  gender: female
  Age: 22 height: 160 cm
  Marital status: single address: DingChengOu
  Job objective
  Recent work position: foreign trade sales, agent
  Expect post properties: full-time
  Expected monthly salary: negotiable
  Expect engaged in post: manager assistant, clerk/secretary, computeroperator, and other civilian positions, text editor, English, Japanese
  Expect engaged in industry: film/media/art/communication/publish, and otherindustries
  Education experience
  Start-stop years: 20xx-09-12-20xx-06-15
  The school name: hunan agricultural university Oriental institute ofscience and technology
  Professional name: Japanese
  Degree: bachelor degree
  Work experience
  Start-stop date: 20xx-03-22-20xx-08-19
  Enterprise name: changsha clouds foreign trade co., LTD
  In position: foreign trade clerk
  name: miss lu
  sex: female
  national: han
  date of birth:
  marital status: unmarried
  height: 153cm
  weight: 53kg
  residence: fujian longyan
  is the location: tongan district xiamen, fujian
  graduated from the school: vocational and technical institute of the eastchina sea, xiamen   education: specialist
  professional name: e-commerce
  year of graduation: 20xx
  work experience: more than one year
  contact tel:
  job intentions
  the nature of jobs: full-time
  post category: e-commerce / sales / b2c/c2c / logistics
  job title: clerks, procurement, customer service, warehouse, etc.;
  work areas: xiamen jimei district; xiamen tongan district; reported forduty time:到岗may at any time
  skills expertise
  language skills: english; putonghua standard
  computer level: computer proficiency, office office automation software
  educational background:
  time school qualifications
  september 20xx - july 20xx xiamen, east china sea vocational and technicalcollege
  work experience
  company: xiamen shun-qing automation technology co., ltd.
  time frame: december 20xx - january 20xx
  company nature: private / private companies
  their respective industries: trade, commerce, import and export
  to hold office: sales staff
  job description: network marketing, as well as warehouse management, data,etc.
  company: xiamen sky express logistics
  time frame: march 20xx - december 20xx
  company nature: private / private companies
  industry: transportation, logistics, express delivery <
  post as: logistics / warehousing
  job description: 07-03 to 07-08 is responsible for customer service andexpress shipping operations 07-08 to 07-11 is responsible for freight serviceand billing
  i have a strong team spirit among colleagues, have good interpersonalrelationships; good at coordination.
  during university i studied computer networks have some knowledge aboutcomputers, i seriously can bear hardships and stand hard work, self-motivated.after engaging in the service industry so i have learned patience, tolerance andself-control. what a year of sales experience i learned how to communicate withpeople, as well as self-learning. i am a person of honor and promised to docertain things other people do. into action to appreciate the language of thepeople, hate the language into action.
  nationality: chinese
  current location: guangzhou national: han
  exit and entry: hainan is: 162 cm 47 kg
  marital status: single age: 27 years old
  training certification: integrity badge:
  job search intention and work experience
  personnel types: ordinary job
  position: construction / real estate / property management categories:administrative clerical, sales administrative / personnel type of administrativeassistant, clerical assistant sales of other types of business with a single
  work experience: 4 title: junior
  job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time
  monthly requirements: 1500 - xx hope that the working area: guangzhou,shenzhen
  personal experience: xx.8-xx.9 lee & man paper co., ltd. hainanassistant (with one) seeking to develop
  great south east home xx.10-xx.4 chief secretary transferred
  great south east home xx.5-xx.10 sales co., ltd. is seeking to develop
  job search intention and work experience
  position: assistant business, real estate sales, administrative clerical,sales assistant
  work experience: 4 years title: none
  job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time
  monthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area:
  personal experience: xx/05 xx/12 grand southeast qionghai propertieslimited
  sales job duties:
  any sales consultants and personal banking customers responsible formortgage business, property registration for the work of clients, files anddrawings of the classified management; familiar with the process of real estatesales
  gender: male
  Age: 23 years old height: 172 cm
  Marital status: single current address: jiangsu
  Job objective
  Expect post properties: full-time
  Expected monthly salary: 20xx ~ 3000
  Expect engaged in post: the manager and logistics manager, chain departmentmanager, purchasing manager, purchasing manager/supervisor, buyer/purchasingassistant, college graduates
  Expect engaged in industry, agriculture and fishery/forestry and animalhusbandry
  Introduce yourself
  I have a warm and cheerful, friendly, honest modesty. Work hard, seriousand responsible, can bear hardships and stand hard work, conscientious, havepatience. Has the affinity, approachable, is good
at communicating with people.Study hard earnestly, won the third grants.
  In ordinary school life, doing a lot of part-time. For example: familyeducation, and sent the leaflets, questionnaire survey, but also to the factoryto play any summer jobs, experience the various work of the different operationprocedure and style, exercise became the spirit of the bear hardships and standhard work, and from work experience the fun, trying my best.
  Four years of college career, let my organization coordinated ability,management ability, strain
  Education experience
  Start-stop years: in September 20xx to June 20xx
  The school name: hunan agricultural university
  Professional name: agriculture
  Degree: bachelor degree
  gender: female
  Age: 24 height: 160 cm
  Marital status: single address: chang DE city
  Job objective
  Recent work position:
  Expect post properties: full-time
  Expected monthly salary: 20xx ~ 3000
  Expect engaged in post: executive director, sales director, salesengineers, cost manager/supervisor, accounting supervisor
  Expect engaged in industry: computer software/hardware,accounting/auditing, financial (investment/securities, financial(bank/insurance), academic/scientific research
  Self evaluation
  I am hunan engineering institute of international economy and trade a freshgraduates. Get accountant from job seniority card, English level 4, nationalcomputer level 2, customs declarer certificate and etc.
  Not competitive, but always competitive. University students once wasappointed deputy director of the office of the department, each year during theperiod of school scholarship and obtained the country pursues a scholarship, wasawarded triple-a student, outstanding student cadres. In the youth have apassionate heart, do not the best, only better.
  Not superstitious himself, but always believe in your ability. My majorfoundation is good, learning ability, and good character,
  Education experience
  Start-stop years: in September 20xx to June 20xx
  The school name: hunan college of engineering
  Professional name: international economy and trade
  Degree: bachelor degree
  Internship experience
  Start-stop date: in May 20xx to June 20xx
  Enterprise name: xiangtan TCL
  In position: sales promotion member
  Performance: learning a lot of sales experience, learned and thecommunication between different groups.