1. Miss Su got home and found _____ flat looked as good as new.
2. Arthur Conan  Doyle is considered _____ a master at solving crimes.
A. for
B. as
D. by
3.—Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our_____?
—Yes, I slept well and I liked the breakfast.
A. hotel
B. school
C. factory
D. company
4.The New Year Concert was so amazing that_____left in the middle of it.
A. everybody
B. anybody
C. nobody
D. somebody
5.—Home is_____place wherever you go.
—East or west, home is the best.
A. warm
B. warmer
C. warmest
D. the warmest
6.—_____are the students in your class?
Most of them are only fifteen.
A. How long
B. How old
C. How much
D. How many
7._____the journey was tiring,Jeff thought it was worth both the time and the money.
A. As
B. Since
C. Unless
D. Although
8.—I went to see you yesterday evening. But you weren't in. Where were you then?
time in a bottle
I_____a walk by the lake with my father.
A.am having
B.was having
C. have had
D. had
9.—Would you like to come to my party next Sunday?
—I’d love to, but I_____. I have an important meeting that day.
A can't
B mustn't    C. needn't D shouldn't
10.During the outbreak of COVID-19,we should_____any possible danger around us.
A.wash away
B.turn around
C.share with
D.guard against
11.—Jack, let's have a picnic this afternoon.
—Sorry. I have_____Frank to help him with the biology report.
A. advised
C. promised
D. suggested
12.The instructions tell us everything_____about how to make the model ship.
A. by hand
B. by chance
C. in detail
D. in person
13.Beijing Daxing International Airport_____to deal with 45 million passenger trips a year by
A. expects
B. is expecting
C. was expected
D. is expected
14. —                    .
Come on! Just give it a try.
A. I'm afraid I can't ride the bike
B. I'm sure it's bad for your eyes
C. I'm glad to win first place
D. I'm sorry for breaking the window
15. —Julie has made great progress. How did she make it?
—She works much harder than before. She says if she doesn't catch up, she will be left out.
Which of the following phrases has the similar meaning with the underlined phrase?
A. get angry
B. fall behind
C. give up
D. get excited
My mother's dream of becoming a teacher was broken by an unexpected child: me. Though my mother left the fields of education, she did not leave it    16    .
On the first day of kindergarten (幼儿园), I    17      my lunch box. Inside it, I found a note from my    18      written on a napkin (餐巾). It said that she loved me,  she was    19      of me and  I was the best kindergartener in the world! Because of that    20      , I made it through my first day of kindergarten.
There have been many napkin notes since the first one. There were napkin notes in primary school when I was    21      math. They told me "Hang in there. You can do it!" There were napkin notes in high school, when my    22      team was the first one in our school's history to play in a state championship. "There is no ' I ' in a    23    . You have got this because you know how to      24    the ball." And there were even napkin notes which were sent to me in college and graduate school, far away from    25      touch.My mother's encouragement, support and teachings    26      in years of love and napkin notes.
At Christmas this year, my forty-year-old mother was    27      going back to school to get her degree in teaching. I also gave her a gift for school: a lunch bag filled with her favourite foods. As she opened up her "You can do it!" napkin note    28      me, tears began running down her face. When her eyes met mine, I knew that she    29      my unspoken message: My mother is, and has always been, a    30    .
16. A. seriously    B. easily    C. completely    D. quickly
17. A. carried    B. opened    C. moved    D. closed
18. A. mother    B. teacher    C. sister    D. grandmother
19. A. fond    B. afraid    C. tired    D. proud
20. A. lunch    B. box    C. note    D. napkin
21. A. carrying on    B. trying on    C. getting on    D. working on
22. A.basketball    B. music    C. swimming    D. singing
23. A. school    B. team    C. system    D. playground
24. A. get    B. take    C. share                  D. throw
25. A. our    B. his    C. my    D. her
26. A. ended    B. repeated    C. forgot    D. appeared
27. A. finally    B. suddenly    C. hardly    D. totally
28. A. of    B. to    C. with    D. from
29. A. understood    B. accepted    C. took    D. received
30. A. parent    B. teacher    C. scientist    D. student
31. What does the poster tell us about?
A. An art show.
B. A fashion show.
C. A charity project.
D. An art course.
32. Where will it be held?
A. A public library.
B. A local shopping mall.
C. The South Belleon art centre.
D. South Belleon High School.
33. What do you know from the poster?
A. People can buy some of the art pieces.
B. People can make their own art pieces.
C. Some works of art will be made by 7th-graders.
D. People can see the show any time before February.
Suppose you're floating on a big piece of ice. Ice water is all around you. To find food, you have to swim in the cold water. Can you survive? Of course you can , if you're a polar bear!
