Graduate Employment Paper: Employment of College Students Causes and Countermeasures
Abstract: In recent years, increasing year by year the number of college graduates, college students facing a severe employment situation, coupled with the current financial crisis, the employment facing unprecedented challenges, students in the smooth employment after graduation, has become a society in general hot issue. Student Employment existing social reasons, policy reasons, but also the reasons for its students. Students solve the difficult problem of employment is related to the vital interests of students, is also related to social harmony and stability, the government, enterprises, universities and students work together.
Key words: college students; employment; Student Employment; Graduate Employment papers; reason; Strategy
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Once upon a time, known as the "favored" the college students looking for work in a "no worri
es about the emperor's daughter to marry," but now few do this superiority disappeared, but his brow wrinkled face of employment. The employment situation of university students in 2006-2007, for example, in 2006 30% of China's college graduates do not find work because there are more than 120 million college students leaves school without employment, there are 100 million of 2007 graduates not in employment, to be China's tens of thousands of migrant workers and laid-off workers re-employed, even if the government each year to provide 900 million jobs, or can not solve the employment problem. Overall, the students can not be optimistic about employment prospects.
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First, college students Employment Difficult
1. Graduate employment structural imbalance between supply and demand contradiction. The overall supply of college graduates and social needs of the conflict, in essence, the rapid development of higher education and economic development and social development phase of transition in which the conflict is not configured.
First, China is in the peak of the population, there are a lot of new workers need jobs. "China has a population of nearly 1.3 million population base, rapid growth of new workers, far more than economic growth, the rate of job creation, the national labor force 90 years from the first five years of the 20th century, the average additional 1 250 million is expected to Added to the 1996-2010 average of 1 450 people, the natural growth of the future labor force can create a two year, Hainan Province, which is a certain impact on employment of college graduates. "[1] there a sharp increase in the number of graduates, and slow job growth, high economic growth and employment growth in a difficult situation out of touch.
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Second, with the continuous development of Chinese higher education, in just a few years into the era of mass higher education. Higher education has become a necessity, but also brought by some of the issues, education, mass required for large-scale Chinese college enrollment and enrollment is a direct result of the rapid growth of college graduates. "In 2002 1.45 million college graduates nationwide in 2003, 2.12 million in 2004 to 280 million,
more than 300 million by 2005, demand for human resources in the community under the premise of no significant growth, this change in the amount of the graduates employment impact is enormous, and students from the elite to the employment of the mass. "[2]
Third, the social development of the regional imbalance, the eastern region for graduates to provide a good living environment and development prospects of better returns, a province of human input. Intense competition for talent in these areas, many students are not effectively employed, even if the unemployed do not want to go to the western region of employment. In the western region, but there are a lot of graduates find jobs.
2. Students bring their own problems in the job difficult. First, students outdated values and concept of employment and occupation is the cause of the important reasons students Employment. Students Recognized as the elite class, prepared by the traditional Confucian thought up the "elite complex" deeply tied their ideas. "Beijing Social Economic Research Institute 'Employment Status of College Students' research group in" China Education "published their survey, students choosing the current concept of the choice of the unit: Sel
ect the research structure, party groups, and foreign 63% of the total number of enterprises, and the choice of township enterprises, medium and large schools, collective enterprises, and only 7% in the choice, select cities are 20.8%, and the choice of small towns, rural, young and old in the border of three only 5%. "[3] Second, their overall quality of university graduates is not high, poor ability to adapt to society is difficult to meet the requirements of the employer. Some students in the schools just to satisfy the course of study, the lack of a broad range of knowledge accumulation and the ability to solve practical problems, coupled with lack of language skills, where the candidates nervous, timid, and can not fully show themselves, and thus missed a lot of work opportunities. In addition, students in the career, the lack of a clear positioning of their own, lack of purpose can also lead to career success rate is not high.