Unit 2    Keeping Healthy    Topic1 You should see a dentist.
1look well/pale    看起来挺好/看起脸苍白
2have a cold / a fever / a cough / a toothache / a back headache / a stomachache
感冒/发烧/咳嗽/牙痛/背痛/ 胃痛
3have the flu    得了流感
4have sore eyes    眼睛疼
5be sorry to do sth.    做某事很抱歉
6.boiled water    开水
7.plenty of = a lot of = lots of = many = much    许多、大量
8.stay in bed    卧床
9.have a good sleep    好好睡一觉
10.read in the sun    在太阳下看书
11.feel terrible    感觉难受
12.take some medicine/pills    吃些药/药片
13.take sb. to sp.    把某人带到某地
14.day and night    日日夜夜
15.feel like doing sth = want to do sth    想要做某事
16.go to see a doctor / dentist    去看医生/牙医
17.have a ( good ) rest = take a (good ) rest    (好好)休息
18.lie down    躺下
标准物质管理19.hot food    辛辣的食物
20.too much candy    太多糖果
too many cakes    太多蛋糕
21.brush one’s teeth    刷牙
22.take care of = look after    照顾、照看
take good care of = look after well    好好照顾
23.something new    一些新的东西
24.go up    上升
25.fall down    摔倒
26.run to sb.    跑向某人
run into sb.    撞上某人
27.with a cry/smile    带着哭腔/微笑
28.nothing serious    没什么严重的
29.return to school    重返校园
30.three times a day    一天 3 次
31.help sb.(to)do sth.    帮助某人做某事
32.feel much better    感觉好多了
33.ask for one week’s leave (n.)    请一周的假
34.thank sb. for sth.    为某事感谢某人
35.worry about = be worried about    为……担心
36.follow the doctor’s advice/suggestions    听从医生的建议
37.get well    变好了,好转了
38.have an accident    发生事故
39.do sth. too much    经常做某事
40.need to do sth.    需要做某事
1What’s wrong with you? = What’s the matter with you?    你怎么了?
2I’m sorry to hear that.    听到这件事我感到很抱歉。
3How long have you been like this?    像这样你持续多久了?
雨过山村古诗4.You should see a dentist.    你该去看牙医。
You shouldn’t eat too much candy.    你不该吃太多糖果。
5.How are you feeling today?    你今天感觉如何?
6.You had better take some medicine.    你最好吃点药。
You had better not go to school today.    你今天最好别去上学。
7.Take two pills, three times a day.    吃两药片,一日三次。重要语法:    情态动词 should (应该)与 had better (最好)
例:You should see a doctor.
You had better drink plenty of boiled water.
should  否定形式为  should not = shouldn’t  ,had better  否定形式为  had better not  ,
had 经常与主语连写,例如:you had better not = you’d better not
例:You shouldn’t drink coffee or tea in the evening.
You ‘d better not go to school today.
5g通信含情态动词 should,had better 的句子,可以与祈使句同义转换。例:You should stay in bed.= Stay in bed.
You had better not move your leg too much.= Don’t move your leg too much. Have a good rest and don’t worry about it.
= You should have a good rest and you shouldn’t worry about it.
Unit 2    Topic2    I must ask him to give up smoking.
1.look tired    看起来累的
2.watch a soccer game on TV    在电视上看足球赛
3.stay up late    熬夜
4.be bad for…    对… 有坏处
5.last night    昨晚上
6.read in the sun    在太阳下看书
7.put litter into the dustbin    把垃圾放进垃圾箱
8.do morning exercises    做早操
9.throw litter around    到处乱扔垃圾
10.go to bed late    迟睡觉
11.get up early    早起
12.keep fingernails long    留长指甲
12.wash hands before meals    餐前洗手
13.play sports right after meals    饭后就运动
14.go to school without breakfast    不吃早饭去上学
15.an article about smoking    一篇关于吸烟的文章
16.cause cancer    致癌
五行相生相克关系17.give up sth./doing sth.    放弃某事/做谋事
18.be careful (not) to do sth…    小心(不)要做做谋事
19.take care of sb. well= take good care of sb.    照顾好某人
20.force sb. to do sth.    强迫某人做谋事
21.make sb. do sth.    使某人做谋事
22.get mad    生气
23.be surprised to do sth.    做谋事感到很吃惊
24.as soon as…    一…就…
25.during his childhood    在他的童年期间
26.as soon as possible    尽快
27.not only… but (also)…    不仅…而且…
28.by chance    偶然地
郭沫若的资料29.take a walk    散步
30.tell sb. (not) to do sth.    告诉某人(不)要做谋事
31.show sth to sb.=show sb. sth.    把某物给某人看
32.in fact    实际上,事实上
1. What caused it?    是什么引起的?
3.You should go to bed early.    你应该早起.
4.You must put litter into the dustbin.    你必须把垃圾扔进垃圾箱. 5.You mustn’t throw litter around.    你不可以到处乱扔垃圾.
6.You shouldn’t read in the sun.    你不应该在太阳底下看书.
7.Don’t stay up late at night.    晚上不要熬夜.
8.Is getting up early good or bad for our health?    早起对我们的健康有好处还是有坏处?
9.How terrible!    多么可怕呀!
10.Mothers always tell their children what they should eat.妈妈总是告诉他们的孩子他们该吃什么?
11.He was surprised to find that it was delicious.        他很惊讶地发现它很好吃. 12.It will keep you active during the day.    它会使你白天保持积极活跃.
12.As soon as Michael saw it, he got mad.    Michael 一看到它就很生气。
13.It is necessary for your health.    它对你的健康是必要的。
14.I must ask him to give up smoking.
ask sb. (not ) to do sth. 叫某人(不)做某事
give up doing sth. = stop doing sth. 放弃做某事
15.Don’t throw litter around.
throw around 到处扔,如:throw litter around= throw around litter (litter 是名词,即可以放后也可以放中间,但代词只能放中间,如:throw it around )
1.Drink enough water every day.    enough 修饰名词放其之前 如 enough water/ money .
修饰形容词或副词位其之后,例如:He is old enough to go to school. 他足够大去上学了。