1(2016·浙江温州高三五校考试)I think the doctor is able to cure of________is called a suspect.
Aall      Bwhat
Cwhatever      Danything
解析:Cwhatever具备两个意思其一是no matter what引导让步状语从句;其二是anything that引导名词性从句在本题中whatever引导的是一个宾语从句whatever 在这个宾语从句中被用作主语
2The traveler lost his way in the woodsand________made things worse was that it was getting dark.
Athat      Bwhat
Cwhich      Das
解析:B。主语从句________made things worse 缺少主语应用what引导。that在名词性从句中起连接词的作用不充当任何成分。故选B
3You are saying that everyone should be equaland this is________I disagree.
Awhy      Bwhere
Cwhat      Dhow
4People all over the world have a dream________they will always live a peaceful life.
Athat      Bwhat
Cwhich      Dwhen
解析:A。考查同位语从句。句意:全世界的人们都有一个梦想即总是过和平的生活。________they will always live a peaceful life为同位语从句a dream 的同位语该从句不缺少任何成分故选A
5________cleans your windows doesn’t make a good job of itfor there is so much dust on them.
AWho      BWhoever
CThe one      DNo matter who
解析:B。句意:无论是谁擦你的窗户都干不好这个工作因为窗户上有太多的灰尘。分析句子结构可知空处引导主语从句故选whoeverwhoeverno matter whono matter who不能引导主语从句;who也可以引导主语从句但其表示的是不知是谁带有疑问的语气。whoever表示任何人
6The young couple was having an argument about________turn it was to do the cooking.
Awhose      Bwho
Cwhen      Dwhich
7—Its my treat today.Is there anything particular you would like to have?
—________you choose is fine with me.
AWhatever      BWhich
CAnything what      DNo matter what
解析:A。考查主语从句。句意:——今天我请客。你有什么特别想吃的吗?——你选择的任何东西对我来说都可以。________you choose为主语从句whatever等于anything that意为:……的任何东西。如选D应改为:No matter what you chooseit is fine with me.(状语从句)
8________you do will be right because you are a wise and responsible man.
AWhat      BWhich
CWhichever      DWhatever
9The teachers in the school are very kind.It doesn’t matter________you have studied there for a short or a long time.
Awhy      Bhow
Cwhether      Dwhen
10The bride and groom gave________attended their wedding some gifts to share their happiness.
Awhomever      Bwhoever
Cwhom      Dwho
解析:B。句意:新郎和新娘给任何一个参加他们婚礼的人发礼物以分享他们的幸福。分析句子成分可知________attended their wedding是宾语从句从句中缺少主语故用whoever
1The mans innocence was disbelieved until evidence came to light________he was trapped by a group  who had committed the murder.
Athat      Bwhich
Cwhen      Dwherewhatever什么意思
2(2015·南通市高三第二次调研)Now all of our concentration is on________it is that the global environment will return to normal.
Awhich      Bwhat       
Cwhere      Dwhen
3(2015·南京市高三第三次模拟考试)How did it come about________a quiet person should appear so wild today?
Awhether      Bthat
Cif      DWhat
4(2015·南通、扬州、淮安、泰州高三调研)________a girl put her card into a machine outside a bank in London on January 191968 means the worlds first ATM was born.
AWhether      BWhen
CHow      DThat
解析:D。考查主语从句的用法。句意: 1968年的119日在伦敦一个小女孩将她的卡片放入一所银行外面的机器意味着世界上第一台ATM机的诞生。that引导主语从句没任何意义仅起引导作用。whether是否也可引导主语从句;how如何,引导主语从句,在主语从句中作方式状语;when何时引导主语从句在从句中作时间状语。故选D
5We have offered him the positionbut I dont have the slightest idea________he will accept it.
Ahow      Bif
Cwhether      Dthat
解析:C。句意:我们给他提供了这个职位但是我一点儿都不知道他是否会接受这个职位。根据I dont have the slightest idea可知此处表示不确定且连词在从句中不充当成分故选whether表示是否if也可表示是否但一般不引导同位语从句。
6China is developing fast.Thats________I think those of my colleagues who deal with China affairs should visit China.
Abecause      Bwhy
Cwhen      Dhow
7________you are on good terms with your classmates will affect your mood.
AWhether      BWhat
CHow      DIf
8The experts argument________the increasing number of cars is the main cause of the rising PM 2.5 readings has got much support from the public.