1. 请默写以下单词的拼音和汉字意思:
- 线条(xiàn tiáo):表示物体表面或形态的线
- 形状(xíng zhuàng):物体外部表面的形状或轮廓
- 方形(fāng xíng):四边相等且角都是直角的形状
- 圆形(yuán xíng):由无数个与中心点相等距离的点所组成
- 画板(huà bǎn):用于绘画的平面
2. 请默写以下单词的拼音和英文意思:
- Line (xiàn):A long, thin mark or stroke
- Shape (xíng):The external outline or form of an object
- Square (fāng):A shape with four equal sides and right angles
- Circle (yuán):A shape with all points equidistant from the center
- Canvas (huà bǎn):A plain, woven fabric used as a surface for painting
1. 请默写以下单词的拼音和汉字意思:
- 彩(sè cǎi):事物在光线中所呈现出的颜
- 明亮(míng liang):光线明亮、光亮
- 黑暗(hēi àn):没有光线或灯光非常微弱的状态
- 冷(lěng sè):蓝、绿、紫等使人感到凉爽的颜
- 暖(nuǎn sè):红、黄、橙等使人感到温暖的颜
2. 请默写以下单词的拼音和英文意思:
- Color (sè):The aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them
- Bright (míng):Full of light; shining strongly
- Dark (hēi):Having very little or no light
- Cool color (lěng):Blue, green, purple, etc., giving a cool feeling to people
- Warm color (nuǎn):Red, yellow, orange, etc., giving a warm feeling to people
1. 请默写以下单词的拼音和汉字意思:
- 风景(fēng jǐng):人所看到的景或画面
- 建筑(jiàn zhù):指人类创造的建筑物,如房屋、桥梁等
- 山峰(shān fēng):山和山之间的高峰
- 河流(hé liú):水流不断向某一方向流动的地方
- 桥梁(qiáo liáng):连接两岸或跨越河流、道路、港口等地方的建筑物
2. 请默写以下单词的拼音和英文意思:
- Landscape (fēng):The visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal
- Architecture (jiàn):The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings
- Mountain peak (shān):The pointed top of a mountain
- River (hé):A large natural flow of water, often along a defined course
- Bridge (qiáo):A structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, road, etc.