广告狂人Mad Men第二季中英剧本
坐直Sit up straight.
脚后跟向下手放松Heels down. lighten your hands.
漂亮Good girl.
谢谢合作There we go.
现在麻烦您站到上面来Now, if you can step over here.
你可真结实You're a big one.
谢谢莉莉Thank you, Lilly.
坐下Have a seat.
那么德雷珀先生So, Mr. Draper,
你已经很久没有体检了You haven't had a physical in quite some time.
我经常吃苹果[俗语:一天一苹果疾病远离我]I eat a lot of apples.
你们这些年轻人都怎么了What is it with you boys?
都非要到办医疗保险的时候才来体检Why does it take an insurance physical to get you in here? 血压是多少What's the number?
现在开始担心了吗Because that will mean something to you?
{\fn方正综艺简体}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}/It's over ,
对你这个年纪来说算高了Which is high for boys our age.
你父母的情况怎么样Tell me about your parents.
还健在吗Living or deceased?
都过世了Dead. both.
我爸爸是或者死的My dad was , .
他死于车祸He died in an accident,
我母亲生我的时候死于难产And my mother died in childbirth.
我想她当时大概是岁吧She was , I think.
你每天喝多少酒How many drinks do you have a day?
葡萄酒鸡尾酒啤酒Wine, cocktails, beer.
看情况吧没有定量的Everything depends on the day.
多的时候一般是多少Days of plenty being?
你是个处于高管阶层的商人压力繁重You're a highpowered businessman with a hightension job.
我只是想帮你I'm trying to help you here.
一天两罐不过你还得减And two packs a day, but you're cutting down.
好吧All right.
过去的一年里有什么变化吗Any changes in the last year?
你指什么What do you mean?
健康方面的In your health.
你早上起来的时候感觉怎么样How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
你感觉怎么样How do you feel?
你活得太辛苦了You live too hard,
不只是在工作上And not just at the office.
它会突然压垮你It'll hit you all at once.
没没什么我一直一直都还不错Nope. no, I' I've been good.
好吧我给你开一些利血平降血压All right, I'm going to write you some reserpine to bring that down.
还有一些镇静安眠剂这有助于你放松And some phenobarbital to help you relax.
你岁了You're years old.
是时候好好珍惜健康了You need to take this seriously.
买艘船吧Buy a boat.
吸气Breathe in.
所以我等贝奇去玩的时候So I wait for Becky to go play,
检查了她的铅笔盒And I look in her pencil case.
里面有将近块钱There's almost dimes.
她开始不吃午餐了She stopped eating lunch.
我讨厌说谎I hate the dishonesty.
你应该高兴她开始注意自己的饮食了You should be glad she watches what she eats.
那倒是她越来越瘦了That's the truth. she is slimming down.
早上好女士们Good morning, ladies.
你想在这里下来吗You want to get off right here?
你可以直接去你的车那里You can go right to your car.
他是个战俘He's a prisoner of war.
因为他不会骑马Because he can't ride.
他这个年龄的人不会突然想学骑马A man that age doesn't suddenly take this up.
他只有岁He's .
他这么跟你说的吗Did he tell you that?
我想是吧I think so.
他和我聊过他订婚了He talks to me. he's engaged.
没必要对他冷漠There's no point in being aloof.
我不明白有什么好说的I wouldn't know what to talk about.
你真有意思你是在生气吗Aren't you funny? are you scandalized?
好吧如果你一定要知道的话Well, if you must know,
我们在聊你we talk about you
还有格迪对你的爱慕之情And how Gertie has a crush on you.
她是个施虐狂She's a sadist.
周六见I'll see you saturday.
你不怕把马粪带进车里吗Don't you hate getting manure in that?
反正小孩也会弄脏的又有什么区别Little children. what's the difference?
小你就跟我说你想把它放哪吧Look, miss, just tell me where you want it.
可以把储物柜搬出来然后靠着那面墙放I could take out the lockers and use that wall.
休息室吗The break room?
不要剥夺我们的休息室Don't take away the break room.
我不会剥夺任何东西的I'm not taking away anything.
相信我这机器是给你们的礼物Believe me, this machine is a gift to you girls.
情人节快乐美女们Happy Valentine's, girls.
我看你要拿这个大家伙怎么办How are you going to wear that around your neck?
这比他们跟我说的大多了It's much bigger than they said it was.
我觉得需要专门设间办公室I think it needs an office.
拜托Come on.
我们都已经挤成一团了别这么做We're already doubling up. don't do that.
我室友在恩斯特会计事务所工作My roommate works at ernst & ernst.
她的生日邀请卡就是用这机器做出来的She did her birthday party invitations on this.
是彩纸做的On colored paper.
听我说小你想放在那里我就放在哪I told you, Miss, I'll try as many places as you want. 要不我们暂时就先放在这吧Maybe we should leave it here for the time being.
我受不了了我要吃了I don't care. I'm doing this.
你要是觉得你一带头If you think that if you start eating,
我们就会跟着你一起的话你就错了we're all going to join you, you are wrong.
听我说唐不是个在意礼数的人Look, Don's not one to stand on ceremony.
他才不会在意呢He's not going to care.
我真及时我就知道德雷珀会来晚的I made it. I knew Draper would be late.
我桌子里有些饼干I have some crackers in my desk.
看来是开夜车了So, burning the midnight oil.
还好啦S'all right.
希望你的文案不错Hope the words are good
因为他没加插图'cause he ain't got any artwork.
你没时间给它交给美工组吗You didn't have time to give it to art?
你想要把这儿当家吗You want to start living here?
我每天:前要到Pen&Pencil公司I'm supposed to be the Pen&Pencil by : every day.
