1、 Introduction to China中国
The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted from east to west for thousands of years.Silk was made into cloth,while clay was made into pottery and ceramics.Millions of stones were piled into the Great Wall.The country created many wonders,such as the Great Wall,Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang,Terracotta Warriors and Chinese Kung Fu.Beijing is the capital of Zhongguo,or China,which opens to and embraces the world.The Beijing Olympic Games 2008,and the Shanghai World Expo 2010 were held here in Zhongguo.Peking Opera and Western Opera are performed on the same stage.Cultures of the whole world show brilliant vitality in this ancient country.This is Zhongguo.Hope you can understand her,appreciate her and love her.All the Chinese people,Black-eyed and yellow-skinned welcome you with open arms.
2、 Ni Hao-An introduction你好
Ni hao!Ni hao is the most commonly used greeting.Kong Qiu,or Confucius,told people 2,500 years ago that everyone must follow etiquette.So,China is called the‘home of etiquette’.Ni hao is the most typical greeting in China wishing you well.A greeting that wishes you good health,a good job and a happy family.Let’s say that together:’Ni hao!’.Ni hao!
3、 Confucius and Chinese philosophy孔子
Born in 551 BC,Confucius,kong zi,has made the greatest contribution to Chinese culture of anyone in history.Although he was raised in a poor family,he visited famous scholars and learned a lot.He developed his thoughts into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism.Confucianism emphasized self-cultivation,harmonious relationships with each other and respect for the elderly.Friends should be honest to each other.Rulers should make an effort to provide a happy life for people.He was a great teacher as well and promoted education for ordinary people.He traveled around to promote his political thinking but failed.But he never gave up.Kong Zi is a great Chinese spiritual leader.Over the last 2,0
00 years,his philosophy has continued to influence China and the rest of the world.It is also regarded as the symbol of oriental culture.
4、 Sun Tzu-The Ultimate Master of War孙子
Sun Tzu,who lived in China during the Spring and Autumn Period,is regarded as the ultimate master of war.His great military work,The Art of War,has been read for more than 2,000 years.Sun Tzu believed that competition between economies and logistics is the nature of war.Only if the nation is prosperous and its people are strong enough will they win the war,otherwise the war will bring huge damages to the nation and people.Gathering information on your enemies is the key to winning wars.The victorious general must be familiar with his enemies just as with himself and direct troops according to the newest situation.The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without force.His spirit reminds us that peace is the common objective we should pursue.
5、 Lao Tzu-Father of Chinese Philosophy老子
Kong Qiu(Confucius),the historical Chinese saint,is considered to be the greatest teacher of China.His teacher was Lao Tzu.Kong Qiu said that Lao Tzu was a dragon who hid in the clouds.He learned from Lao Tzu all his life but could not understand all his great wisdom.2,500 years later,his work has been translated into many foreign languages.Lao Tzu believed that people should learn from nature and keep a harmonious relationship with nature.Beside a river,Lao Tzu told Kong Tzu that a saint should act like flowing water.Water gives life to others but does not fight with others.A saint makes no error and no one hates him.Therefore,he can make great achievements.In China,Lao Tzu is considered the elite of teachers.
6、 Sun and Chinese solar terms太阳
Sun,taiyang,brings light and vitality to the world.Legends say that there were ten taiyang in the sky in ancient times.People couldn't put up with the hot weather brought by ten taiyang.A hero named Houyi shot down nine taiyang with his bow.The Chinese created a calendar according to shadows produced by the last taiyang.The Chinese have created 24
solar terms according to the circulation laws of taiyang.They are used to guide farming activities.The rise and set of taiyang represents hope in the hearts of Chinese people.
7、 Moon and its significance in Chinese culture月亮
This character means moon with wax and wane.Mythical meanings are attributed to yue liang in Chinese legends.Legend has it,that Chang’e,the wife of Ancient Chinese hero Hou Yi,stole her husband’s elixir and ate it.Then she became a fairy and flew to the yue liang.She lived alone on the yue liang with only the company of a rabbit.Worshipping yue liang is an ancient custom in China.A round yue liang represents family reunion and often reminds people of their family.
8、 Chinese Lunar Calendar Introduction农历
The lunar calendar(nong li)is the traditional Chinese calendar and is often used in agriculture.According to nong li,the crescent appears on the first day of each month and full moon comes out at the middle of the month.The cycle lasts for about 30 days.24 days mar
k 24 divisions of the solar year in nong li,according to the different positions of the Sun.For example,the division'Lichun'or'the beginning of Spring',reminds people that Spring is coming.'Jingzhe'or'the walking of insects'means that the weather is getting warmer.'Lixia'or'the beginning of Summer'is the point that crops are blooming.'Dahan'or'the great cold'is the end of severe Winter.All these create a circle.Year after year people experience the mysteries of nature with nong li.