1.由于……的原因:for the reason of…
Because of her parents, Vera Wang moved with the whole family to Paris, France when she was nineteen years old.
1. 由于健康的原因,他未能参加这场比赛。
For health reasons, he cannot participate in this competition.
2. 很多夫妻吵架是由于在子女教育上态度不一致的原因。
Many married couples fight because they have different attitudes about
educating their children.
2.在……之下:under…;under the condition of, according to …
最后,在父亲与王薇薇双方的妥协之下,王薇薇前往莎拉劳伦斯学院 (Sarah Lawrence College) 主修艺术史。
As a compromise between Vera Wang and her father, Vera Wang ended up enrolling at Sarah Lawrence College, majoring in Art History.
1. 在失败的打击之下,他放弃了原有的计划。
Under the shock of failure, he gave up all of his original plans.
2. 在自己的努力和同事的帮助之下,小张终于开发出了一套新电脑软件。
With hard work and help from his colleagues, Xiao Zhang finally developed a
new computer software program.
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3.除了……以外,……还……:besides;in addition t o…
Besides being able to work at a job that she loved, Vera Wang also found that working at Yves Saint Laurent gave her contact with important people in the fashion industry. Examples:
1. 除了服装以外,王薇薇的公司还经营香水等其他产品。
Besides clothing, Vera Wang’s company also manufactures perfume and other
2. 去中国留学除了可以让自己的中文更熟练以外,还可以亲身体验中国人的生活
Besides improving one’s Chinese skills, studying abroad in China also lets one
experience the Chinese way of life.
Extremely excited, Vera Wang believed that this would be a good opportunity for her to break into fashion magazine work.
1. 即将到来的工作面试让他紧张至极。
The upcoming job interview is making him extremely nervous.
2. 身着婚纱走在红毯上的新娘美丽至极。
The bride who is walking down the red carpet in her wedding gown is
extremely beautiful.
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Extremely excited, Vera Wang believed that this would be a good opportunity for her to break into fashion magazine work.
1. 你还是把伞带上吧,说不定会下雨呢!
Y ou should bring the umbrella; it might rain!
2. 你别看这个小运动员现在没什么特别,说不定将来会成为世界冠军呢!
This young athlete may not be anything special right now, but perhaps he will
become a world champion someday!
6.并不/没……:not actually (This structure indicates that a fact is not as one may think or expect.)
Unfortunately, when Vera Wang went to work the next day, her boss did not in fact appreciate her glamorous dress, but instead told her to go home and change clothes, since Vera’s job would make them dirty.
1. 很多事情说起来容易但是做起来却并不容易。
Many things are said to be easy, but are actually hard to do.
2. 他在简历上撒了谎,其实他并没上过那所大学。
He lied on his resume; he had actually never attended that college.
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7.……,反而……:on the contrary; instead
Unfortunately, when Vera Wang went to work the next day, her boss did not in fact appreciate her glamorous dress, but instead told her to go home and change clothes, since Vera’s job would make them dirty.
1. 春天到了,天气没有暖和起来,反而更冷了。
Spring has arrived, but the weather has not warmed up; instead, it has been
getting  colder.
2. 他出生于一个富裕家庭,可是并不骄傲,反而比别的孩子更谦虚。
He was born into a rich family, but was not arrogant. Instead, he was even
more modest than other kids.
8.……,相反地,……:on  the  contrary;  instead
She came to understand that being an editorial assistant did not actually involve sitting in the office every day; instead, she found herself so busy that she did not even have any time for a break. Still, she thought her job was a lot of fun.
1. 广州在南京的南边,可是并不比南京热,相反地,那儿甚至比南京凉快一些。
Guangzhou is south of Nanjing, but it is actually not warmer than Nanjing; on
the contrary, Guangzhou is a bit cooler than Nanjing.
2. 虽然他是公司老板,可他并不喜欢指挥别人,相反地,什么事情他都带头去做。
Although he is the company’s boss, he does not like to direct other people to
do things; on the contrary, he leads by example.
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9. 连……都……:even
She came to understand that being an editorial assistant did not actually involve sitting in the office every day; instead, she found herself so busy that she did not even have any time for a break. Still, she thought her job was a lot of fun.
1. 他真被父母惯坏了,连鞋带都不会自己系。
He has been so spoiled by his parents that he doesn’t even know how to tie his
own shoes.
2. 这部电影太感人了,连最坚强的男观众都被感动得流下了眼泪。
This movie is so touching that even the strongest male audience members
电影婚纱started to cry.
10.AABB:from A to B;all (e.g. 大大小小;里里外外;上上下下)
No matter how big or small the task, if help was needed, she would be first in line to assist.
1. 他真是一个勤快的人,只花了一个上午的时间,就把房子里里外外打扫了一遍。
He really is a diligent person; he had the house cleaned inside and out in only
one morning!
2. 小王救人的消息传开以后,公司上上下下都对他的行为大加赞赏。
After the news spread of Xiao Wang saving those people, the whole company
praised his action.
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