我说好了的I was promised.
听我说弗雷迪吃就算了Look, Freddie, the eating is the thing.
但你可以喝一杯I'm sure you can have a drink.
这是行业潜规则It's an unspoken agreement.
我给你拿弗雷迪I got you, Freddie.
所有的杯子都在这了吗佩奇Are these all the glasses, Peggy?
我不知道I don't know.
我们有插图We have artwork.
佩奇去看看唐今天会不会来Peggy, go see if we can expect Don today.
好主意That's a good idea.
德雷珀不会冲她发火的Draper's not going to yell at her.
你只喝酒就行了吗You want to be alone with that?
我跟你们说德雷珀肯定把她搞大了I'm telling you, Draper knocked her up.
她离开了几个月She goes away for a couple of months,
瘦了磅盎司Drops about pounds, ounces,
回来就升职了Comes back with a job.
唐都搞了我三年了Don's been screwing me for the last three years.
我怎么什么都没捞到I've got nothing.
你们都在笑什么What's everybody laughing at?
对佩奇·奥尔森幸运的职业生涯的大讨论The great debate wages on about Peggy Olson's charmed career
减肥中心啊Fat farm.
我以为我们达成了共识I thought we had verification.
你知道德雷珀先生什么时候会来吗Do you have any idea when you'll be expecting Mr. Draper? 从早上开始我就一直在等他过来I was expecting him at the beginning of work today,
之前他打电话过来说他会晚到But then he called and said he'd be late.
他说他要去看电影He said he was going to the movies.
谢谢Thank you.
你是在影射什么吗Are you insinuating something?
我没有啊我不觉得I wasn't doing anything, I don't think.
好吧我相信Well, I believe that.
我希望你每次谈论德雷珀先生的时候都想着I want you to imagine, when you talk about Mr. Draper,
他就站在你身后That he's standing right behind you.
希望你每次谈论他的时候最好都能想到这点And think about that whenever you speak of him.你要揭发我吗Are you going to tell on me?
我不知道我什么都没做啊I didn't know. What did I do?
你知道德雷珀先生在哪里吗Do you know where Mr. Draper is?
不我不知道No, I don't.
我想他是在开玩笑吧I think he was joking.
露易丝你知道德雷珀先生在哪里吗Lois, do you know where Mr. Draper is?
他出去了He's out.
谢谢露易丝Thank you, Lois.
这书怎么样How is it?
他有些篇章是在这里写的He wrote some of it here.
还有些是在街写的那里已经被拆了Some of it on rd street, some place they tore down.
坐在酒吧吃午饭感觉真的不错Makes you feel better about sitting in a bar at lunch.
让人觉得好像完成了某件事情Makes you feel like you're getting something done.
是啊我们总想着如何去完成一些事情Yeah. It's all about getting things done.
这书好看吗Is it good?
我觉得你不会喜欢的I don't think you'd like it.
你要见我吗You wanted to see me?
我想看一下那个情人节的礼物I wanted to see that valentine heart.
我正要去拿还有别的吗On my way out. Anything else?
我要带莫娜去Lutest餐厅I'm taking Mona to Lutest.
我想知道那里环境怎么样Let me hear what the living are up to.
你很爱她You love her.
那个犹太医生呢What happened to the jewish doctor?
他不是犹太人He's not jewish.
现在不是了但以前是相信我Not anymore, but he was. trust me.
他还是医生吗Is he still a doctor?
你怎么跟个小女生似的You sound like a little girl.
跟你有什么关系What do you care?
我希望你幸福I wish you every happiness.
我知道他只是替代品我已经说过了I'm well aware this is vicarious. I already said that. 我已经知道他什么时候会向我求婚了I already know what day he's going to ask me.
他知道吗Does he know that?
因为我觉得Because I have a feeling there's
他要是误了日子就惨了A penalty for passing that date
他知道He knows.
菲利普斯先生要见你Mr. Phillips here to see you.
让他进来Send him in.
美女们都收到我的糖果了吗Did you girls get my candy?
是的我们很感激不过并不喜欢Yes. It was appreciated and yet unappreciated.
还有别的事吗Anything else?
没了谢谢就这样了No, thank you. that'll be all.
你忙吗Got a second?
一听这话就知道没好事Nothing good ever started with that sentence.
不是这样的是马丁森咖啡的事It's not that. It's Martinson's coffee.
我很兴奋我们就要拿下这个项目了I'm excited about the possibility of that happening, 而且如你所知And, as you recall,
马丁森咖啡有一个特殊的问题Martinson's coffee has a unique problem.
很好我们就喜欢这样Good. we like that.
是这样的Well, that's just it.
岁以下的人都不喝咖啡了No one under drinks coffee anymore.
只喝百事可乐Just pepsi.
他们用它来冲麦片They pour it on their frosted flakes.
对于那些年轻人来说For those who think young.
这也是为什么我对唐感到失望Which is why I was disappointed to see Don
他让弗雷迪·拉姆森做这个项目Put Fred Rumsen on this.
因为弗雷迪不喝咖啡啊So Freddie doesn't drink coffee.
他也不戴胸罩He doesn't wear a bra, either.
但他在哺儿适奶瓶项目上做得很出He managed to do a good job on Playtex.
这里没有年轻人让人很沮丧It's frustrating not to have young people around here.
我们的国家很年轻We're a young country.
总统才刚有小孩The president has a baby.
你到处看看Have you been out there?
社会都被这些年轻人败坏了It's rotten with kids.
到处都泛滥着他们身上的古龙水味儿And the cologne they wear.
真正的年轻人岁或者更小Real kids. . even less.
或者一个团队也可以Maybe one of those teams.