2020.05.21  book review书评          Vicky
书名:Elon Musk- How the billionaire CEO of space X and Tesla is shaping our future          ---Ashlee Vance(作者)
SpaceX had a factory in Los Angeles , a rocket test facility in central Texas , and had just started construction on a spaceport in South Texas . ( SpaceX does a lot of business at existing launch sites in California and Florida , as well . ) Tesla had its car factory in Silicon Valley , the design center in Los Angeles , and had started construction on a battery
factory in Nevada . ( Politicians from Nevada , Texas , California , New Mexico , and Arizona threw themselves at Musk over the battery factory , with Nevada ultimately winning the business by offering Tesla $ 1.4 billion in incentives .SolarCity has created thousands of white- and blue-collar clean-tech jobs, and it will create manufacturing jobs at the solar panel
factory that’s being built in Buffalo, New York. All together, Musk Co. employed about fifteen thousand people at the end of 2014.
Space X在洛杉矶有个工厂,在德州中部有个火箭测试设备,并刚刚在德州南部开始建设一个太空港。(Space X还在加州和弗洛里达州现有的发射场地有很多业务往来)特斯拉的汽车厂在硅谷,设计中心在洛杉矶,在内华达州正在建设一个电池生产厂(内华达、德州、加州
Where Mark Zuckerberg wants to help you share baby photos , Musk wants to … well … save the human race from self - imposed or accidental annihilation.
he viewed the Internet , renewable energy , and space as the three areas that would undergo significant change in the years to come and as the markets where he could make a big impact .
“ SpaceX is in this for the long haul and , come hell or high water , we are going to make this work . ”
Space X 公司将会长期作战,赴汤蹈火,不管经历什么,我们一定能够实现我们的终极目标。
Eberhard had come up with the name Tesla Motors , both to pay homage to the inventor and electric motor pioneer Nikola Tesla and because it sounded cool.
In the years that followed, the goal went from taking huge risks to create new industries and grand new ideas , to chasing easier money by entertaining consumers and pumping out simple apps and advertisements .
Throughout these early years , the engineers credited Eberhard with making quick , crisp decisions . Rarely did Tesla get hung up overanalyzing a situation . The company would pick a plan of attack , and when it failed at something , it failed fast and then tried a new approach .
“ When Elon gets into something , he develops just this different level of interest in it than other people . That is what differentiates Elon from the rest of humanity . ”
One thing that Musk holds in the highest regard is resolve , and he respects people who continue on after being told no .
Valley denizens took very literally the cliché of working as hard as you play . People in their twenties , thirties , forties , and fifties were expected to pull all - nighters . Cubicles were turned into temporary homes , and personal hygiene was abandoned .
“ I had a tough childhood , so maybe that was helpful . ”
He points out that one of the really tough things is figuring out what questions to ask , “ Onc
e you figure out the question , then the answer is relatively easy .”