花源,有很大相似之处。而这里所说的香格里拉是否真的与陶渊明笔下的桃花源所系同一处呢,据说,在当代仍是一个谜。在《桃花源记》中,陶潜笔下进入世外桃源的描述是这样的: “林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。便舍船,从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人。黄发垂髫,并怡然自得。”而《消失的地平线》中描写进入香格里拉的过程也是大同小异的,也是走在尽头时,山有小口,进入之后便豁然开朗了。进入之后,在希尔顿笔下展现的便是一副人间天堂的景象,毫无战争年代的喧嚣。
希尔顿的描写有些浪漫主义的彩。浪漫主义描写的很大特点便是夸张性与虚幻性。如维克多.雨果的《巴黎圣母院》 。这种情景在现实中可以说是完全不可能存在的,体现了强烈的夸张性彩。而希尔顿对与香格里拉的描写也具有强烈的夸张性彩。如在塑造满足姑娘这个形象时,她的年龄上百岁,而她的容颜却只停留在二十岁左右。她是一个典型的满足贵族姑娘,而她那纤细的手指却能弹奏出美妙的钢琴曲,包括最富盛名的莫扎特的名曲。那个时代的中国是闭关锁国的,思想是封建落后的,虽然在列强的入侵下不得不打开国门,但是绝大部分的名门望族所接受的教育仍是四书五经式的内容与模式。而这位满足
【篇二:消失的地平线英语800字 读书报告】
lost horizon
lost horizon is a novel written by an english writer james hilton. it was in this book that the writer invented the word – “shangri-la”, which has become the symbol of eternity, tranquility and peace. the novel is mainly about 4 kidnapped westerners’ e
巴黎圣母院读书笔记xotic experience in the mysterious western china, tibet. about the novel, what interest me most are the plot, the theme and the harmonious coexistence of eastern and western culture in shangri-la.
mysteries run through the whole novel, including whether shangri-la really exists on the earth, whether people living there could stay healthy and young, whether conway told a real story or just made everything up, etc. the writer kept the readers in suspense from the very beginning of the story. meeting several englishmen in a club, “i” learned an acquaintance of mine, conway was kidnapped in a plane hi-jacking happened in baskul. after that, rutherford told me that he had met conway after the kidnapping and offered me a manuscript recording conways experiences. it turned out that conway, miss brinklow, barnard and mallison were brought to shangri-la deliberately for the sustainable development of the area, a paradise where beautiful scenery was everywhere and people lived and worked in peace and contentment. conway and the other three led a comfortable life in a luxurious lamasery that practised a mixture of lamaism and christianity. the high lama finally
confessed that they intended to train some young foreigners to be the future lamas. conway was astounded that people here never grew old, for example, the high lama himself was actually over 200. the fantastic prospect that one could have endless time to read and wander in such a wonderland tempted passionless conway to stay. however, he suddenly changed his mind and left shangri-la with mallison and the old “girl” lo-tsen. again, the novel ended with the meeting between “i” and rutherford. he had tried to inspect the authenticity of conway’s story. what made things more confusing was that a doctor of the chung-kiang hospital where muzzy conway was found told rutherford that conway was brought there by a really old woman(lo-tsen), which proved that staying in shangri-la could
really prolong one’s life. the utopia and its mysteries created in the novel have attracted people from all over the world to explore the western china to search for shangri-la. a town in yunnan province, china, named itself “shangri-la” for the novel’s great impact.
the novel expressed the writer’s yearning for a world without violence and materialism. the book was published in 1933 when the world had just gone through the cruelty of world war i and was experiencing great economic depression began in 1929. at that time, the rising of the fascist dictatorship also indicated an even greater war. people really thirsted for a world of peace and beauty, which can be called escapism to some extent. in the lost horizon, the high lama had come across the isolated place high in the mountain and decided to stay because of his fears of a coming catastrophic wor
ld war. the escapism and the utopia reflected in the novel remind me of a classical chinese prose, cathay s utopia peach bloom source(桃花源记). living in the age of war and chaos, wei and jin dynasties, the writer tao yuanming chose to live in seclusion. just like people of shangri-la, men and women of the peach bloom source also lived a self-sufficient life in a paradise free of war, rank, oppression and violence. life in both shangri-la and peach bloom source were peaceful and tranquil. people get along harmoniously peacefully with nature and with each other.
james hilton and tao yuanming expressed their and dissatisfaction and resistance towards the depressing reality by creating the two paradises that were only mirages or something imaginary existed in the writer’s mind and could never be found.