1.– What's the ____________ of the word, Mom?
– I don't know, either. You can __________ in the dictionary.
A. meaning, look it over
B. mean, look it up
C. meaning, look it up
【答案】 C
字典里查。结合句意可知“意思”应该用名词,而“查”是look up,look sth over意为“检查”,故选C。
2.—Have some ice cream, please. —Mm, it tastes_______.
A. good
B. better
C. well
3.- Who        your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? – My neighbor, a warm-hearted woman.
A. put on
B. looked after
C. gave up
D. turned off 【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析。句意:当你外出度假时,谁照顾你的宠物狗?-----我的邻居,一个热心的女人。  A.穿,张贴;  B.照顾;C.放弃;D.关。结合句意可知选B。
4.Mom is making dinner. It ____ so nice!
A. smells
B. tastes
C. feels
D. sounds 【答案】A
【解析】【分析】句意:妈妈在做饭。闻起来如此香。  A. smells.闻起来;B. tastes尝起来;
C. feels感觉,摸起来;
D. sounds听起来。闻到了食物的香味,闻起来,故选A。
5.John              the TV and helped his mother with the housework.
A. turned off
B. heard from
C. joined in
D. looked after
【答案】 A
【解析】【分析】句意:约翰关掉电视然后帮他的妈妈做家务。ed off关掉.heard from得到消息.joined in参加,加入.looked after照顾.根据句意可知选A。
6.–Oh, no! I can't find my mobile phone!
—Well, where        you last put it?
A. have
B. do
C. did
【答案】 C
7.Not only children but also my husband ______crazy about the movie Operation Red Sea (《红海行动》)
A. is
B. are
C. am
D. be
【答案】 A
【解析】【分析】句意:不仅仅是孩子,连我的丈夫也很迷恋《红海行动》。,不但……而且……,当并列主语时,谓语动词形式的确定根据“就近原则”,主语是my husband,第三人称单数,be动词用is。故选A。
8.— Jack, don't forget your homework. It __________ today.
— OK, I will finish it on time.
A. should finish
B. should be finished
C. can't finish
D. can't be finished
【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】句意:Jack,不要忘了你的作业。今天它应该被完成。should:应该,后跟动词原形。it代指作业,和finish是动宾关系,因此要用被动结构be finished, can't:不可能,故选B。
9.Thomas Edison was such a great person who never        that he made so many great inventions all his life.
A. took up
B. thought up
C. made up
D. gave up
【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】。句意:爱迪生是如此伟大的人物, 一生中他从来不放弃他做的这么多的
发明。A. took up接收;B. thought up想出;C. made up编造;D. gave up放弃。根据语意故
【点评】考查动词短语辨析主要考查took up    thought up    made up  gave up四个动词短语的意思和用法。
10.This pair of shoes    hand,and it    very  comfortable.
A. is made with; is felt
B. are made from; is felt
C. are made of; feels
D. is made by; feels
【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:这双鞋是由手工制作的,它摸起来很舒服。be made by hand,手工制作。feel为系动词,表“摸起来”,不能用被动语态,主语为it,feel要用三单形式feels。故选D。
【点评】本题考查短语辨析和系动词辨析。掌握be made by hand手工制作,注意feel做系动词时无被动语态。
11.We should keep the windows ________ in order to let the fresh air in.
A. open
B. opened
C. close
D. closed 【答案】 A
【解析】【分析】keep sth. +形容词,使某物处于……的状态。句意:我们应该让窗户__让新鲜空气进来。根据句意应选择形容词open开着的。故选A。
【点评】考查keep sth. +形容词结构。
12.Susan is so brave that she ________ to speak in front of many people.
A. forgets
B. dares
C. hates
D. fails 【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】句意:Susan那么勇敢以致于她敢于在很多人面前说话。  A. 忘记,B. 敢,后跟to do, 敢于做某事,  C. 讨厌,D. 失败,故选B。
13.Not only you but also he ____good at _____.
A. is, singing
B. are, singing
C. is, to sing
D. are, to sing
【答案】 A
【解析】【分析】not only…but also连接两个并列主语,谓语动词就近一致。be good at doing sth.故选A。
【点评】考查not only…but also的就近一致。熟练掌握短语,答案很容易得出。
14.Neither Tom nor I________ interested in playing WeChat.
A. am
B. is
C. are
D. be
【答案】 A
主语一致。句子时态是一般现在时。此处与主语I 一致,因此be动词用am。故选A。
15.Tom ________ his father, because they both are cheerful and easygoing.
A. looks like
B. takes after
C. doesn't take after
D. isn't like 【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】句意:Tom像他父亲,因为他们都很快乐随和。take after和look like都含有“像……一样”之意,但是look like主要是指表面像,而take after指性格、气质等方面像。recycle是什么意思
16.As a kind of important energy, coal(煤炭) can _______ one day.
A. keep out
B. run out
C. be run out
D. run out of
【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】短语run out意为“用完,耗尽(主语是物)”,keep out“阻止……进入”,用完……东西(主语是人)”;选项C是被动形式,其后应加介词of,故选B。run out of “
17.— Don't smoke any more. It's bad for your health.
— I'm trying ________. It's really hard, you know.
A. gave it up
B. giving it up
C. to give it up
D. to give up it
【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:“不要再吸烟了,它对你的健康有害。”“我正在努力戒烟,你知道这很难。”try t o do sth.,侧重表示尽力,为了达到目的而努力。give up的宾语为代词时,应放在give与up之间。根据句意选C。
18.—Don't eat too much. You're too fat.
—Yes. I have    5 pounds now.
A. put up
B. put down
C. put on
D. put out
【解析】【分析】句意:——不要吃得太多,你太胖了。——是的。我现在已增重5公斤了。 put up意为“张贴,举起”;put down意为“放下,镇压”;put on意为“增加;穿上”;put out 意为“扑灭”。根据句意,故答案为C。
19.She works very hard, so she will ____ in ____ the exam.
A. successful; pass
B. success; passing
C. succeed; passing
D. successful; passing 【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:他学习很努力,所以她将成功地通过考试。will+动词原形。succeed in doing sth。故选C。
20.Don't _______ your parents. It's very important.
A. look up to
B. laugh at
C. give up
D. talk back to
【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:不要和你的父母顶嘴。这是很重要的。look up to表示钦佩,敬重;laugh at表示嘲笑;give up表示放弃。根据句意不要和你的父母顶嘴,故答案为D。【点评】考查固定短语 talk back to 顶嘴。
21.— Don't__________the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it.
—You're right. Everyone should be a greener person.
A. blow away
B. put away
C. throw away
【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:——别扔废纸,我们可以回收利用的。——你是对的。每个人都应该成为一个环保使者。blow away吹走;put away收起来;存起来;throw away扔掉。故选C。