Take Me to Your Heart教学设计
Step1 Lead in
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Ss: Gooding morning, Mrs Li.
T: Do you like sing English songs?
S1: Yes, I do. There are many beautiful English songs.
S2: Yes, I do, but I’m afraid of my pronunciation.
T: OK. Don’t worry. I think all of you will sing it well if you work hard. Singing English songs is good for you. Today we’ll learn a beautiful songTake Me to Your Heart.
在世界流行乐坛中,北欧常常能为我们带来一些惊喜。而来自丹麦的Michael Learns To Rock(MLTR/迈克学摇滚)就是其中之一,他们在九十年代风靡世界,带来抚动我们心弦的音乐——斯堪的纳维亚清新气息和经典流行音乐的完美结合。没有漂亮迷人的外表,没有铺天盖地的宣传,没有引人遐想的绯闻;有的只是百听不厌的原创作品。MLTR的故事可以说是世界摇滚音乐的一个经典:四个酷爱摇滚的年轻人走到一起,成立乐队,和全球各地的乐迷分享他们的作品。该乐队推出了专集《Take me to your heart》。
Step2 Learn English song
T: First, let’s listen to this song together, OK?
Ss: Yes!
(The teacher plays the tape for students.)
T: Is it very beautiful?
T: Have you ever heard this song?
Ss: Yes! It has been sung by ZhangXueyou.
T: OK, now let’s learn to sing it. You should enjoy losing face and sing the English song bravely. Just try it.
Ss: Yes, we’ll have a try.
Take Me to Your Heart    把我带进你的心
Hiding from the rain and snow Trying to forget but I won't let go
避开雨雪 想要忘记,但又不愿放手
Looking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beat
So many people all around the world Tell me where do I find someone like you girl
世界上那么多人 在哪里才能到像你这样的女孩
Take me to your heart take me to your soul把我带进你的心灵
Give me your hand before I'm old在我还没有衰老的时候让我握你的手
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue告诉我爱的真谛--我还对爱毫无概念
带我去远方Show me that wonders can be true让我看到奇迹可以成真
They say nothing lasts forever We're only here today
Love is now or never Bring me far away 爱是稍纵即逝的机会带我去远方吧
Take me to your heart take me to your soul  Give me your hand and hold me
把我带进你的心灵 让我握你的手,拥抱我
Show me what love is, be my guiding star告诉我爱的真谛,做我的指路明灯
It's easy, take me to your heart Standing on a mountain high
一切都很简单,把我带进你的心吧 站在高山上
Looking at the moon through a clear blue skyI should go and see some friends
望着月亮,天空湛蓝 我该去看望看望朋友
But they don't really comprehend但是他们不会真正理解我的感受
Don't need too much talking without saying anything无话可说就不必多谈
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing我只需要一个让我想歌唱的人
T: Have you mastered it?
Ss: Yes!
T: OK, I’d like you to sing this song for me, are you ready?
Ss: Yes!
The students sing the song together.
Step3 Summary
T: I think all of you did a good job! I enjoy your voice very much! So much for today. Goodbye, boys and girls!
Ss: Goodbye.
The lonely goatherd教学设计
1、通过欣赏歌曲《The lonely goatherd》,感受乐曲诙谐、轻快、活泼、生动的情绪。
歌曲《The lonely goatherd》是《音乐之声》影片中的插曲,但与影片内容并无直接关系。它是以戏中戏的方式出现。女教师和孩子们一起做木偶戏表演,歌曲为表演时所唱。歌曲第一部分的节奏紧促欢快,旋律活泼跳跃,使歌曲显得十分轻松,充满活力。第二部分的音调较平稳,节奏也稍作拉宽。歌中的衬词唻伊噢都可视为牧羊人所唱的歌声,使歌曲更为诙谐、有趣。演唱时常常提高嗓音,用假声突然翻高的方法,这都是美国乡村音乐的旋律风格和演唱特点。
1、观看多媒体展示,欣赏歌曲片段《The lonely goatherd》(《孤独的牧羊人》)。
3、媒体出示“The lonely goatherd”歌词,包括介绍文字说明。
the lonely goatherd 孤独的牧羊人
high on a hill was a lonely goatherd lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
高高的山顶上有个牧人 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞
loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo
牧童的歌声清脆嘹亮 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞
folks in a town that was quite remote heard lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
歌声在甜美的城里回荡 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞
lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo
他放着歌声在嘹亮的歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞
o ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay
o ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay
啊~ 嘞哦嘞 啊~ 嘞哦嘞 啊~ 嘞哦嘞
a prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
小城的王子在听他歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞
men on a road with a load to tote heard lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo
挑担的客人在听他歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞
men in the midst of a table d'hote heard lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo