I. Choose the best answer. (20 %)
1. Who is the representative of modern enlightenment education?
A. Comenius
B. Kant教师基本功
C. Rousseau
D. Pestalozzi
2. Which of the following is advocated by Dewey?
A. Teacher-centered mode
Child-centered education
C. Classroom-center mode
D. Textbook-centered mode
3. What is the nature of general middle and primary education?
A. personality cultivation
B. vocational education
C. basic education
D. professional education
4. What are emphasized in new curriculum innovation?
a. The teacher is an advisor of students' learning.
b. The teacher is the guide in the students study.
c. The teacher works as a commander during the students’ study.
d. The teacher works as a participant in the students’ learning.
e. The teacher is a promoter of the students’development.
A. abcd
B. abde
C. abcde
D. abce
5. Which of the following is true of second langu age learning?
A. Natural language exposure.
B. Informal learning context.
C. Structured input.
D. Little error correction.
6. What does the following practise?
* Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and I went to the * cinema yesterday. Peter and I went to the cinema * yesterday. A. Stress.    B. Articulation. C. Liaison.
D. Intonation.
7. Which of the following activities is most appea ling to children’s characteristics?
A. Cross-word puzzle.
B. Role-play.
C. Reciting texts.
D. Formal grammar instruction.
8. Which of the following can help train speakin g?
A. Listen and follow instructions.
B. Practise pronouncing.
C. Pairs finding.
D. Match captions with pictures.
9. The standard of new National English Curriculum has a request that the students learning in grade nine should achieve the extracurricular reading quantity beyond
__________ words.
A. 100, 000
B. 150,000
C. 200,000
D. 250,000
10. Which of the following best describes first la nguage acquisition?
A. Care-taker talk.
B. Minimal pair practice.
C. Selected input.
D. Timely error correction.
11. What is the core ideology and purpose of the new curriculum?
A. To learn English through contacting life.