(1) 《英语3》词汇与语法(35小题,共35分)
P1314IVUnit 1
1、 The smile on her face made it all   A    .她脸上的笑容使一切都值得
A. Worthwhile 值得的 B. unwilling  不情愿的  C. gainful 有利益的 D. delighted高兴的
2、 My request that everyone   A    seated was ignored.表请求,命令,建议时动词原形+丛句
  A. remain           B. remained        C. remains      D.was remaining
3、 I’m not going to     D    an invitation to go to New York!我不会拒绝去纽约的邀请
  A. turn up开大      B.turn on打开      C.turn in 上床睡觉    D. turn down 拒绝
4、 Do you know this tool can be used in a   D    of ways?你知道这个工具可以以多种方法
  A. various 各种各样的(形容词)B. vary 改变(动词)C. variable 可变的  D. variety多种(名词)
5、 Do you think he has gone away to avoid   C    to the police? 你认为他走开是想避免与警察说话吗?Avoid+doing避免做某事
  A. to talk            B. being talked    C. talking        D. to be talked
6、 He delayed   B  her the news , waiting for the right moment.他推迟告诉她那个消息,他在等待适当的时刻
Delay +doing 推迟做某事
  A. in telling          B. telling          C. to tell          D. being told
7、 Barry threatened to   C  suicide(自杀) if I refused to marry him.如果我拒绝与BARRY结婚,他以自杀作威胁
  A. undertake  承担      B. engage  占有,吸引        C. commit  干(坏事)犯(错误)D. conduct引导
8、 They were upset and   B  to invest(投资) any more money in the project.他们很沮丧,不愿意再花钱投资那个项目
  A. willing  愿意        B. unwilling 不愿意      C. positive  积极的    D. interested感兴趣
9、 Customers   D    with a bewildering(令人眼花缭乱的) amount of choice.顾客面临着令人眼花缭乱的多量选择
  A. face 面对 face with使用意思为:使面临,被动语态
B. are suffering  受苦
C. come across 偶遇
D. are confronted with一起用,意思是:面临,主动语态
10、 If there is no reply to you letter ,   A  it                   a phone call.如果你的信没有回应,打个电话跟踪落实一下,此处答案为固定用法
  A. follow , up with    B. follow , / with    C. follow , up by    D. follow , / by
P6869IVUnit 3
1、 Don’t worry. I’ll     B      supper tonight.不用担心,今晚我将准备晚餐
A. Set 安置        B. fix  准备        C. care  关心      D. mix 混合
2、 He     C      himself with answering letters.他在忙着回复信件
A. hurried 匆忙    B. rushed 急忙      C. busied 忙碌      D. hastened赶紧
3、 “I’m sure he’ll help.” “Don’t     B        on it.”“我肯定他会帮忙的别指望他(这是两人一说一答)
A. expect  期待    B. count  on一起用:指望      C. hope  希望      D. trust 信任
4、 The doctor     D        a prescription(处方) for me. 那医生给我开了个处方
A. laid out  陈列,花费    B. took out  拿出    C. set out  出发    D. made out 写出,开出
5、 I     D        my breath as I walked into the darkness.
A. Stopped  停止    B. got  得到        C. kept 保持        D. caught 抓住 catch的过去式,与breath用,意为屏住呼吸
6、 “The meeting’s on Wednesday.” “I   A      your pardon?” “周三的会议”“请再说一遍
A. beg 恳求,(在这里是固定用法)        B. request 请求      C. ask    询问      D. require 需求
7、 Adjust the driver’s seat so that all the controls are within   A        .调整驾驶员座椅以便所有的控件都触手可及
A. reach 手脚能够到的范围      B. distance  距离    C. admit  允许      D. extent 程度
8、 I don’t agree with her , but I   A        her for sticking to her principles.我不赞成她,但我欣赏她遵守原则
A. admire 赞赏,欣赏    B. adopt  采用      C. admit 允许      D. advice建议
9、 Look , the rolls have   C      solid . Don’t           them next time.看,这些面包块都结了一层冰了,下次不要再让他们结冰。
A. froze , freeze    B. freeze , froze      C. frozen结冰 , freeze使结冰      D. freeze , frozen
whatever什么意思10、 When she returned , she found her mother had   C      all her furniture.当她归来时,她发现她的妈妈重新整理了她所有的家具
A. Reorganized重组的  B. reordered  续订  C. rearranged 重新排列,重新整理    D. rescheduled重新安排
P95IVUnit 4
1、 I can’t do my homework with all this noise     A      on.我不用在这么吵闹的情况下做作
A. going on一起用,意思是:进行      B. to go            C. gone          D. go
2、 It is also argued that schools need to turn out pupils ready for   D        .有人辩解,学校需要培养能够适应工作的学生
A. the work of world  B. the world’s work  C. the works of the world  D. the world of work工作世界,固定短语
3、 More money should be spent     C      health and education.应该花更多的钱在健康与教育
A. with        B. in              C. on  spend on,固定搭配          D. to
4、 Maybe he would worry     D        if he understood the situation.如果他明白他的处境,或许他会担心少一些
A. little 小的,少许      B. no much  不多      C. fewer  较少数        D. less 较少的
5、 Investors will lose money if they   B      wrong signals from the markets.如果投资者从市场获得错误的信号,那么他们将会亏本
A. give        B. take  得到          C. make           D. send 发送
6、 I know I asked you before , but I just wanted to   B      .我知道我之前询问过你,但我只是想确认一下
A. get sure    B. make sure 确认,固定短语      C. become sure      D. take sure