Today, I watched the movie "My Motherland and I", and I have a lot of feelings.
This film, a total of seven small stories: "The Night Before", "Champion", "Return", "Hello Beijing", "Day meteor", "escort", each small story around the development of the motherland to describe. They are all a little person behind a big event, each of one is very touching. My favorite story is still about The Night Before.
"The Eve Before" is that in the eve of the founding ceremony in order to ensure that the national flag can fly smoothly in the city of Beijing, Lin Zhiyuan and others overcame many difficulties, and finally to ensure that the electric national flag device is safe, so that the founding ceremony smoothly.
In the story of "The Night Before", Lin Zhiyuan in order to weld the new barrier, overcome the fear of heights, resolutely climbed so high flag pole, looking at his legs shaking is so severe, I pinched a sweat for him, climb so high has no protective measures, if fell down, the consequences are unimaginable.
After watching "My Motherland and I" this film, I was very moved. Through the ages, how many unknown people have paid their precious lives for the construction of China? How many selfless people have exhausted their efforts for China's development? How could the new China be established without them? How can China become a world power? After every big event, there will be some unknown, selfless dedication of the little people. They are humble but great.
Little people, big events. Every little person should be respected, because everyone is silently dedicated. Anyone with a dream can realize their dream through the struggle. The film really let us know that the country is good, the talent is good. Without national dignity, there is no personal dignity."Return" that moment, why we fight every minute; "win" that moment, why we tears. Without understanding the disaster and painful history of the nation, we cannot understand the glory and success of the efforts and struggle of a country today, nor can we understand the spirit and quality of a man. We are all dreamers, we are all dreamers; we are all striving to realize our personal ideals and the great rejuvenation of our country. As the "escort" wrote, although it is a "substitute", but we never give up every o
pportunity, do not give up our every effort.
Film "I and my motherland", is not a political film, but a feature film, the story of "country", but also about the story of "ordinary people", so can move people, inspire thoughts, both described the ordinary people of love, marriage, and embodies their bitterness and helpless, also show their extraordinary life and "passion burning years".