对于英语专业研究生非常重要。它代表作者的科学研究水平,通常可以分为三局部:开始,正文,结尾。开始局部涉及标题页,签名页,英文摘要,中文摘要,致谢,目录,表格列表,图表列表; 正文局部包含五个主题:引言,文献综述,方法论,结果与讨论,结论; 结尾局部包含两个主题:一个是引用,另一个是附录。
Thesis writing is very important for agraduate student of English major. It represents the author’s level ofscientific research which usually can be divided into three parts—beginning,body and ending. The begi
nning part involves title page, signature page, abstractin English, abstract in Chinese, acknowledgements, table of contents, list oftables, list of figures; the body part contains five
topics which areintroduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion,conclusions; the ending part contains two topics: one is references, the otheris appendices.
The title page is the first page of thethesis. It should provide the readers with the following information: the titleof the manuscript, at which university the thesis was written, by whom thethesis was written and when the thesis was finished. The title should be clearand brief which must describe the study the author focuses on.
The second page of the thesis is signaturepage where the author’s supervisor signature is very important without which the thesiswould have not legally been submitted.
The abstract is a summary of the author’s studywhich should be coherent and provides information including the followingaspects: the purpose of the study, the research questions to be addressed, thesubjects involved, the instruments used to collect the data, the procedures forcollecting and analyzing the data, the findings and the conclusions. Theabstract in Chinese is important as the abstract in English, which is normallywritten for the members of the higher degree mittee who are not g
ood atreading in English. To some extent, the quality of the abstract in Chinesedetermines the author’s suess or
failure in obtaining a graduate degree. So the authorshould spend as much time on the abstract in Chinese as he/she does on theabstract in English.
The next page is about acknowledge wherethe author expresses his/her gratitude to the people who have offered help inthe process of research and thesis writing. The people include such as the supervisor,the teachers and the classmates who once gave the author suggestions or adviceon his/her research, persons who helped the author collect data and doproof-reading and so on. The best strategy to express the author’s thanks isto specify exactly why each person should be thanked and what the people to bethanked has done in the relation to the author’s research andthesis writing. The author should be sincere but he/she needn’t beover-modest otherwise it could make the readers think the author might be aninpetent researcher.
The following page is about the table ofcontents which lists the heading of the beginning, body and ending parts of thethesis. The beginning part which is marked by Roman numbers is different fromthe body and ending parts which are sequenced by Arabic numbers. Thesubheadings of each chapter in the body of the thesis are listed which showtheir different levels.
The last two topics in the beginning partof the thesis are listof tables where the tables in the thesis are put
togetherand each table has a page number and list of
figures in which all the figuresinthe thesis have their
page numbers. A table that must be a squareor arectangle in which the author presents words and numbers in rows and columns isdifferent from a figure that may refer to a graph, a chart or a diagram, or apicture.
The first topic of the body part isintroduction that is short without many technical terms and that th
e casualreaders can understand and get a whole picture
of the author’s study.
The literature review follows theintroduction. The authorshould tell the readers what has already been done andwhat problems remained to be solved. The readers can get a main idea of the author’s proposedstudy and the previous study.
The following chapter is about methodologywhich tells the reader about the design of the proposed study and includesgeneral and specific research questions or hypothesis, information about subjects,instruments, the procedures for data-collection and data-analysis. However theinformation in this chapter should be explicit and transparent so that anyreaders can replicate the author’s study.
The next chapter is results and discussionwhere the author interpret and explain his/her results, answer
his/her researchquestion, justify his/her approach, and critically evaluate his/her study.
The author also needs to critically analyzehis/her work, recognizing the limitations and shorting of his/her study andexplaining how the work could be improved.
A conclusion chapter should stress theimportance of the thesis statement, give the essay a sense of pleteness, andleave a final impression on the readers, which includes major findings,implications of the findings and remendations for future research. Theending part is made up of references which refer to materials the author cited in his/her thesis and include author(s) ,date ,title, the
place of publication and the publisher and so on andappendices that are important, but can’t be put in the bodyof the thesis and include plete questionnaire ,
interview schedule, test papersand so on.
In the preceding paragraphs we have talkedabout the
main structure of a thesis. We know that a good topic is beneficialto the author which will lead to his/her suess in thesis writing. The fol
lowing paragraphs will focus on how tochoose a topic.
The topic is what matter the author willfocus on in
his/her thesis or what question should be solved. What should bechosen as the topic is the first key step for the author to write the thesiswhich is related to the suess or