托福toefl IBT普林斯顿样题1
Section 1 Listening Comprehension
1. C. He broke his racket.
A. Turn up the volume. D. He might be playing tennis right now.
B. Stop talking so much.
C. Play the music more softly. 12.
D. Play different music. A. He spoke to a well-known expert on inflation.
B. He doesn’t know when the group will finish. 2.
C. He didn’t have time to prepare for the discussion. A. He decided not to attend summer school.
D. He expected the discussion to be shorter. B. He may have difficulty working and studying at the
same time. 13.
C. He’s working hard so that he can afford to go to A. Watch the clock carefully during the final exam. New York. B. Pick up their papers on the twelfth.
D. He’s teaching school this summer. C. Finish their assignment early.
D. Discuss their paper topics after class. 3.
A. The clothes don’t look clean to him. 14.
B. He doesn’t intend to get the clothes. A. He has taken extra courses before.
C. He can pick out his own clothes. B. He won’t mind
the extra work. D. The woman should stop staring at his clothes. C. He’s making a bad decision.
D. He should be graduating this term. 4.
A. The woman should get another job. 15.
B. He won’t have to wait much longer. A. The modern art prints are too expensive.
C. The woman was mistaken. B. He really appreciates the woman’s gift.
D. He was waiting in the wrong place. C. He hopes the woman likes modern art.
D. People who enjoy modern art would like the prints. 5.
A. Rewrite the paper. 16.
B. Ask the woman to do some typi ng. A. She wasn’t able to organize it.
C. Read the newspaper again. B. Its location has been changed.
D. Check the paper for mistakes. C. It has been rescheduled.
D. She doesn’t know anything about it. 6.
A. The transportation for the trip is free. 17.
B. The class didn’t enjoy going on the field trip. A. It’s interesting.
C. Some people may not go on the trip. B. It’s easier than he expected.
D. Everyone in the class has paid the fee. C. It’s too crowded.
D. It’s quite difficult.
A. He doesn’t kn ow how to turn the calculator on. 18.
B. He lost the woman’s calculator. A. Ask Joan to come to the meeting before lunch.
C. He broke something the woman lent him. B. Tell Joan about the meeting at lunch.
D. He can’t help the woman tonight. C. Ask Joan to meet him for lunch.
D. Cancel the meeting with Joan.
A. A salary cut. 19.
B. A real estate bargain. A. The plans are being drawn up.
C. A rent increase. B. The construction was finished on time.
D. A vacation trip.
C. The library is closed for repairs.
D. The addition will be completed soon. 9.
A. She might not be able to attend the ceremony. 20.
B. She’s not going to graduate this semester. A. The train is always late.
C. She has only a week to complete the work. B. She needs to check the train schedule.
D. She hasn’t been able to find a job. C. They are going to be delayed again.
D. They need to decide on a schedule. 10.
A. They’re being mailed to his old address. 21.
B. They're being sent to the woman’s address. A. She doesn’t need an umbrella.
C. They’re being forwarded to his apartment. B. She left her umbrella in the car.
D. They’re being held at the post office. C. She’ll share her umbrella with the man.
D. She doesn’t plan to stay outside long. 11.
A. He’s probably nearby. 22.
B. He should pick up his things. A. Take a lot of money.
第 1 页共 9 页
B. Go to a different restaurant. B. Write a speech.
C. Ask someone else to go with her. C. Answer questions.
D. Wear different clothes. D. Study chemistry.
23. 34.
A. She doesn’t like to go shopping. A. Compare their lecture notes.
B. She went shopping yesterday. B. Review the man’s talk.
C. She doesn’t live near the shops. C. Prepare questions to ask candidates.
D. She prefers shopping to studying. D. Vote in the school election.
24. 35.
A. Finish the game. A. The reproductive cycle of barnacles.
B. Play harder next time. B. A new source of protein.
C. Reconsider his decision. C. Types of sea animals.
D. Stop complaining. D. The adhesive quality of barnacles.appreciates
25. 36.
A. She gave one or two parties. A. They eat protein.
B. She came to two parties. B. They never move from one location.
C. She comes to most of their parties. C. They cause erosion of rocks.
D. She missed most of their parties. D. They are found only in deep water.
26. 37.
A. He went mountain climbing last year. A. It works on wet surfaces.
B. He’s climbed mountains in many parts of the world. B. It’s stronger than synthetic glue.
C. He was the last person to go. C. It’s nutritious source of protein.
D. He isn’t intere sted in going. D. It has been used successfully by doctors.
27. 38.
A. She doesn’t know anything about it. A. Nutrition.
B. A good name hasn’t been found for it. B. Ecology.
C. They decided to postpone building it. C. Medicine.
D. It hasn’t been desig ned yet. D. Geology.
28. 39.
A. Stay home to prepare for his exams. A. The layout of the laboratory.
B. Attend the concert after his exams are finished. B. A laboratory experiment.
C. Ask the woman to study with him. C. The workbook for the laboratory course.
D. Go to the concert with the woman. D. A piece of equipment.
29. 40.
A. He’s surprised he couldn’t find the hotel. A. Homework must be handed in on time.
B. He often gets lost. B. The students must follow
all instructions exactly. C. He doesn’t k now where the hotel is. C. The students will be able to make choices about D. He’d rather go to another hotel. the laboratory work.
D. A great deal of equipment is available. 30.
A. He would send a postcard if he went away. 41.