Magpie, also known as the Eurasian Magpie, is a beautiful bird with a striking appearance. It is a member of the crow family and is found in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and North America.
    The Magpie has a distinctive black and white plumage, with a long tail and a black beak. Its head, neck, and breast are black, while its wings and back are a glossy blue-black. The underparts and the sides of the tail are white, and there is a white patch on the shoulders. The eyes are dark brown, and the legs and feet are black.
    The Magpie is a medium-sized bird, measuring around 45-60 cm in length and weighing between 150-250 g. The male and female look similar, although the male is slightly larger than the female.
    Magpies are known for their intelligence and social behavior. They are highly vocal and communicate with a range of calls, including a harsh, chattering call and a musical warbling s
ong. They are also known for their habit of collecting shiny objects, such as coins and jewelry, which they use to decorate their nests.
    Magpies are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods, including insects, small mammals, fruit, and seeds. They are also known to scavenge and will eat carrion and garbage.
外貌描写片段    The Magpie is a common bird in many parts of the world and is often seen in gardens and parks. It is a beautiful and fascinating bird, with a striking appearance and an interesting behavior.