How does a polar bear stay warm? Its large body can hold a lot of heat. The polar bear's long  nose warms and moistens the cold, dry air before it reaches its lungs(肺). The polar bear's tail and ears are short and close to its body. This keeps the polar bear from losing too much heat. What's
more, a polar bear has a thick fur coat and it keeps it from losing heat.
What's for dinner? Seals! Seals swim in water that is covered with ice. They must come to the surface to breathe. When a seal comes to the surface to breathe, it's a chance for polar bears to catch it.
A polar bear depends on its long, sensitive nose for hunting. It can detect a seal's breathing nose in cold from as far as a kilometer away. When the polar bear finds a hole in the ice, it lies down next to it and waits, sometimes for hours. When a seal comes up for air, the polar bear catches the seal with its sharp claws and teeth. That's how the polar bear gets its dinner!
34.What does the underlined word "moistens" mean in Chinese?
A. 使暖和
B. 使冷却
C. 使干燥
D. 使湿润
35.Why does the writer mention seals in Paragraph 3?
A. Because both of them can swim well.
B. Because seals are the food of polar bears.
C. Because seals and polar bears are friends.
D. Because both of them live in the same place.
36.What's the main idea of  Paragraph 4?
A. How polar bears stay warm.
B. What polar bears eat for dinner.
C. How polar bears catches seals.
D. How polar bears get on with seals.
37. Which of the following magazine can we read this passage?
A. Food & Drinks
B. Animals & Plants
C. Jokes & Stories
D. History & Geography
There was once a famous scientist who made several important discoveries. Once he was asked how he was able to be so creative. He replied that it all came from an experience he had with his mother when he was 2 years old. He was trying to take a bottle of milk out of the fridge. But the bottle was too slippery (滑的) and he dropped it. The kitchen floor was covered in milk.
When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of shouting at him or punishing him, she said, "Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have never seen such a huge puddle of milk. Would you like to play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?"
So he did. After a few minutes, they cleaned it up together. Then his mother said, "This was a failed experiment in how to carry a big bottle of milk with two tiny hands. Let's go out in the backyard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can find a way to carry it without dropping it."
The little boy learned that if he held the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!
The scientist then added that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to be afraid to make mistakes. He learned that mistakes are just opportunities (机会) to learn something new –which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment doesn't "work",
we can still learn something valuable from it.
38. How did Robert make a mess on the kitchen floor ?
A. By doing an experiment.
B. By drinking a bottle of milk.
C. By throwing bottles around .
D. By dropping a bottle of milk.
39. What did Robert's mother do after he made the mess?
A. She allowed him to play in the mess.
B. She shouted at him and punished him.
C. She asked him to clean the kitchen.
D. She showed him a huge puddle of milk.
40. Which of the following words best describes Robert's mother?
A. Smart.
B. Hard-working.
C. Careful.
D. Protective.
41. What does the writer try to express with this story?
A. To tell readers how much he loved his mother.
B. To suggest that we should treat life as a big experiment.
C. To show that scientific discoveries come from everyday life.
D. To tell readers that they should keep an open mind about mistakes.
Lindy Tse will never forget the night her parents brought her back to the United States from Fujian Province when she was 4 years old. She cried silently throughout the journey because she missed her grandmother, who raised her in China.
Tse was a "satellite baby". Such babies are born in the US to Chinese immigrant(移民) parents and sent to China as little babies and raised by relatives — normally grandparents. When they are 5 or 6, they are then returned to the US to start school. Parents do this for different reasons. They often work long hours every day and can't afford child care, which costs from $11,700 to $ 14,144 a year in New Y
ork. They also want to send their children to China for cultural reasons.        On her return, it took Tse a year before she spoke to her father. Now 17, she said, "I think it was because we had both lost four years that could have been important to our relationship." She speaks only English now and has forgotten most of her early childhood spent in a small village with her grandmother. She still feels not close to her parents. "I just don't know how to show my feelings to them," she said.
The term "satellite babies" was invented by Yvonne Bohr, a clinical psychologist(临床心理学家) at York University in Toronto, Canada, who has been studying such separations since 2006. "Babies are often sent away at around the time they have just become fond of their parents. As a result, they may experience great pain and sorrow during this separation," Bohr said. "When they return, the parents in turn may expect the children to be very happy to be home, often not understanding that for the child, this isn't home," she said.
Research suggests that this way of raising a child can affect a child's environment which can lead to depression, anxiety and misbehavior at school. Studies show that the shock and pain experienced by both children and parents can last a lifetime.