1. 名词复数的特殊形式
child---children, foot---feet, man---men, mouse---mice,
stomach---stomachs, tooth---teeth, woman---women, sheep---sheep,
deer---deer, Chinese---Chinese, a man doctor---men doctors,
a woman doctor---women doctors, looker-on---lookers-on,
误:There are many woman teachers in my school.
正:There are many women teachers in my school.
2. 常考不可数名词
advice, baggage, equipment, information, luggage, furniture, fun, weather, knowledge, jewelry, progress
误:What a fine weather it is!
正:What fine weather it is!
3. 可数不可数均可,但意思不同
experience 经历(可数);经验(不可数)
room 房间(可数);空间(不可数)
exercise 练习(可数);锻炼、运动(不可数)
误:Visiting the Great Wall is unforgettable experience to me.
正:Visiting the Great Wall is an unforgettable experience to me.
4. 只能修饰可数名词的有:
few, a few, many, a great/good many, a large number of…
误:There is a large number of water in the hole.
正:There is a great deal of water in the hole.
5. 只能修饰不可数名词的有:
little, a little, much, a large amount of, a great/good deal of…
误:There are a great deal of people living there.
正:There are a good many people living there.
6. 可数不可数都可修饰的有:
数学的意义与价值a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, large quantities of, 如:
There are plenty of trees along the river.
There is a large quantity of snow on the top of the mountain.
7. 只有复数形式的名词有:
trousers, clothes, socks, shorts, goods, thanks, congratulations, belongings…
误:A pair of trousers are hanging over there.
正:A pair of trousers is hanging over there.
8. 复数形式,单数意思的有:房山景点
plastics, news, politics, physics, mathematics…
误:The news are exciting.
正:The news is exciting.
9. 复合名词的复数形式。
girl friends, boy students, women teachers, men workers, passers-by, go-betweens, grown-ups
误:There're many boys students in my class.
正:There're many boy students in my class.
10. 名词做主语,谓语动词用复数
police, cattle, clothes, goods
误:Cattle sells well at that market.机会近义词
正:Cattle sell well at that market.
11. 几个应该特殊注意的名词。
people (民族,人); village (村庄,村民);man(男人,人类),youth (年轻人,青年男子,青春)
误:The Chinese are peace-loving people.
正:The Chinese are a peace-loving people.
12. 名词所有格
1) 形式 's, of Tom's living room, teachers' office, teachers' room, a friend of mine, John and Mary' school, John's and Mary's schools
2) 's适用范围
误:This is the mountain's picture.
正:This is a picture of the mountain.
误:John and Mary's schools are beautiful.
正:John's and Mary's schools are beautiful.
3) 不能被's所替换的所有格形式:
the city of Beijing, at the age of 20, the experience of the old, the struggle of the poor…
13. 必须加the的有以下几种情况。
1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)物;
I have a pen. The pen is lost.
2) 谈话双方所共知的共指的物体;
来日方长什么意思Look at the blackboard.
3) 序数词,形容词最高级前;
She is the best student in my class.
4) 世界上独一无二的物体;
The earth moves around the sun.
5) 表方位的名词前;
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
6) 形容词前表一类人;
The rich are not always happy.
7) 乐器
He is playing the piano now.
8) 山脉、河流、海洋、岛;
China is on the east of the Pacific Ocean.
9) same, only, very前;
It's the very book I'm looking for.
10) by the +计量单位;by the dozen, by the day, by the pound
The workers are paid by the hour.
误:Birds fly to south in winter.
正:Birds fly to the south in winter. Birds fly south in winter.
14. 不用冠词的情况有以下几种。
1) 表泛指的名词前;如:Do you like music?
2) 三餐前;如:have breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner…
3) 棋类、球类运动前;
Almost all the boys in my class love playing football.
4) 表官衔、职位的名词前;
He was made monitor of the class.
5) Child as he is中的child名词前。
Student as he is, he never obeys the teacher.
1. it, that, one, the one, the ones, those
My pen was lost. I cannot find it. (同一物体)
My pen was lost. I have to buy a new one. (同类不同一)
The population of Shanghai is much larger than that of Tianjin. (不可数名词)
This pen is not the one I lost yesterday. (特指)
The pens are not the ones I lost yesterday.
The pens are not those I lost yesterday.
误句:The weather in Beijing is much colder than the one in Shanghai.
正句:The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Shanghai.
2. each, either, both, neither, every, all
Trees are planted on either/each side of the street.
Trees are planted on both sides of the street.
Trees are planted on every/each side of the square.