  1, happiness will only be given to those who are not afraid of labor, and those who forget to work for ___ny years. - Sue Home Linsky
  2, "on ___ and for all", there are some, and the "on ___ and for all" is very few - Lu Xun
  3, knowledge is obtained from labor, and any achievement is the crystallization of hard work. - Song Qingling
  4, happiness is only aompanied by happiness. If happiness is not aompanied by labor, it will not only rapidly lose its value, but also quickly degenerate people's minds. - Ushinski
  5, labor is the sour ___ of all power, all morality and all happiness. - La Jonanioli
  6, virtue is produ ___d in labor. - Euripides
  7, great achievements are directly proportional to hard work. If there is one labor, there will be a harvest. Over time, from less to more, miracles can be created. - Lu Xun
  8, as the pond and the ting. - Ban Gu
  9. In fact, there is no social form that can prevent the labor time dominated by society to adjust production in this or that way. - Marx
  10, we learn to think in the pro ___ss of our work, the result of labor, we know the mystery of the world, so we really change our life. Gorky
  11, only hu ___n labor is sacred. Gorky
  12, all the suessful people treat their lives seriously, when he was alive, he would try to do more work, work, study, and never waste the time. - Deng Tuo
  13, my life basically is hard work, I can say that I have lived for seventy-five years, the month is fortable life, like pushing a stone mountain, the stone does not stop rolling down and push up. - Gerd
  14, it is only under new social conditions that labor can be transformed from heavy burden to fortable and pleasant physiological requirements. - Chernyshevsky
  15, labor ___kes a person bee noble moral, instruments and products that he used to be careful with work, pay attention to books and other ___terial and spiritual culture items, respect for any kind of oupation workers, those who hate parasites and exploiters be timid and lazy loafers. - (-)
  16, to work, to be diligent: work is the most reliable wealth. - La? Fontaine
  17, the love of labor is one of the ___in elements of muni ___ morality. But only after the victory of the working class is the indispensable condition for hu ___n life -- labor will not be a heavy and shameful burden, but an honor and a heroic cause. - Kalinin
  18, the establishment of the socialist system has opened up a way to reach the ideal state, and the realization of the ideal state depends on our hard work. - Mao Zedong
  19, from now on, I no longer look up at the blue sky, no longer look down at the white wat
er, but watch my feet. I want to step on the soil and lay deep footprints. - Zhu Ziqing
  20, we should thank our benefactor Adam. He ___de us free from the "happiness" of leisure and the "sin" of labor. - Mark Twin
  21, love the labor. There is no power, like labor, the power of collective, friendly, and free labor to ___ke ___n bee a great and wise ___n. Gorky
  22, sin ___ the thought exists in the labor, the ___n depends on the labor to survive. - Sue Home Linsky
  23, labor is the father of wealth, and land is the mother of wealth. - William Petty
  24. There is no real value in the world, which can be obtained without hard work. - Edison
  25, labor is the sour ___ of all knowledge. - Tao Zhu