一、爱不释手 基本解释
爱不释手[ài bú shì shǒu]
词典like [love] sth. so much that one cannot bear to part with it
词典爱不释手be fond of and unwilling to part with
词典be so delighted with it that one could hardly bear to put it down
词典爱不释手be too fond of sth. to let go of it
二、爱不释手 汉英大词典
爱不释手[ài bú shì shǒu]
like [love] sth. so much that one cannot bear to part with it; be fond of and unwilling to part with; be so delighted with it that one could hardly bear to put it down; be too fond of sth. to let go of it;be unable to tear oneself away from sth.;be unwilli
例:这部小说很有意义, 简直使我爱不释手
The novel is so instructive that I can hardly tear myself away from it.
1. abss5.1XF爱不释手(ABSS)品牌优质潮流热卖淑女舒适坡跟凉鞋蓝花特卖关于5.1XF爱不释手(ABSS)品牌优质潮流热卖淑女舒适坡跟凉鞋蓝花特卖属性信息仅供参考,详细情况请向卖家咨询!
2. fondle admiringly1.爱不释手fondle admiringly | 2.百闻不如一见(眼见为实) Seeing is believing. | 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
3. aibushishou爱不释手aibshshou | 爱不释手aibushishou | 爱厂如家aichangruja
4. aibshshou:隘aibif | 爱不释手aibshshou | 爱不释手aibushishou
三、爱不释手 双语例句
1. 用手纺的棉布作为原材料,用石灰,粘米和黄豆做浆料,在油纸上雕刻图案并用兰草印染。待印染并洗净后,呈现出的颜更清晰明亮,让人爱不释手
    By adopting the pure cotton cloth as the raw material, using lime, sticky rice and soya to make paste and oilpaper to engrave for starching and resist-printing, and being dyed with the indigo carmine extracted from the blue grass, After washing off the loose color, the Blue Calico looks more clear and bright with classical beauty.
2. 让您在爱不释手之中充分品味高雅的风姿、柔美的曲线和无穷无尽的遐想。
You will fondle admiringly and taste its exquisite charm, gently beautiful curve and inexhaustible reverie fully.
3. 我对它爱不释手怎么说?
It makes me fondle admiringly.
4. 本希望是个男孩的妈妈也爱不释手,我一回病房就自豪的对我说:宝宝真漂亮,皮肤特别白,眼睛大大的,还双眼皮呢,比人家的宝宝都漂亮。
  Our hope is a boy's mother, I also fondle admiringly ward is proud to say to me: beautiful baby, skin white, eyes wide, special double-fold eyelid, than the somebody else is the baby is beautiful.
5. 假如它是一种营销方式里用于商业,则会让商业界人士梦寐以求,爱不释手
 If it is a kind of sale, use at commerce in means, can let business circles personage long for day and night, fondle admiringly.
6. 马六与生俱来的运动感令人爱不释手,且被动安全性能的降低则是一种遗憾。
Mazda is always featured with sporty performance, but it is weak in passive safety.
7. 后来家中航空包裹飞来接济,我们受到大批粉丝,紫菜,冬菇,生力面,猪肉干等珍贵食品,我乐得爱不释手,加上欧洲女友寄来罐头酱油,我的家庭中国饭店马上开张,可惜食客只有一个不付钱的。
    My family later mailed me a large relief bundle filled with vermicelli, seaweed, mushrooms, ramen, pork jerky, and other precious food items. I couldn't let them out of my hands for joy. And when the canister of soy sauce that one of my girlfriends from Europe sent arrived, my home-style Chinese restaurant was open for business - too bad the only customer ate for free.
8. 刺绣上花鸟鱼虫栩栩如生,五谷画中山水国画气势磅礴,让前来参观的人们爱不释手
Embroidery on the bird fleas lifelike, grain paintinglandscape painting magnificent, so come to visit the people put itdown.
9. 刺绣上花鸟鱼虫栩栩如生,五谷画中山水国画气势磅礴,让前来参观的人们爱不释手
Embroidery on the bird fleas lifelike, grain painting landscape painting magnificent, so come to visit the people put it down.
10. 和老年人在一起就像读一本华美的书,其散发的独特韵味会让你爱不释手
To be in the elder`s is like reading a thick book of de luxe edition that fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with.
11. 经功不远5100多人的研发加入,陈一代的耿介飞腾创艺5.0不竖不满不入生避世,残陈的界面品格,残陈的操纵经验,残陈的创意功用,片面晋升的本能机能,片面的不乱好包管,在继续经典的同时,创陈的补充好多令人耳目一陈的功用及共性,让每一个搁置者城市爱不释手,为之服气。
  After nearly five years more than 100 people in research and development input, a new generation of founder Feiteng BASELWORLD creative arts Playground 5.0, a new interface
conventions, new action experience, a new creative features, to improve the performance, comprehensive security assurances, in continuation of the classic at the same time, the increase in many exciting features, let each user will couldn't put it down and it couldn't be done.
12. 前天下午5时许,媒体记者目击郭董全家前往士林官邸踏青,下车时郭董紧抱妞妞,为人父的喜悦全写在脸上,一家人入园后,还在助理及菲佣的协助下拍全家福照,郭董对妞妞爱不释手,虽然他手痠越抱越低,拍照时仍舍不得放下,直到妞妞在他怀中呼呼大睡,他才将她放入婴儿车内,亲自推车,边走边哼摇篮曲。
  At 5 pm the day before yesterday, the media reporter witnessed Dong Guo Shilin official residence of the family went to Ta-Qing, Guo Dong got off妞妞hug, the joy of a father in the face of the whole family to join in later, it still help and Filipino take the help of family photos, Guo Dong妞妞put it down on, even though he holds in hand the more acid the lower the camera was still reluctant to leave it alone until he妞妞arms呼呼大睡, he was her baby Add car personally cart, go sing a lullaby.
landscape是什么意思13. 画面亮丽的消泡沫游戏,很容易让人爱不释手
Bright screen bubble elimination game, it is tempting to put it down!
14. 一旦你读到一半的时候,你就对它爱不释手
Once you get half way through, you won`t want to put it down.