The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of phr,f-in the Dai Language:A Revelation in Phonemic Analysis
Zhang Fugang1Ni Boyang2
1School of Humanities,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics9Nanchang Jiangxi330013 2School of Literature,Nankai University?Tianjin300071
Abstract Based on the investigation of relevant regional dialects and social variants,this paper analyzes the strata and development process of ph-,f-in the Dai language.The findings as verified in the thirteen books of Bai Yi Yi Yu(百夷译语)show that the convergence of ph-,f-in Menglian Dai is a relatively recent process・The resulted phonemes should not be directly applied to the analysis of historical phonology.The phoneme ph-as recognized by Zhou Yaowen should be modefied to f-.Further more,the p
aper proposes some precautions in application of synchronic phonemes in diachronic comparison.
Keywords Dai dialects;Bai Yi Yi Yu;sound change;phonemic;historical comparison 第十届国际古汉语语法研讨会征文通知
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