    C.he had; it’s    D.he had; it
12.The big house with a pool will ________ so much money and he can’t afford ________ it.
A.spend; to pay    B.take; buying    C.cost; to pay for    D.pay; to buy
13.—Sorry, I’m late. Has the meeting begun?
—It doesn’t matter. The meeting ________ for several minutes.
A.has just begun    B.has just been over
C.has just been on    D.has just ended
14.— Do you think this piece of music can make you happy?
— No. It sounds ________. Could you please play another ________?
A.sad; piece    B.sad; one    C.good; one    D.good; piece
15.— Boys and girls, don’t make so much noise. The students in Grade Nine are taking exams.
—________. Hope they can get good grades.
time in a bottleA.Good idea    B.Never mind    C.Sorry, we won’t do it again    D.Not bad
I believe listening is a powerful medicine.
It was Sunday. I had the last   16  to see and I got into her room. She was an old woman, si
tting on the bed, trying to   17  her socks. I said something like this: “How are you feeling? The nurse says your son is visiting you today. I believe you are   18  seeing him.”
She stopped me in a serious voice, “Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not yours.”
I was surprised and   19  . I sat down and helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her,   20  she had not seen him for five years. She believed her health problems were because of missing her son. After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks, I asked if there was   21  I could do for her. She   22  her head and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to   23  .
Each story is different. Some are clear;   24  are not, yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard.
Listening to someone’s story costs nothing but it is the key to healing(康复). I often think of   25  the woman taught me, and I remind it myself of the importance stopping, sitting down and truly listening. I believe in the power of listening.
16.A.doctor    B.nurse    C.patient    D.student
17.A.take off    B.get off    C.clean out    D.put on
18.A.looking forward to    B.expecting    C.going on    D.worrying about
19.A.worried    B.sad    C.embarrassed    D.angry
20.A.and    B.so    C.but    D.however
21.A.nothing else    B.anything else    C.anything    D.everything
22.A.shook    B.nodded    C.waved    D.moved
23.A.see    B.hear    C.listen    D.give
24.A.other    B.others    C.the other    D.another
25.A.that    B.how    C.what    D.when
Happy birthday to Wally