1. 祝你鼠年快乐!Happy Year of the Rat!
2. 祝你牛年快乐!Happy Year of the Ox!
3. 祝你虎年快乐!Happy Year of the Tiger!
4. 祝你兔年快乐!Happy Year of the Rabbit!
5. 祝你龙年快乐!Happy Year of the Dragon!
6. 祝你蛇年快乐!Happy Year of the Snake!
7. 祝你马年快乐!Happy Year of the Horse!
8. 祝你羊年快乐!Happy Year of the Goat!
9. 祝你猴年快乐!Happy Year of the Monkey!
10. 祝你鸡年快乐!Happy Year of the Rooster!
11. 祝你狗年快乐!Happy Year of the Dog!
12. 祝你猪年快乐!Happy Year of the Pig!
英文中对于生肖年的表达通常是 "Year of the [Animal Name]" 的形式。这些祝福语可以用于向亲朋好友表达新年的祝福和问候希望他们在新的一年里幸福、健康、成功。