BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷42 (题后含答案解析)
1.    ? You have ordered some new office equipment. However, some of this equipment will arrive a week later than planned.  ? Write a memo to all staff:    ? saying which, equipment will be delayed    ? explaining when it will arrive    ? apologizing for the delay.  ? Write about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
正确答案:MemoTo:  All StaffFrom: Supplies ManagerDate: 1 March 2002Subject: New EquipmentThe three photocopiers and a fax I have ordered will be delayed due to transportation problem. They will arrive within 7 days. I apology for the inconvenience I brought to you. 
2.    ? Read part of a letter your boss has received from Mrs Jenkins, a conference organizer. I am writing to ask if you would attend a business conference on 17 November, and give a talk on an area of your work.  Accommodation and the use of a car can be provided as you wish if you can attend, please confirm the subject of your talk, and what accommodation, if you would need.  Looking forward to hearing from you.  ? Your boss has asked you to reply to the letter, accepting the invitation.  ? Write your letter to Mrs Jenkins:    ? accepting the invitation    ? saying what the subject of your bosss talk will be    ? saying why this subject is of interest to your boss at the moment    ? requesting a hotel room.  ? Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.  ? Do not include any postal addresses.
正确答案:Dear Mrs Jenkins,    Thank you for your kind invitation to attend your business conference on 17 November.    I am greatly honored to attend the conference and I would like to give a brief talk on Team Management. As is known to all, high performance teams can really work wonders in the modern business world.    I am planning to arrive on 16 November. Could you please book a room for me near the conference venue for two nights?    I appreciate your help.  Your sincerely,  Tim Smith  商务英语写作