It was my sixth-grade year. I was overjoyed when the U. S. Navy band came to perform in our town. It was an event I'd never forget, and one instrument stood out above all others. That day, at 12 years old, I fell in love with the heavenly sound that came from the trumpets (小号),and a dream was born. Someday, I wanted to join a military band onstage as a guest performer.
My father took notice of my enthusiasm and bought me a used trumpet. I practiced every day, training my lips, mastering my breathing, until I felt at one with the instrument. I made fir
st chair and played trumpet through high school. “Someday I'll play along with a military band,” I told my friends. The details I left to God to figure out, while I pursued a more practical life course. Rather than declaring a performance major in college, I studied to be a music teacher.我父亲注意到了我的热情,给我买了一个二手小号。我每天都在练习,训练我的嘴唇,掌握我的呼吸,直到我觉得与乐器融为一体。我做了首席,整个高中都在吹小号。有一天我会和军乐队一起演奏,我告诉我的朋友们。我把这些细节留给上帝去解决,而我则追求更实际的生活。我没有在大学里选择表演专业,而是学习成为一名音乐老师。
Now I was blessed to be at this military band concert, a magic afternoon that had brought with it a trip down memory lane.
After the concert, I made my way to the stage to thank Colonel (上校) Carino, the conductor of the military band. When he learned I taught music in town and played trumpet, he invited me to play a trumpet solo(独奏) at their next concert in the park.
音乐会结束后,我走上舞台向军乐团指挥卡里诺上校致谢。当他知道我在镇上教音乐和吹小号时,他邀请我在公园的下一次音乐会上演奏小号独奏。A solo? I couldn't remember the last time I'd taken my trumpet out of its case. I doubted I'd even be able to get a decent note out of it. “Sir, that's impossible. I'm sorry, but there's no way.”“In the Army,” the colonel thundered, “you don't say no!”
I felt scared and trapped. Yet, a lingering thought took root: “Is it possible that life is opening the door to my childhood dream?” I said yes to the invitation. I knew I had to do my part and practiced for hours every day. My lips swelled and then bled.
注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
As time passed, Colonel Carino took an unexpected role in my preparation.
I stood on stage next to Manuel(新人物出现), my performance partner.
As time passed, Colonel Carino took an unexpected role in my preparation. 1Sensing my anxiety,he made a thoughtful adjustment to the original plan. 2Rather than facing the solo challenge, I would have Manuel, an accomplished trumpet player, as my partner. 3Every evening after the band’s practice, Colonel Carino arranged for Manuel to tutor me. 4Under his supervision and with Manuel’s expertise, I revisited fundamental techniques and honed the skills I’d neglected. 5Colonel Carino’s unique combination of discipline and empathy gradually restored my confidence. 6With each session, I felt more inspired to push beyond my boundaries.7 Before I knew it, the concer t day arrived.
I stood on stage next to Manuel, my performance partner. 1The spotlights ca st a warm glow around us, and the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. 2As the first notes flowed from our trumpets, all my nerves vanished. 3Together, Manuel and I played in harmony. 4Surprisingly,I played better than I had during my best practices. 5As we finished our performance, the crowd leap t to their feet, showering us with applause. 6Meeting Colonel Carino’s proud gaze, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. 7My childhood dream had been realized. 8Not only had I performed with a military band, but I had also forged memories that I would cherish forever.