  Working in Big Cities or Small Sized Cities?
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Working in Big Cities or Small Sized Cities?. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.
  [1]With employment pressure increasing in big cities in recent years, college graduates' decisions about where to go after graduation have become a big problem. In some sense, to work in a big city or a small sized city, that is a tough question for many college graduates.
  [2]On the one hand, the rising living cost and fierce competition are making it ever more difficult for college graduates to gain a firm foothold in big cities. However, big cities do bring more opportunities and higher salaries. On the other hand, life in small sized cities is much easier than that in big cities. Moreover, companies in small cities offer broader career development, which means college graduates can achieve success in career much earlier.
  [3] From my point of view, where to work after graduation largely depends on what matters most for each graduate. Since an easier life means more to me, working in a small sized city is not a bad idea for me.
  [l]首段概述大学毕业生面临的艰难选择。to 0r?,that is a tough question该句模仿了经典名言“To be or not to be, that is the question.”。
  {2l第二段是本文的核心内容,使用On the one hand, on the other hand分别论述在大城市和小城市工作的利弊。中间使用了however, moreover等连词.使得论证的结构更有层次感。
  口employment pressure就业压力口living cost生活成本
  口fierce competition激烈的竞争口ever more越来越
  口gain a firm foothold取得牢固的立足之地
  口depend on依靠口matter v. 要紧,重要
  1.To?or to?,that is the question.(引出两难选择的句型)
  2. From my point of view,?largely depends on what matters (表明作者观点句型)
  Go to Work or Become A Postgraduate? 工作还是考研?
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Go to Work or Become A Postgraduate? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.
  [l]Many college students face a dilemma when graduating. They do not know whether they should go for a job or further their study as a postgraduate.
  [2]On the one hand, if they choose to work, they can enjoy economic independence immediately. But the starting salaries they receive can be very small, sometimes even lower than those of blue collar workers. On the other hand, if they get higher degrees, they will become more competitive than most graduates and their starting salaries can be higher. However, the job choices left to them may be fewer than those they had as graduates.
  [3]In my opinion, the decision actually depends on each individual's practical situation. If one
  wants to pursue further academic achievements and makes sure that he can benefit a lot from a master degree, further study is a better choice. But if his family's economic conditions do not allow him to do so, or postgraduate study contributes very little to his competitiveness, he'd better prepare his resume as early as possible.
在这里作文  ◇写作思路
  口dilemma n.两难,困境口go for选择
  口further one's study继续深造口economic independence经济上的独立口starting salaries起薪口blue collar worker蓝领工人
  口each individual每个人口practical situation实际情况
  口academic achievement学术成就口master degree硕士学位
  口economic conditions经济情况口对做出贡献
  口resume n.简历
  1.?face a They do not know whether or? (说明两难困境句型)
  2. In my opinion,?actually depends on each individual's practical situation (引出观点句型) 在我看来,实际上取决于每个人的实际情况。
  The Standard for A Good Job 好工作的标准
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The
  Standard for A Good Job. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.
  [1]Everyone wants to find a good job. But people's views on a good job differ greatly from each other.
  [2]Some people think that the most important factor for a decent job is money. They argue that as money can be equivalent to anything, salary should be the first thing to consider while looking for a job. Others, however, insist that personal interest values more than anything else in this respect. They hold that happiness is the most important, and that an uninteresting job should never be counted as a good one. There are still other considerations for a good job which include stability, distance between workplace and home, and so on.
  [3]In my opinion, each consideration above has a point from their own perspective. There is no standard or exact definition for a good job, for everyone has a right to decide what is important for himself. For me, the job that brings reasonable income and suits my interests is the best.