牛津译林版高一英语上册M1-Unit 1知识要点
1.What is like?
What does sb. look like?
What does sb. like?
How is sb.?
What is sb?
2. going to British high school 动名词作主语
Eg.: Playing with fire is dangerous.  玩火是危险的。
Seeing is believing.  眼见为实。
Do you mind telling me what happened? 你介意告诉我发生了什么吗?
Better take a sleeping bus for a long journey. 长途旅行最好乘卧铺车。
3. enjoyable    enjoy    enjoyment 
enjoy doing      enjoy oneself
4. experience n.经验(不可数名词,其后通常接的是in 或of短语)
  经历(可数名词)vt. 经历,体验
She wrote a book about her experiences in America.
H青春回忆ave you experienced real struggle?
He has a lot of experience in surfing games.
be experienced in 有经验
5. attend vt.出席,参加
attend school  上学    attend the meeting 开会 ,参加会议
attend the wedding 参加婚礼  attend to sb. 照顾某人,关怀某人
attend to ones work 用心从事某人的工作
对比:attend, join, join in, take part in
attend :主要是指以观众和听众的身份来参加,一般用于指参加会议、出席典礼或者招待会等,也可以指上学,听课,挺演讲或者讲座等。
join in:参加某项活动,尤其是指参加某项正在进行的活动。
take part in :参加某项工作‘活动或者事业,并且在其中其作用。
6. earn vt 获得,赢得,挣得
earn ones bread/ living 谋生    earn/ win respect 赢得尊重
earn money  挣钱      earn ones place 赢得地位
对比:earn,win, gain,achieve,get
He earned four thousand yuan a month.
Zhangjie won the most excellent singer prize last year.
He gained lots of experience during the journey to Africa最美图片.
He achieved the goal at the age of 50.
7. respect n. (ucn) vt 尊敬、敬重
give/send/pay ones respects to sb. 向某人问候
have respect for 尊敬.
respect sb. for 因···尊敬某人  have respect to 牵涉到,关系到注意到,考虑到      hold sb. in respect 尊敬某人
out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬    show ones respect for 对···表示尊敬    with the respect to 关于
8. devote oneself to sth./ doing sth. = be devoted to sth./doing sth.
专注做某事,忠于做某事。to是介词, 后面接名词,代词,动名词。
to是介词的常用短语:look forward to , pay attention to, stick to坚持、紧跟、黏住, be used to
9. average adj. 一般的,普通的,平均的。n.平均、平均数
above/below( the ) average在平均水准以下或以上 , on the /an average 平均地, up to the average达到平均数
10.n. vi. 斗争,挣扎
struggle with/ against sb. /sth. 同某人某事斗争  struggle for sb. /sth. 为某人某事斗争  struggle to do sth. 努力去做某事  have a struggle( in )doing sth. 干某事费劲
11. as +adj. +a./an +可数名词的单数+as , as +adj. +可数名词复数+as, as+ adj./adv. +as
as long as只要  ,  as well as除···之外也,  asas possible尽可能,
as soon as一···就···, as many/ much as多达, as early as 早在
not so as : 不如
12. for fun闹着玩, make fun of嘲笑取笑, have fun doing sth.愉快的做某事 , what fun!多么有趣呀
fun 不可数名词,funny adj. 滑稽的,可笑的,用来描述令人发笑的事和物。
13.prepare  vt. vi.
prepare+n. 准备···,        prepare+for+n.为···做准备, 
prepare +sb. +to do 使某人作准备去做某事
prepare +to do准备做 , be prepared for为···做好准备 ,
be prepared to do sth. 做好准备做某事
preparation n.
14. though, although, however, while, in spite of 的区别:
1.) though 除了强调让步意义外还可以作并列连词,表示and, but, yet, however等的含义,though还可以用作副词,放在句末。
Theyre very different, though they did seem to get on well when they met.
2.) although 是从属连词,强调让步意义,多用于句首,且位于句首时,后面不能用but, 但可以用yet, still.
Although everyone played well, we lost the game. Everyone played well. However, we still lost the game.
3.)however 位于句首时,常用逗号隔开,位于句中时,通常在前后各加逗号。
4.) in spite of 是介词短语,后接名词或名词短语,不接从句。
In spite of his age, he still leads a busy life.
15. look back on回顾 , look for寻 , look through 浏览, look at sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事
宝宝不拉屎look like看起来象, look afrer照顾照料, look down on看不起瞧不起 , look up to 尊敬, look forward to ,期待
look into sth.调查某事  look up sth.in the dictionary 查字典
16. satisfaction  n.    satisfied  adj.    satisfy  vt.
express ones satisfaction at/ with (the result) 对结果表示满意
in with satisfaction 满意的, to ones satisfaction使人满意的是···,
sth. be a satisfaction to sb. 某事令人满意
16. first of all首先,第一, above all首先,最重要的是, at all根本, after all毕竟,到底, in all总计,总共
17.not untiluntil 的区别:
相同点:notuntil, until济南的冬天朗读 二者都可以译为:直到
not until 直到···才···(开始)。主句位于动词一般是终止性动词  until 直到···才(结束)主句谓语动词一般是延续性动词
奥巴马是谁I didnt leave until she came back.
You cant get off the bus until it has stopped.
She will wait until her mother comes back home.
He had lived here until the war broke out.
注:not until 及后面的状语部分放到句首的时候,后面的主句要部分倒装,Not until then did he realize his mistake.
search, murder, support, exist
creature, witness, research, possibility, case, evidence, progress, treasure, strength
puzzled, puzzling, convincing, disappointed, similar 
run into, step up, due to, go missing, show up, according to, put on, rule out, look into, make up, take charge of, so far, be similar to, be said to do, run after, on average