专题 07  航空航天(太空科技)——英语语法填空,名校好题热点时事100篇
1. 【四川省成都市七中2022-2023学年高二上学期12月阶段性测试英语试题】
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
China’s Mengtian space lab module, the third major part of the nation’s Tiangong space station,  ___1___ (launch) on Oct 31. It is recognized as another key step forward in completing the in-orbit assembly of Tiangong, ___2___ (take) construction into its final stage.
Mengtian docked with Tianhe, the space station’s core module, early ___3___ the morning of Nov 1.
The lab module is about 17.9 meters in length, ___4___ has a diameter of 4.2 meters and weighs more than 23 tons. Consisting of a work cabin, a cargo airlock cabin, a payload cabin and a resource cabin, it is currently the ___5___ (heavy) single-cabin active spacecraft in orbit.
“There are 13 scientific cabinets inside ___6___ craft to hold scientific equipment,” said Gan Keli, Mengtian’s project manager at the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. He added that the equipment onboard would be used for microgravity studies and to carry out ___7___ (experiment) in fluid physics, materials science, and other ___8___ (relate) subjects.
After the labs, the Tianzhou 5 cargo craft and the Shenzhou XV crew members are scheduled ___9___ (arrive) at the space station around the end of the year.
The country plans to operate Tiangong for at least seven years, during which time it aims to keep it permanently occupied and ____10____ (potential) host commercial missions to the station.
1.was launched    2.taking    3.on    4.which    5.heaviest    6.the    7.experiments    8.related    9.to arrive    10.potentially
11.考查被动语态。句意:10月31日,中国天宫空间站的第三个主要部件“梦天”空间实验室模块发射升空。分析句子结构,谓语动词launch 与主语China’s Mengtian space lab module 之间是被动关系,要使用被动语态,再根据下文提到的动作发生的时间判断使用一般过去时,故填was launched。
12.考查非谓语动词。句意:这被认为是完成天宫在轨组装又向前迈出了关键一步,使主体建构进入了最后阶段。分析句子结构可知应填入现在分词作结果状语,以作为上文的一个很自然的结果, 故填taking。
月球之旅14.考查连词。句意:梦天实验舱大约17.9米长,直径4.2米,重量超过23吨。分析句子结构,可知应填入关系代词引导定语从句并做主语,先行词是the lab module,因为空白处前面有逗号,不可使用that做引导词,故填which。
16.考查冠词。句意:上海航天技术研究院梦天实验舱责任总指挥甘克力说:“梦天实验舱内共有13个机柜用来存放科学实验设备”。因为craft 属于在本文中第二次提到,根据冠词的使用规则:第二次提到的人或物的名称前要使用定冠词,故填the。
18.考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。根据后面的名词可知应填入现在分词或过去分词作定语,又因为relate 和subjects 之间是被动关系,应使用过去分词,故填related。
19.考查非谓语动词。在梦天实验舱发射成功后,天舟五号货运飞船和神舟十五号乘组人员计划大约年底抵达空间站。be scheduled to do 为固定搭配,含义为“按照计划做某事”,故填to arrive。
Preparations Underway for Moon Landing
China is making preparations for a moon landing that will place its astronauts on the lunar surface, according to a senior official at the China Manned Space Agency, who said our astronauts will definitely touch down on the moon.
The news conference invited key figures from China’s manned space programs, who are also members of the Communist Party of China, ____11____ (share) their stories and thoughts with journalists.
China’s space authorities have a long-term plan to land astronauts on the moon and set up at least one scientific station there. They hope to use the manned missions to carry out scie
ntific surveys ____12____ technological research, explore ways to develop lunar resources and strengthen the nation’s space capabilities.
Toward that goal, the editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, said Chinese engineers need to build new, stronger carrier rockets and spacecraft ____13____ they arrange a moon-bound journey for Chinese astronauts. “The nation’s current rockets and manned spaceships ____14____ not send astronauts to the moon ____15____ they are not designed for such a mission. We need to design a new rocket, a new spacecraft, a lunar landing capsule fit for a moon walk. We also need to upgrade our ground support system ____16____ was designed for operations in low-Earth orbit ____17____ on the lunar surface,” he explained.
Designers at the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, the country’s major maker of carrier rockets, are researching a super-heavy rocket that will be several times bigger and mightier than the Long March 5, now the biggest and strongest in China’s Long March rocket family.
____18____ a length of nearly 90 meters, the new rocket, which has yet ___19____ (name), will have a liftoff weight of about 2,000 metric tons and will be able to place a 25-ton spacecraft into an Earth-moon trajectory, designers said, _____20_____ (add) that this new model will serve the manned lunar landing.
11.to share  1 2.and    13.before    14.can    15.because##as    16.which##that    17.rather than   18.With    19.to be named    20.adding
11.考查非谓语动词。句意:这次新闻发布会邀请了来自中国共产党成员的中国载人航天项目的关键人物与记者分享他们的故事和想法。分析句子结构可知,此处为invite sb. to do sth.结构,不定式作宾补。故填to share。