Your personal statement should be exactly that — personal. This is your opportunity to tell us about yourself — your hopes, ambitions, life experiences, inspirations. Be open. Be reflective. Find your individual voice and express it honestly.
Here are some tips to consider when choosing an experience to evaluate for a focus:
•It should be unique. It does not have to be life shattering, but you should be able to write about it with conviction, enthusiasm and authority.
•It should be an experience you feel some passion for. You must be able to support it as a "turning point" in your life. Ask yourself, "How did I change as a result of this experience?"
For example, did it give you a new perspective or understanding, did it give you a new
direction in life, or help you come to an important realization?
•Don't limit yourself to thinking of experiences that can translate well into the moral of " . . .
and that's why I want to be a doctor." Choose something that you feel is truly representative of you, and something that you feel you can use to transition to other relevant aspects of
your life. Otherwise, your statement may come off sounding staged or strained.
•It should be sustainable throughout your statement. In other words it has to have enough depth and flexibility to carry you through your statement while avoiding repetition. The
details of the event should afford you opportunity to talk about related experiences that you want the people who are considering your for an interview to know.
•I have been interested in America ever since my trip to New York in 1998. We stayed for two weeks and I became fascinated with the people, the culture and the history.
•These musical activities, as well as my duties as a prefect, have instilled a degree of discipline in me that should surely aid in my studies.
•Attending an osteopathic medical school has offered me the opportunity to rotate through many months of family practice.
英文个人简历•I am an ambitious, creative and enthusiastic individual. Since childhood I have enjoyed maths, as it is challenging and consists mostly of problem solving.
•My A-level English Literature course has given me the opportunity to further diversify the range of books I enjoy and has allowed me to develop my burgeoning interest in American Literature that was first ignited by Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’.