Unit 1 综合素质评价
(限时: 120 分钟 满分: 120 )
第一部分(听力师承教育 30 )
I. 听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息(5 小题; 每小题1 , 5 )
1. A. smoke    B. talk    C. kick 
2. A. has a cold    B. has a train    C. has a pain
3. A. get dressed    B. dress myself    C. wake up
4. A. He didn’t receive an invitation.
B. He didn’t accept my invitation.
C. He didn’t agree with me.
5. A. We should not eat junk food.
B. Eating too much junk food is bad.
C. Junk food is poor in nutrition.
答案 1—5
II. 听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语(螟蛉有子5 小题; 每小题1 , 5 )
6. A. With pleasure.    B. It doesn’t matter.    C. I have got a fever.
7. A. Much better.    B. I don’t know.    C. Yes, I do.
8. A. Yes, please.    B. I can do it.    C. Sorry, I won’t.
9. A. Very good.    B. Why?    C. I’m sorry to hear that.
10. A. Great.    B. What a pity!    C. It was exciting.
答案 6—10
III. 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案(8 小题; 每小题1 , 8 )
11. What is the matter with Tony?
A.     B.     C.
12. What fruit does the woman like best?
A.     B.     C.
13. What’s the matter with Dave?
A. His leg hurts.    B. He has a cold.    C. His head hurts.
14. What did Dave do yesterday afternoon?
A. He played basketball.
B. He went to his aunt’s birthday party.
C. He did his homework.
15. What advice does the girl give the boy?
A. He should finish his homework first.
B. He shouldn’t attend a party at night.
C. He had better not go to bed late.
16. When should the work be finished?
A. By Monday.    B. By Tuesday.    C. By Friday.
17. What’s wrong with Julia?
A. She has a headache.
B. She has a pain in her stomach.
C. She is well.
18. What’s the man going to do?
A. He will go home.
B. He will have a meeting.
C. He will go to see Julia.
答案  11—12                    13—15
IV. 短文和问题黑腐病, 选择正确答案(7 小题; 每小题1 , 7 )
19. How long do most children spend in watching TV or on computers a day?
A. One hour.
B. Two hours. 
C. Three hours or more.
20. What is the advice of the speaker about health?
A. Giving up bad habits.
B. Doing eye exercises.
C. Eating less junk food.
21. What will Alice do tomorrow?
A. She will go swimming.
B. She will climb mountains.
C. She will go to the cinema.
22. What was wrong with Sally?
A. She had a toothache.
B. She had a headache.
C. She had a stomachache.
23. Who took Sally to see the doctor?
A. Her mother.    B. Her sister.    C. Her father.
24. How often should Sally take the medicine?
A. Three times a day.    B. Twice a day.    C. Once a day.
25. How long did the doctor tell Sally to rest?
A. For three days.    B. For two days.    C. For a week.
答案 19—20                  21—25
V. 听短文填空(5 小题; 每小题1 , 5 )
Information Sheet
How to keep healthy
First, you should 26. _________ every day.
Second, you should have a good 27. _________ habit.
Drink 28. _________ every day.
Eat 29. _________ food as little as possible.
Good health can help us get good 30. _________.
第二部分(笔试 90 )
VI. 单项选择(10 小题; 每小题1 , 满分10 )
31.2023·唐山路北月考】I left my English book at home. Luckily, Linda shared _________ with me.
A. she    B. hers    C. her    D. herself
32. Mike is going to compete in the speech contest next Monday. The thought of speaking _________ makes him nervous.
A. by mistake    B. in public    C. under control    D. by hand
33. You can call me _________ you have problems.
A. but    B. until    C. whenever    D. unless
34.【原创】—Why is Harvey’s mother so happy?
— Because only three students made progress, _________ his son Harvey.
A. beside    B. except    C. including    D. without
35. If you don’t work hard when you are young, you will _________ wasting so much time when you are older.
A. keep    B. regret    C. remember    D. forget
36. — Must I hand in my homework now, Mr. Smith?
—No, you _________.
A. can’t    B. shouldn’t    C. wouldn’t    D. needn’t
37.2023·邯郸育华期中】—What’s the matter, Dad?
—I have a _________. I have to see a dentist.
A. fever    B. headache    C. toothache    D. stomachache
38. Mary shut the window just now _________ she could keep the insects out.
A. so that    B. when    C. till    D. after
39. 【立德树人互相帮助】—What’s up? She looks so upset.
—She failed the exam. Let’s _________.
A. dress her up        B. cheer her up
C. make her up        D. wake her up
40. —You’d better do your homework now.
—OK. I’ll do it _________.
A. all the time        B. right away
C. just now        D. at that moment